Are there any email clients that just werk?

Are there any email clients that just werk?

Thunderbird: ugly af and doesn't handle gmail properly.
Nylas mail: written in javascript

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Use Alpine my friend

Try sylpheed.


K9 on fdroid


Microsoft Outlook

i don't have the passion required to spend several hours fucking with permissions, etc. in a terminal. and fixing any problems that will occur..

will investigate!

i think i'm just going to stick with thunderbird, it's not bad at all and the only problems that bug me are cosmetic.

except threaded convs, that sucks

Use emacs.

wmail for +2000s people
clawmail for -2000s people

> Thunderbird: ugly af and doesn't handle gmail properly.
You mean doesn't use/support google proprietary api (xoauth2)?
It is same reasons as other clients doesn't have this -

the Windows 10 Mail app

Windows: Mailbird
OSX: Airmail

iOS: Spark
Android: Aquamail

gmail (web interface)

>doesn't handle gmail properly
Works on My Machine™.

>Thunderbird: ugly af

mutt is solid, claws.

Gmail integration is bad on thunderbird. Why do you say that? Works flawlessly for me. I am having issues using microsofts account on 3rd party mail clients, because I have 2fa set up and I have to set up app passwords, which I am lazy to do. I just use a webclient for that one email address, my other emails work fine.

Warning claws and gmail don't work that well together, you have to finnick a lot. Claws is great for standard imap email set ups.

Claws. Lightweight and just werks™

>+2000s people
not on this site

Thread should have ended here.
t. brainlet

how the fuck do you even set up mutt
it's convoluted as hell

A good alternative for people who want to look 1337 in the command line, but also want an "almost just werks" should try Alpine. You just set up incoming and outgoing connections and you are good. All the commands are printed on the bottom of the screen like in nano, so you don't need to learn how to use it.


Opera Mail

what is email client? Why would any sane person use email client if he can access email through web browser?

>Thunderbird: ugly af and doesn't handle gmail properly.
thunderbird works great with gmail and my student mail acccount.

t. neet

why not just use webmail.

sane notifications and unix philosophy

This. K9 is god tier for phones but I haven't found a good alternative for desktop yet. I'm still using Apple Mail but it works alright.

multiple emails


there's applets just for notifications

>unix philosophy
fair enough but it's not like you have different programs for googling, shitposting, watching youtube videos... so who cares eh

i used to bother with email clients but really it's so much easier if you have a good webmail interface and just manage everything there, no setup required, accessible from anywhere

but I do have all those clients, I just only use them sparingly since I don't need them open all the time like I do mail
really I just find it easier to leave TB open in the background to take care of that and RSS feeds instead of tying it to my minimalist browsing philosophy

>different programs for googling, shitposting, watching youtube videos...
Those all fall under web browsing, for which I have a web browser.

that distinction is pretty arbitrary tho




can you spell white trash?

She looks to good and dresses too well to be white trash.

Try Outlook

>multiple accounts
>advanced automatic mail scoring / sorting / filtering / searching
>mailing lists support / threading
>different outgoing mail format ("From:" header, "wrote" line, signature) for different receipents
>no storage limits
>speed of searching the archives
>not being part of a botnet

Just the ones I use, but I'm an oldfag who's been using MUAs since before webmails even existed.
Last time I used GMail a few years back, there wasn't even a way to filter incoming mail by custom headers, so I had to delete spam one faggot was sending me from different fake accounts but one IP manually like a goddamn neanderthal.

You have no idea what white trash is.

White trash is what you see in caravan parks and poor suburbs.

Well groomed fit women who know how to dress to show off their shape are not white trash.

Please learn English.


but suriously



fuck me that icon is sexy

i want to lick it

second for sylpheed

unironically Outlook

know how to dress? okey dokey.

>saves passwords in plaintext
No thank you.

No one is stopping you.

what about fsf recommend it....

They aren't accepting new registers.

damn i did not know that... why?

Fuck off, we're full.

>Thunderbird: ugly af and doesn't handle gmail properly.
Works fine on my machine.