What OSs are Sup Forums using?

what OSs are Sup Forums using?




that one

same (op here)

Arch Linux on my laptop for various reasons.
Windows 7 on my desktop for gay-ming.

mint on my x220
windows 7 on desktop
os x on rMBP 15"

ubuntu gnome 17.04

mint / gentoo

I have been lazy and not finishing my gentoo, install I got the kernel working, I boot into gentoo. I am learning basic web programming 101, and want to finish my pet project before I start devoting a lot of time, to learning the deeper aspects of linux breaking and fixing things on my labtop. I don't even know my programming and web abcs yet. I figure I jumped the gun installing gentoo. I definately learned a lot just getting it to boot.

I really don't have that much to do now, just boot up my environment, I am going to be installing KDE and then I am pretty much done.


ubuntu on old laptop, ubuntu minimal on crap netbook, arch on daily driver

Pajeet/Autism Minimal 1.0

Arch Linux since a year.

Very happy with it.



Peppermint OS 7

Resurrection Remix Nougat 7.1.1

iOS 10.3.1

>alarm clock
Android 4.4.4

>Peppermint OS 7
>Resurrection Remix
>iOS 10.3.1
>an Alarm Clock option for OS
You're a brown person, aren't you?

Arch, Arch, Arch, Ubuntu, Ubuntu, Ubuntu, Antergos, Wangdows 10, Rasbian, and about a hundred VM's.

idkau but I have a separate phone as an alarm because I flash roms and would forget to set alarms.

Plan 9, mac os x mavericks, ios

So yes to the brown thing?

Probably not Indian, since they all use chinese phones and jerk over the "specs" of their botnet calling devices.

my grandfather's name was literally Adolf, stop projecting so much

Just sounds like software brown people would use.

Especially the iOS and spyware desktop and hipster tablet.

it means I don't know about you.

I thought it was more common

I don't use Windows or an iPad, sorry user

I looked up Peppermint OS and it's the most spic-tier Linux distro ever made.

Use LineageOS instead of that garbage Indians make and fuck around with.


>work comp


>medium old laptop

>old laptop

on arch linux - how do I setup the network manager and not have to call dhcpcd every reboot????

yeah look at all those Pedros

>Use LineageOS
it is

pic related this time

also forgot:

OS X 10.11.6

all that time spent ricing and you can't into systemd


pacman -S network-manager
systemctl enable NetworkManager.service

Win 7 + a bunch of VirtualBoxes.

Installing OSes is somehow fun; I don't understand it myself.


Windows 10. Nothing to hide since im not a pedo

PC: windows 10

laptop: osx

phone: android

systemctl enable dhcpcd

>pic related

>another ricer doesn't know shit about linux

>reddit irc
>reddit wm
Kill yourself

main laptop: win10 (fucku i need my music software)
2nd laptop arch
server/nas: win 2012r2

OS X on work laptop
Arch Linux on everything else


Windows 10

Main PC: Windows 7 (muh games)
T420: Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 (it just werks)
Jailbroken iPhone SE on 10.2

>actually uses chromeOS
Google cuck faggot


Win 7
Android 5.1

Gentoo and Ubuntu

Arch Linux

>Desktop 2
Arch Linux, Ubuntu, Gentoo

Arch Linux

>Laptop 2
Windows 7

LineageOS 14.1 (Android 7.1.1)

the best one

>le ebin desktop thread meme

its my meme baka ill use it if i want


that's not arch linux silly
pic related

Apple© Macintosh® MacOS™

let the butthurt begin

Arch Linux on main PC
Void Linux on Laptop

Void Linux.
I want Pence to electrocute all the gays.

Fedora's KDE spin, but since it's bugs ridden like all fedora versions tend to I am considering going back to openPEPE.

Real man use OS created by real german.

Kubuntu 17.04

Ubuntu Mate 16.04LTS

Ubuntu Mate 16.04LTS

Android 6.0

Gentoo on my desktop, OpenSUSE on my laptop, and FreeBSD on my servers.



Ubuntu + android

enjoying the screen tearing?

Gentoo for programming and other dev stuff
OS X for design and non technical work
CentOS for servers


Ubuntu at work

OpenSUSE Tumbleweed on desktop/laptop


Ubuntu GNOME




Easy way:
wifi-menu -o
netctl enable

Hard way:
Description='Muh network'
Interface=wlp2s0 # whatever

Save in /etc/netctl and then netct enable it (by filename)
If you want to feel safer run wpa_passphrase to pre-hash your passphrase


What do you guys do for work? I thought the enterprise go to was RedHat or SUSE?

Private security firm, most of our guys are running Ubuntu or OpenSUSE. Mainly due to laziness, we've all had our fun distro-hopping and we need something that 'just werks' so we can crack on with our jobs.

The meme OS.

Linux is for cucks

t. Proud cuck

Windows 8.1 on my desktop
Windows 7 on my school laptop.

Everything just works


You need to be 18 or more to browse this site.

>9.8 Gb of RAM used
Also, Illya a shit.

>have ram
>but don't use it
your dumb


Ubuntu Budgie, i wonder why am i wrong using that, please tell me

Unless you have 2 VM's opened at once, that amount of ram doesn't make any sense.

macOS using ram for caching to make things faster baka

>he doesn't love big brother

I'm stealing your meme unless you delet it.

Arch and Windows 8

I'm a complete noob when it comes to linux but a longtime Windows fag who became very interested in diving into linux. I decided that the only way to figure this out would be to distro hop. I distro hopped in a virtual machine. I installed and played around with Ubuntu, Manjaro, Linux Mint, Antergos, and Arch Linux. I have to say that Arch Linux was my favorite and most pleasing installation. I enjoyed the process and I felt a real sense of satisfaction upon its completion. I liked all the others, and Ubuntu or Linux Mint is probably where I would have stopped if this way 30 years ago and I was still in my teens and just learning my way around Windows. That's not meant to be a shot at Ubuntu or Linux Mint. I think they are a great way to introduce operating systems to the masses, but I was looking for something that could give me a little more granular control over the installation. I don't think I am quite ready yet for Gentoo but I am probably headed in that direction. For now, I'm settled in and getting comfortable with Arch Linux.

i use void linux

screenfetch thinks its arch, but its antergos

Is that actually you? Do you post pics somewhere?

But antegros is arch.

>implying your going to dox me

Well you are already posting here, so obviously posting your images are not the problem. I just thought you where cute user.
(assuming it's actually you)