Why or how did the Internet become so cold, sterile, and uninteresting?

Why or how did the Internet become so cold, sterile, and uninteresting?

Everything now is social media garbage or created with the sole intention of generating profit.

The Internet used to be a place where people went and fucked around, where interesting things were shared solely because they were interesting, and where you could always see something new or creative.

Now it's just site after fucking site of commercialized trash which exists either to harvest your personal information for the purpose of delivering personalized ads to you, or to sell you something (and then use that purchase to deliver personalized ads to you).

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You got old and left newgrounds

I think you answered your own question. It used to be full of people creating and sharing weird, cool, interesting things. Then the dotcom bubble happened, bringing the vapidity of consumerism and content-motivated-by-profit with it. It's been downhill ever since.

consumerism has ruined pretty much everything:
the internet
comic books

everything I've ever enjoyed has pretty much been degraded into half-assed products used to make money and cater to normalfags.
then when you finally snap, people turn around and ask you why you don't just absolutely love capitalism and democracy like they do.

That's part of the reason why you're on Sup Forums. This site is more or less the antithesis to the things you are describing.

The only websites people use now are Facebook, YouTube and Google to get to them. These websites are heavily monetised, moderated and reward things based on popularity.

The internet is now just as bad as television in principle.

Use its real name, man.

you don't notice the good stuff.
But yeah it spread a lot.

what would that be? "judaism"?

Social VR is the new frontier- sort of reminds me of the early days of Garys mod only 1000x better.

Unfortunately it's somewhat tainted by SJW ideology as everything else is but that's easy enough to avoid

Are you really too dumb to keep up with the internet that you act like it starts and ends at social media?

Pure unadulterated self-interest I-me-mine Capitalismâ„¢.

Here OP, maybe this will cheer you up:

this used to be a website like you described. I've known it since 10 years ago. A year or 2 after finding it, it went dead. I've kept an eye on it the last 8 years with no sign of anything good happening.

But now: goldeneye007.detstar.com/

Deterest is back, bitches!

>Payment processing got more trustworthy, making cash-in sites are easier
>Smartphones came out and "quick but mildly cash-in fun" moved from flash games to apps
>Facebook came out and filled the social needs of a lot of people who'd participate in more participatory communities
>Youtube and twitch compete for gamer attention
>Erosion of the middle class means people who work are busier

It's a lot of things, really.

>why does making the internet so widespread made it pander to the lowest common denominator so that it could become accessible to all the new people influx?

Gee, I dunno.

Yea i remember the good days back in AOL instant messanger when i had dialup on my 56K modem card.

In the past you had to be tech savvy to be able to use the internet, and I guess being tech savvy meant you had some other interesting traits which made the internet a more interesting place with interesting people.

Now, any uninteresting person with basically zero knowledge of technology can use the internet. And people who want to make money exploit this.

social media opened the flood gates to women and niggers

I think you're mistaking a proportionately less interesting internet for an internet with less interesting things because it's full of non-creators.

Imagine "cool things/ideas" could be measured by a unit - let's call them "U"s. In the earliest days of the internet, people connecting to the internet generally wanted to create new things and collaborate on new ideas. They were scientists, engineers, software engineers and new students who actually wanted to learn, from a time before education systems got heavily subsidized and pushed by governments that universities and colleges became degree-printing machines. Every new person added to the internet brought some quantity of Us to the internet and, as natural creators of things, every other person on the internet could interact with those Us to generate new, interesting things from those ideas and things. Even after AOL came around and introduced a lot of new, non-producers of Us, those new users certainly pushed ideas around faster, which really pushed some stuff into being mainstream interesting, but made some other stuff even more interesting because it wasn't nu-user, AOL-kid-normie-shit.

There was an implied multiplier effect of Us, where if we had N new user interactions, and a multiplier of D (with an additional multiplier of D for nu-user AOL kids increasing the velocity of how quickly new ideas were passed around), if new scientists were S, and new engineers were E, and new software engineers were Se and the nu-user AOL-shits were counted by Nu, we could easily find the amount of interesting stuff by the algorithm: U = Se*N*D*Nu*D*E*S

The internet got flooded with people who bend the internet to their own interests, force interaction of ideas to be made in a controlled way, and limit ideas that could be expressed based on what people with the most money want. The number of interesting things and ideas that come out is no longer multiplicative like that - but they still exist.

It's funny. Kids nowadays have grown up, never seeing the pre-2000s web.

If you're so concerned, host a web server or go on Neocities or something. Found a club for the web, for Christ's sake.


The internet hasn't become cold, sterile, nor uninteresting. Normies just don't know how to access the good shit, which explains your view of the internet as sterile -- the internet isn't, you are.

Fuck. That hit a little too close to home.

I was hoping to get that reaction. You're literally the problem. You see ideas that you don't agree with, instead of being constructive by telling me it's a shit joke and making a better one, you're telling me to go somewhere to "be with my people". You don't want to see a better, more interesting internet where ideas meet and become better. You want to be in your own special kind of safe bubble of thought, in the same way that you imagine reddit to be. You've gotten so used to a segmented, shitty internet, you can't imagine the internet in any other way, and you're literally fighting to keep it that way.

So judaism. Gotcha shekels, goy.

I've been learning to edit videos so I can make entertaining shit and don't want to make any money out of it because I still desperately hold onto the idea of what the internet once was about. I just do it because it's fun and hopefully make one or two people enjoy it as well.

making things better starts with all those that remember how good it used to be becoming creators.

>instead of being constructive by telling me it's a shit joke
Well, since you asked so nicely: it's a shit joke. It was a shit joke before Reddit ran it into the ground, and it's still a shit joke afterward. Your actual point was buried in setup for your dank memery. Keep that shit on Reddit, where it's completely expected that every single poster has a moronic sense of humor.

>segmented, shitty internet
There's nothing shitty about segmentation. Different sites host different communities with different standards. Let the people who think repeating the same joke every day for a month is good comedy stay on Reddit, and let the people who think swastikas and the word "faggot" are hilarious stay on Sup Forums. If you think there's any shortage of diversity of ideas on either site, then you must be browsing with your eyes closed.

This is a good point.

>The Internet used to be a place where people went and fucked around, where interesting things were shared solely because they were interesting, and where you could always see something new or creative.

Places like those you described still exist, alongside the "commercialized trash" you mentioned. Sites do die -- users grow older and change their interests; admins move on; communities migrate -- but others pop up all the time. I remember having a cycle of GameFAQs game social boards I would go through once a day, checking for new posts and making topics.

These days I have a cycle of electrician/trades-related boards I cycle through once a day. And now, with many more people using the internet than 10 years ago, I have the added benefit of fast-moving boards like Sup Forums to visit.

If anything's changed, it's you: there was probably a time where you didn't mind online communities with a small user-base and slow traffic; however, you now have the attention-span of a gnat and want instant gratification, so you return to popular sites like Sup Forums, facebook, reddit, etc. and complain about how "cold, sterile, and uninteresting" the entire internet is.

Go find a small, niche community that you're interested in and fucking deal with the fact that it's small and niche. Just remember to not be a monkey and maybe the userbase won't collectively shit on and permaban you, you fucking nigger monkey.

>Just remember to not be a monkey and maybe the userbase won't collectively shit on and permaban you, you fucking nigger monkey.

This unjustified, hyperbolic hostility is also a cancer on the Internet. Fuck off with your ragey 12 year old persona.

>visits website known mainly for its hostile, aggressive userbase
>complains about hostility and aggression
You must be a special kind of stupid. If you don't appreciate the way users here conduct themselves, there's an easy solution: leave. There are thousands of other websites that will give you a friendlier reception. We'll carry on having a good time without you, the same way we always have.

>I have the added benefit of fast-moving boards like Sup Forums to visit.
>Sup Forums

I've spent the last few months building a search engine (wibr.me) where only older html style, hobbiest made sites are kept. Which are minimal in bloat. If you know any decent sites, please submit some! I only got a few sites indexed.

I've been on the internet since it was gopher. The big change and when it went to shit was when they let non-academic institutions onto the network. There was an initial flood of aol users followed by corporate users. That's when it started sucking and the news serves went to shit.

Simply put, normies.
Not as an insult or anything, but as more and more normal everyday people started to use the internet, more and more companies tried to appeal. Eventually a few won out and now your average person only uses a few websites. They don't feel the need to find or create new things, because they are complacent. Due to this many people who were interested in tech tried to create these types of websites. Some died but many succeeded, and due to many of the old creators of the internet becoming cooperations, and the new users of the internet (teens and young adults) growing up when this was the case, creativity and genuine interest in the internet itself has been dying off.

It's a hollowing out phenomenon.

You should make a page on there which lists the indexed sites.
