Tell friend to install gentoo

>tell friend to install gentoo
>he asks why
>i tell him it's a joke
>he doesn't believe that
>i show him pictures of said joke
>he proceeds to actually install gentoo
what do

congratulate him

Ask him if he used genkernel.

>what do

follow his lead and install gentoo.

You don't belong to this board in constrast to your friend, if you can't even bother to install gentoo, OP.

give him 3 months
>he'll get the joke and install new OS

>i tell him it's a joke
you are autistic

You're friend should be on this board and you should go away.

steal his computer and install ubuntu on it

give a /k/ommando the shiggy diggy on Gentoo
what's special about it?

It's a meme distribution of Linux.
Its a meme because its fucking hard to install and will take away your weekend from you.

This is only distro with choise of packages. Everything is automated so you just write things you like in config file and gentoo compile everything 4U
Get out


Kill yourself cause he'll have installed it before you.

Gentoo is a GNU/Linux distro. It's known for being very hard to install relative to the difficulty to install other distributions. Also instead of giving you a precompiled binary of a program ready to install it fetches source code and compiles the program locally. This means that every program is optimized for your hardware givinf you a sharp increase in speed.

ask him if he used menuconfig

the absolute madman

W-what if I did?

Install Gentoo is not meme.

I actually liked Gentoo, but once I forgot to add something or added something in the USE flags that I did not need, and may be annoying (cough, "debug") you need to rebuild the entire system and that broke several times.


Hard g or soft g on gentoo operative system software

>use genkernel
>get some cryptic error
>give up

No way am I going through making my own kernel config, fuck gentoo.

it's difficult to install, but the biggest bummer is that you have to compile EVERYTHING yourself

every little package/program you want, you have to compile on your own machine
no pre-packaged binaries, ever

now suppose that
>compiling firefox takes up to 5 hours on an average modern laptop
that is, if everything goes well during compilation

what the fuck am I looking at?

>operative system
Slavshit, you?

It didn't break, it just triggered rebuilds of several programmes which depended on the previous ones. I usually just loop that shit--if compilation fails, run perl-cleaner and python-updater and then try again. It just works.

I wanna do this soon. Libreboot Gantoo with dwm

Gentoo GNU/Linux experimental nomultilib, wayland desktop (weston)

Bullshit, Firefox takes 10-30 minutes

>screenfetch failing because no x server

>5 hours
30 minutes on my dual-core CPU >>

There is no X server.
X11 deprecated, I use Wayland.

yea, I figured.
I was just amused by the screenfetch output

I don't know, I'm now using Arch, thinking of installing Gentoo again tho

>he proceeds to actually install gentoo
The absolute madman

stop posting this. You are not a special snowflake. You are a stupid lonely fuck and installing gentoo doesn't make you better than anyone else here. About 100 other of us on this board also run gentoo and don't fucking brag about it. If you can't even configure wayland correctly you didn't "install gentoo." You failed to install gentoo. kys and stop posting you pile of shit screenfetches.

Fuck you