Is there a way of retrieving/viewing a recently deleted tweet?
Someone posted something and I need it as proof for an illegal activity against me.
Would really appreciate this.
Is there a way of retrieving/viewing a recently deleted tweet?
Someone posted something and I need it as proof for an illegal activity against me.
Would really appreciate this.
How about you just drink bleach instead?
How about you lie to me, tell me her name and that she's of age, and I'll tell you how do get a tweet back.
I don't have her name, but I got a friend who's done a real nice shoot that I can share with you?
The more you help, the more I give :)
that is some feat of textile engineering let me tell you
bump for interest
Even just to get a view of it? Like a screengrab.
>drink bleach meme
Trip fags truly are the worst
Fuck off, retard.
Dont care about those tits, care about the OP photo tits. Either way, I lied, and I don't care.
What? I've been doing it for years. Bet you can't even drink a glass of everclear, pussy.
>Not mixing ammonia in it
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
That girl has large breasts. Also: You can't, famburger. Better hope someone capped it.
I didn't screencap, but I saved the status link. Thought I could enter it into some app/site and it would show it.
If it's to get evidence of something you can contact twitter or the police. They should help you out.
I thought that there was a feminine penis from the thumbnail.
That is the same girl from the OP you fucking cunt. Either way, good find.
Are you blind? Nothing on that link looks remotely like her, dumbass.
You need to have your eyes seen to. Cunt.
20/20, nignog. Looks like your brain needs a once over.
Holy shit, you are fucking literally retarded. Please do the world a favor and fucking kill yourself.
How, and in what way does that look like the op photo? What in the actual fuck are you looking at? I'm looking at the goddamn photos and they look nothing alike, christ.
But please, show me the proper way of killing myself and I promise, I'll off myself after you do!
What's the account you want the tweet from
Can you do it?
you contact the police, file a police report.
contact a lawyer, have them file a subpoena for the record from twitter.
you're looking for a technical solution to a social problem.
stop being an insufferable autistic nerd about this.
Get a warrant, twitter will provide you with the tweet
install gentoo
>that girl fucking a horse's dick dildo
holy fuck how is that even possible
is it bigger than a newborn?
See for yourself.
I'm not OP, but if someone could find a way to view this tweet or get me a screen-shot of it, that would great.
This got deleted, but was a gem!
bump for interest
Hate seeing pictures like that. Someone out there is fucking that girl, and that isn't me.
Makes me mad, tbqhwyf.
Where does one find one like this ffs?
Most of what we have is B cups with the occasional C. Fuck Europe...
(((They))) put something in the American water that gives teenage girls double d tits and turns teenage boys into sissies
This is not even impressive, they sometimes fuck bigger dildos.
There used to be a way, but it's against Twitter TOS.
plebbit /r/ InternetIsBeautiful/comments/5su6dr/website_that_tracks_twitter_users_and_saves_their/
You should develop one of your own and host it on Tor, then share with Sup Forums
I doubt it but I suppose there's a chance that either your browser or some website has cached it
That girl has some boobs