reminder that marie is the queen of g
Reminder that marie is the queen of g
Other urls found in this thread:
amada is the only true queen of g
Just a reminder that you are a weeb that will never know the sweet taste of pussy
dont lie to the poor weebs, pussy tastes disgusting
gross dude
i can see it!
She literally looks like she crawled out of a grave, put a mask on and a shitload of makeup.
I are scared desu.
shut up idiot your dumb
your posts read like they crawled out of a toilet moron
Marie Rose!!!
My dumb what?
>toilet moron
the toilet moron is you and the posts crawled out, regrettably
>the posts crawled out
From where?
You must be new here. Maki is the queen of Sup Forums and she's getting pretty tired of your shit, OP.
right on cue
your dumb dont post in my thread idiot
Gonna need a rundown on her 5 cute facts
Also maki is the queen of Sup Forums. She is a tomato.
- She's a girl!
- She's a tomato!
- I love her!!!
- Maki!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't play console games so I don't know who that is, try Sup Forums.
she's on pc too
So is the chronicles of linkage: mountain escalation simulator but you don't see many people playing it on the pc.
the toilet moron, moron
Please try to stay on topic. The topic is Maki!!(!!!!!!)
I will never understand you loser's stupid fascination over anime babes.
Lain is Sup Forums's girl. Always has been, always will be.
Perhaps you should leave then, it's an anime board. Fag.
fuck off /r/eddit
makiposters need to be gassed
>reported this thread over 2 hrs ago.
>thread is still here.
Get your shit together Janny.
maybe it's not breaking any rules. did you think of that?
You're supposed to make a shitty strawpoll when you argue about these things, user
it's not an argument I was stating a fact
Poll says otherwise.
your dumb
your dumb
your not aloud to use my squiggly face btw
Not gayming related
I already did tho
delet it
damn, it doesn't work
where is illya chan
I've deliberately left out a few waifus and misspelled Marie's name.
because your dumb
go back to r9k
how come you're calling all these dweebs dumb but not me?? you're mean
if i didnt call u dumb then your not dumb probably
Don't insult me, I have genuinely never once set foot in /r9k/.
miyu is the cutest prisma
delet this
call me dumb
i need a reason