/ptg/ - Private Trackers General

sent ;) edition

Previously on >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker disservice by providing members with opportunities for shitposting development, by recognizing tracker drama competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


first for DOT CHUH

red tarded dot chuh :^)


where is the news?


You're fired


** is DOWN

>linking me my own vocaroo
what did he mean by this?

prove it

It's not your vocaroo anymore. It has been resisted into the borg. Assimilation is futile

I'd record a new one but I've got family over and they don't need to know I'm a closeted curry. I'll try later. I'm a shitty voice actor as a side job.


[email protected]


This is very hook, user

At least offer something that a nigger want

>weebs still crying about BBT

BakaBT is above the cabal

bakabt is a beautiful relic that we should dearly cherish

>feel when ur on AB and BBT
weeb king coming through
anime is chicken soup for the soul

>care only about anime
>on the best anime tracker
life is good

>finally join Emp
>expecting it to be like the BTN of porn
>Tranny Cumshot
>scene I don't want uploaded in 4 different qualities all uploaded back to back
>scene I do want uploaded only in 5Gb 2160p
>Tranny Cumshot
>50 more LadyboyGolds
>500 more Tranny Cumshots
I'm disappointed

Well I offered AB invites in the last thread but it looks like noone is interested.

>Not enjoying LadyboyGold

Whats the point I they'll just b& in 12 hrs

>not liking tranny porn
fuck off faggot

what are you, gay?

/pyramid user/, please tell me what to snatch so I make buffer on REDARTED?
thank you in advance and happy Easter to you
t. neon ratiocuck

They have weeb porn too, don't they?



>>Tranny Cumshot
what's the problem?

if you want buffer, redducttape is the wrong site for you


Then debunk >


You can't ask me to prove a negative.

Is the new Samurai Jack kino on BTN yet?

Some of my torrents has the tracker saying it's offline.

Any of you guys used rtinst before? Setup works fine but once it's done I can't ssh in, I changed the port too.

Even making a new user before the reboot doesn't work; I think the problem is because for some reason it doesn't prompt me to make a user (it does on a quick VPS I opened to make sure)

Any idea?

why bother with curry-tier 3rd party scripts?

Just install rtorrent, nginx, php, and rutorrent, and you're set.

It was supposed to make life easier

Even if they work, they always make shit harder in the long run.

Just install stuff you need, that way you can customize stuff the way you want

thank you, mine too. But some are still online.

Yeah you're right

Wasn't QuickBox supposed to make like easier?


QuickBox is nice and all but I have issues with the RAM cache, it hits 100% and DL speed drops

I think that's the issue anyway; no issues with anything else

who is he?

spaghetti is my GOD

but all the pastey white boys are on retarded dot chuh!?

>tfw on Bakabt and AnimeTorrents

>he hasn't completed the weeb triforce

What's the big deal with spaghetti, anyway?

Sorry, I forgot to mention my registered Nyaa account

spaghetti is /ptg/'s savior from neo-ptg

How will he save /ptg/ from neo-ptg?

don't question His master plan

Can I get a hint at lest?

Leave me alone, you creep!

sent mal

>Using the ultimatum without a carat nose

>mfw somebody looked at my btn profile

It was me !!

How to build ratio on RED? Nobody want''s my random Bandcamp free albums


leave me alone...

But, user, I love you !

f you guys, i'm never sending my MAL again

I don't care

Rsync isn't working
rsync -avhSP --stats [email protected]:/home/user/files/hey ./
am I a fool or what? I get the feeling i'm overlooking something really simple

why doesnt MaM let me cuss? i don't live with my parents let me fucking swear

You have to be over 18 to browse this site. You're recommended to be over 35, female, single with cats for MAM.

Maybe it's cause the invite system is down

Get raped and kill yourself of retarded kike loving fucking tranny faggot sack of ugly nigger shit with down syndrome.

But none of these are insults

Just go away already, nekrololita.

Can't sleep

>using the smiley with a carat nose

what you fellas torrenting tonight?

>10:31 < akira> Greetings, I found this site from torrentinvites.org/trackerlist.php, because I'm looking for a private track providing gal-games.
>10:31 [ Torrent Invites - #1 To Buy, Trade, Sell Or Find Free Tracker Invites! ] - torrentinvites.org
>10:33 < akira> from now, I have Jpopsuki, Sinderella and HDChina.
>10:36 < akira> jpopsuki.eu/user.php?id=144266 blady.me/user.php?id=23688 hdchina.club/userdetails.php?id=236874
>10:36 [ Login :: JPopsuki 2.0 ] - jpopsuki.eu
>10:38 < akira> I have about 1 TB gal-games and adult doujin games
>10:43 nice
>10:43 what's your email
>10:44 < akira> [email protected]
>10:44 sent
>10:45 < akira> ty. Got the email
>10:47 < akira> registered. thx a lot



Wow, I didn't know normalfags had HDChina. How do I get in?

why do some of my torrents on animebytes keep having errors in rutorrent?

whats going on with pornbay?

I'm having tracker offline issues for some of my torrents as well. Problem is probably on AB's end.

Alright cheers buddy that's what I thought. Thought I saw something a few days ago about them saying they fixed a lot of the problems with it though

who is that?

The real question is what the fuck is going on with trackers lately?
No one really knows what's going on with pb as far as I know, there's an r/trackers thread saying something about competent staff leaving, or them making a mistake with ssl cert.

femdomcult is fine : )

in terms of porn trackers, seeing as pornbay may be gone. whos the best?


what do they have

What did he mean by this?

missing the -r flag too?

>started to get back into reading
>can't read the rules

Probably you broke the "don't ask for invites, only offer" rule

How about you read the damn rules, then. If you have issues even getting what that means, you should just go back to school.

Never had any issues with rtinst

I would check the sshd config and logs

ive seen multiple posts claiming that pornolab is better than pornbay. but i dunno, i tried it out but looking at vodka runes gives me a headache

>open signup porn trackers
no thanks

yeh, once i got on emp i stopped using pb all together, but it isnt so bad

Yeah I got it working, the issue was I was running 'bash rtinst.sh' instead of 'sudo bash rtinst.sh'.

That was causing the script to just run as root and completely skip the account process, I don't know why it was changing my root info and why I couldn't change it back.

Someone post the recruitment spreadsheet