Find a flaw

Find a flaw.


Bad syntax

They need to somehow make high level GPU programming possible in .NET and C# would be the perfect server language.

No java

You have to go back.

C# is just VB++. It's associated with the most mediocre programmers you can find and the ecosystem is not as rich as the truly open source languages. So I would say that the fanbase of C# is their #1 flaw.

>Defends MS
Back to India with you

I would love to try it out. Why does visual studio have to be $500 though?

The only flaw is the '#', remove it and it's flawless

C# let's mediocre coders make functioning programs, whereas VB lets let's mediocre coders make nonfunctional garbage, the two have nothing in common.

It's literally free, check the community edition

I bet this guy likes his @properties and
def foo(type: bar) -> None:
Shit, I bet he even likes putting fucking underscores all over his code

I thought that was a pro

I just wanna download and run an old silverlight program offline. any advice?

And you were wrong. Java is way faster than C***rp

I target RHEL 6.

Don't you know Python exists?

HttpWebRequest throws an exception instead of returning HttpStatusCode.



It's Java but it stinks less. Pretty good for what it is.

Microsoft is rewriting Minecraft in C# for their windows 10 version and it's multiple times faster than the java version

It's too fucking sharp.

>software engineers at one of the biggest companies in the world write a game
>they are in close touch with the people who developed the os they're writing it for
>its faster than when a fedora tipping neckbeard writes it

good argument

>.NET shit is open-source
literally no flaws


>muh "VB is shit while the thing I use is great" meme

I don't like that similar properties has a completely different static class from where they can get values.
What I mean is for example if I want to center a text on a button let's say I have to use the TextAlignment static class, but if I want to center a text on a form I have to use the FormTextAlignmentType static class.
I know this example is exaggerated, but you get the idea.

Those static classes are using different constructors and initializes though, would you prefer they all use the same static class with overloaded constructors or something? I don't see this as a problem, its more of a clarification.

people look at me weird when I say C number

How is VS for other languages?

It's undoubtedly the best IDE to be released, it's feature-packed to a fault some say, calling it bloated, still, the debugging tools are fucking awesome.

>the hashtag meme
>#c# looks retarded on twitter

The API is huge but too fucking annoying to use. Every time you have to learn a shit ton of class names and how the MS devs decided that you should use it, which is usually a big wall of text when everything you wanted to do is fucking east and fast on other platforms. Also everytime wou'll be fucked by something that doesn't work how it should, isn't documented or has been forgotten by the devs.

The language itself is good but I've abandoned it.


>Garbage bracket positioning
>UpperCamelCase methods
no thanks

Name better one

ASP.NET mvc is highly underrated

Python is a sane language and has better syntax than C#.

Because it's behind almost *, even php things like symfony are better.



> what is Rust

It's a great language, just stay away from authN and authN exchange methods (AD, SAML, WIF, WS*, JWT) as they are all horribly documented.

The Rust fanboyism on this board has no basis in reality or business.

indeed what is it, has it ever been used in a serious product?

Name ONE (1, Uno) reason to learn Ruby.

>current state of /g

Silicon Valley doesn't use it.

Are you unable to read or are you mentally disabled?


Proprietary Microsoft shit. Yes I know it's sort of pseudo open source etc. but the major benefit is the libraries and ecosystem and shit, using C# on platforms other than Windows is like using Objective-C or Swift on platforms other than OS X. It can be done, but what's the point?

Hmmm I'll have to check it out then. Thanks bud.

>she doesn't see ++++ instead of #

Somehow still alive despite being slower, uglier and less portable than Java

The Java version would be faster if it were rewritten from the ground up for optimization. Minecraft was literally a fat Swede's hobby project to help him learn opengl, he never expected it to become what it is today, it was not originally built to be extended as far as it is now. If Notch were to rewrite Minecraft from scratch today in Java, with the full knowledge of what Minecraft must become,it would be orders of magnitude faster than the current Java version and the C# version being built.

Minecraft's optimization issues have far more to do with planning than they do with language. Don't start a project without even a vague idea of what the final result is going to look like, that is the lesson.

I'm too lazy to keep learning it.

Can't be used with Web Assembly / not on the road map for years to come.

The only reason I create my cross platform mobile apps in React Native (the ability to share code with web applications is amazing) rather than Xamarin. Plus Xambam fkin sucks.

Mediocre multi-platform support, you can't create a program with the default microsoft tools and be able to seamlessly run it anywhere, with mono you need to use gtk if you want you program to be somewhat integrated but if you do this you'll need to rework you gui to make it work on windows. Monogame and FNA is good tho (much better than what XNA was).

Only the core. Next to nothing.

I imagine on platforms that aren't windows that holds to be true, with that said working in both Java and C#, C# just has more features that makes coding raiser to maintain (though also more features to create bad habits)

Java generally looks disgusting and the standards Oracle pushes out with their naming conventions only furthers it...

It is the best current programming language in the opinion of the best programmer I know personally whom I respect.

There is no jack of all trades among programming languages, so your respected dude is maybe a biased idiot.

It's not F#

2GB CLR object limit on 64-bit systems.
Version 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...what is the latest now again?
Memory corruptions in the run-time.
Memory overhead

>claiming linq is a flaw

LINQ is great. Makes working with data far easier.

>A flaw

Came here to say this.

nice b8 m8

It has zero use for tuned DBs in production.

>Off brand Java

using(...) {
using(...) {
using(...) {
using(...) {
using(...) {
using(...) {

Proprietary garbage.