What music player does Sup Forums use?

What music player does Sup Forums use?

Neutron, everything else lacks basic features that i use such as Opus support, Opus replaygain support, Grouping by Album Artist, Crossfeed, streaming capabilities and a parametric EQ.



Vlc on Windows. Easy to add folders and it arranges it well. Also use for podcasts

Foobar. It's free, lightweight and does the job.


If it was opensource it'd be perfect

foobar on Windows.
It'd be foobar on Linux too but I can't be bothered to set up global hotkeys on it so I use Deadbeef with the file browser plugin. It's like Great Value foobar.

(Shuttle on Android too.)

4 words .... J River Media Centre

Best library features and audiophile and Sup Forums approved. Only player i know that seamlessly crossfades downconverted DSD and up upconverted mp4 to 24/96 to feed my 6x digital crossovers and can apply any room cor / dsp you want at the same time. Suprised Sup Forums hasnt made it a meme yet - its on win mac and linux too ffs

Also Canopener on iOS to play my 24/48 flac and best eq in that platform

On phone. No pics sorry.


Slav rules

>dedicated music player
what is this, 1998?

>No version for Android
Into the trash

Why live

mpd + ncmpcpp

What autistic shit is this



Windows Media Player

foobar on windows
pulsar on android

uh, that's only for android. do you not have a real computer? or do you use android on your real computer?


I listen mostly to Soundcloud.

Groove music on Windows, but I rarely use it.

Call me autistic but i like to use my phone as media player, i just plug my phone via line-in to my desktop if i want to listen to music while using my desktop.

Autistic? Thats what a normie pleb would do.

it's not bad to be honest

winamp for android

whats a good client to use that's very easy on resources?

t. thinkpad user



That's the solution that works the best for me. I tried Rhythmbox, cmus, Banshee, Amarok, deadbeef, musicbee, Audacious, Clementine after and I couldn't get used to any of them. So I just went back to mpd+ncmpcpp.

This should have been the first post.


if i use the default windows 10 music app dose it make me a bad person?

>downloading music

How else would I put music on my PMP? And why would I stream music that I already have stored locally?

you cant get .FLAC on Pandora

Black Player EX masterace

Does mpd+ncmpcpp work on windows 10 with 'bash on ubuntu'?

foobar is the only thing that can play my obscure video game format music.

>1 megabyte soundtrack that sounds identical to how it does on the playstation and can seamlessly loops infinitely

Such joy

stop being an autist

I'm not I use Pandora at work. i was just giving a reason for why you may want to download music in 2017

literally the only player worth using

what format's that bro

>pandora goes down
>the entirety of your music goes with it

I got psf's, nsf's, adx's, mib's, mini2sf's, psf2's, ssf's, and probably even more.

Foobar2000 on Windows, Poweramp on Android (paid version)

ncurses media player c plus plus

Spotify and YouTube ;^)




Foobar on PC, Spotify and Google Play Music on Android.


I have a couple of Sonos speakers in my house that I use to play back my media library off the NAS, so I don't use a dedicated media player, the speakers on my laptops/PCs are shit anyway.
On the go, I use the stock iOS music app.

aimp on pc and aimp on android

On desktop: AIMP
On mobile: foobar2000

>>No version for Android
>Into the trash
theres a remote app tho


Cantata masterrace reporting in.

the selection there sucks

Foobar on Windows and Vanilla Music on Android.


I was a pretty dedicated Zune software user for a while, but I've switched to Dopamine on Win10. Has a similar design and matches Windows really well. It just works well.




foo2k, cmus


>using anything other than mpd+ncmpcpp

too much bloat.
cmus all the way


>t. thinkpad user

That doesn't tell us what fucking OS you're running.

Windows: Foobar2000 is about the best you're going to get.
Linux: mpd + ncmpcpp if you like the terminal or DeaDBeeF if you want something similar to Foodbar.

Windows: Winamp
Android: Phonograph

Is there a good (usable) free as in freedom music player for android?

How a music player should work:
1. add a directory, take all subdirs and find the music files. If there is playlists, then there should be a default playlist that contains all songs.
2. pressing play should start playing a song, and there should be a way to have it play a random song when one song is over.
3. searching for a song should be possible.
4. selecting a song should add it to the queue, not stop the current song, not replace the playlist, the main job of a music player is to play music. Since phones have this brilliant system where you only have one option, I need this behavior to either be a setting or the default, but it needs to be possible to have the client be useful.

Poweramp is the only android music player that worked that way, but I don't have google apps anymore, so free software clients would be better.

Does anyone know one?


That sounds like a great idea, user.

Make it yourself.


My nigga

For me it's Rhythmbox, the best music player.

why are you using Windows? there's no version for Android.

unless if you're an expert in whatever language its programmed in and know what you want to add, you have absolutely NO reason for a program to be open source


don't really have the time and all the existing ones are written in java.
Maybe when I have the time.

Nice try, Shlomo.


mpv and deadbeef on GNU+Linux
vlc and mpdroid on Android

I have VLC installed on desktop, but don't use it much because i'm too poor and have to use my phones integrated speakers. On mobile, I use Shuttle.

I need a fucking music player that reads multiple artists as individual fucking setups so I can view a single song under BOTH FUCKING ARTISTS

Pretty sure you would have to completely remake the current tagging standards to do that.


How? ID3 tags allow you to add more than one contributing artist.


neutron allows grouping by album artist

how can you make add to queue the default action?

Quod Libet

>Pretty sure you would have to completely remake the current tagging standards to do that.
the default music player in my sony xperia does exactly this. even for split EPs where the first song is by one artist and the second by another, I can find the album with both of the songs under each artist

Clementine, just works, cross-platform and open source.
(Pic related)

Nobody develops applications for android unless they are paid to do so.
We are starting over when it comes to android.
All applications are worse than they were 20 years ago because everything we knew about interfaces is unusable now.
Going from a 100 key system to a single key system is crippling beyond what most programmers can imagine.
They have no idea how to make applications now.

Before, you had keyevent handlers in the graphical toolkit, so programmers so you could just check the inputs and do actions based on that.
Now, inputs are handled differently in every application.

>pony stuff

Wrong way around