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2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (try to use a search engine that respects your benis such as searx, ixquick or startpage).

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$ info %command%
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$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection: &&

Other urls found in this thread:

First for KDE.

Second for Wayland

Third for emacs

4th for fuck the gpl


I'd jusk like to inject a moment...

Stop namefagging stupid fuck

Why terry didn't write compiler for GNU?

Is there some place on this website where a name serves a purpose and you forget to remove it or are you just annoying?

Name field exists for purpose.

Has anyone here tried Sparkylinux? It's a rolling release distro based on Debian testing. I'm not a distro expert, so what are your thoughts on it, if you have used it?

Can I do GPU pass through on a windows VM on an optimus laptop?

>Intel and Red Hat are now the largest contributors to the kernel
>red hat is pushing for Wayland, gnome, gtk and systemd to become standard, as more and more software starts to depend on them
GNU+Linux is a lost cause.

Hey there, I'm sort of new to Linux (using Ubuntu 16.04) and had a quick question. I've read that the upstart init process was replaced with systemd a while back. Does that mean that /etc/init.d & rc#.d (systemv) and /etc/init (upstart) are no longer used and could in theory, be deleted? Just trying to understand the init process better.

all gtk themes look like shit


Just what I came here to ask about.
What is the point of Wayland?
What does it do better than other display server DE things?

Systemd doesn't use them but supports them for compatibility. Ubuntu may still use them if they haven't fully migrated to systemd services yet.

Watched a talk about this topic and it seems like that X11 is like a pyramid of horrible workarounds which actually work. Wayland want to make things better. As a user you wount feel any difference but it can make things easier for a programmer.

Oh. Are KDE, Gnome, and all those all based on X11?
So Wayland is something new for things like KDE to base on? Hm okay.
But despite Wayland showing up ages ago, it's still very much in its infancy?

>Are KDE, Gnome, and all those all based on X11?
Gnome can run solely on wayland already.
KDE is working on it.

>But despite Wayland showing up ages ago, it's still very much in its infancy?

First of all. X11 and wayland are protocols, weston and xorg are implementations.

Depends on how you look at it.
Merely in age terms, yes. X11 is more than 30 years old.
In terms of usability, no. Wayland is basically ready. And it's main implementations weston and mutter are mostly fixing bugs at the moment.

Gnome and KDE both have Wayland support

5 things to do after installing Arch Linux. Go.

>another shitty downstream distribution which contributes nothing
Best distribution ever, be sure to review it on Distrowatch.

Ask yourself how you can be so pathetic to install an operating system that you obviously don't need because you don't know what to do with it.


install screenfetch, take screenshot, post on the internet

>Gnome and KDE both have Wayland support
So why would you use KDE with X instead of Wayland, then?

1. Wipe partitions.
2. Download Gentoo.
3. Put it on your installation medium.
4. Boot into the installer.
5. Install Gentoo.


Got a fresh Antergos install, everything works kinda ok, but Firefox menus, messages, bars and tabs show absolutely no text.

I can read the websites, just the interface is fucked up

Any help?

Link python to python2.

Seems like you forgot how to comprehend context and now you don't even know how to use your epic pictures any more. Perhaps it's time you kill yourself.

Pure wayland attentionwhore here.

Some software may not work perfectly on wayland yet. Namely, some virtualbox shortcuts still don't work perfectly.

Some distros may not easily support it yet because it's considered less stable.

Ask on the Antergos forums what they did to the Firefox package and other dependencies of it.

Elaborate pls. I'm not the origial poster.

idk i dont use KDE but its probably because KDE uses X by default

Sometimes, when I drag a picture around in my browser or file manager, my screen starts to fill with black rectangles starting in the upper left corner of the screen.
What could be causing this? journalctl does not seem to log whatever is doing this.

Darn. Thanks.
I hear all these complaints X, windowing on Linux, blah blah. But I guess I'll just be using KDE with X anyway.

Is there a distro without flaws?
I must know.

>idiot installs operating system he doesn't need
>gets mocked for it
>another butthurt idiot thinks the mocking comments are defending arch, because he's a retard who can't read and as soon as he sees a response to some post mentioning arch he has to post his pictures that mock arch



Not to mention NVidia's proprietary drivers are still fucked on Wayland

>another butthurt idiot thinks the mocking comments are defending arch, because he's a retard who can't read and as soon as he sees a response to some post mentioning arch he has to post his pictures that mock arch

This doesn't make any sense. I have no idea of how you came up with this.
You are retarded.

Good thing I've never seriously considered buying an Nvidia graphics card again for almost a decade.

Yes, yes. SystemD™ is a great distribution. Thanks Leonnart™, RedHat™ and the Gnome™ developers.

I'm a very experienced system administrator and my RedHat™ license was totally worth it. I recommend everyone here gets one too.

/no systemd
/no X11
/no ads

gentoo is a bad meme

It's impossible to be completely flawless. Because eventually you'll hit a point where a feature to some people is a flaw to others.

I'd say that probably the closest thing we have to a project working on a "flawless linux distro" would be NixOS or GuixSD
I say that because they more or less eliminate unpredictable flaws in user setups (and also eliminate unpredictable flaws snowballing over time)

If nixos contains flaws (and your nix config file doesn't contain flaws) then those flaws are completely reproducible and the problem is not with your machine. It will be with the software itself or nixos, and the developers should work on fixing it.

It's OS.

Also for the record, NixOS and GuixSD are still not really considered to be ready for daily use (especially guixsd).

Hey guys, I've pretty much decided on Void Linux. Now just to wait for my hardware to finish arriving. :(

I'd just like to ... [rms is having connectivity problems] ... are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

when will gtk finally get thumbnail preview??

It already has.
Dumb frog poster.


In 2050, where they will finally consider computers are fast enough to display thumbnails.


no thumbnails


no u

not an argument


works on my machine™

>leee website war maymay

you need to go back

>text comprehension

no u

Only after you bent over backwards to download patch files from some random weebs github to manually compile and ball fondle gtk.

"jest wuhrks" indeed.


please take your low quality content back to the website reddit

>moving the goalposts
whatever lets you sleep at night friend

no idea what you're talking about


Their architecture page makes it sound so much more efficient.

So what's up with this?

Is there any web browser that provide an AppImage?
Normie sites no longer support the old versions of Firefox, and youtube doesn't play 360 videos.

why do you need it as an appimage?

I don't want to install it?
Because installing a web brwoser would force the update of certain packages which will prevent other applications from running unless I updates those applications.

AppImage is a way to bypass those.

How did you do this?

help, my wifi is blocked and I don't know why - the bios hasn't blocked it, nor has the keyboard button. It was working previously, so I have no idea what stopped it.

rfkill list all

0: acer-Bluetooth: Bluetooth
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
1: phy0: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: yes
2: hci0: Bluetooth
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no

"rfkill unblock all" does nothing. All the answers on google seem to revolve around a competing wifi interface, which does not exist in my case.

>Going passthrough
Nope stop trying to force your laptop to be a gaming machine

well im not going to tell you how to run your system but that does not sound healthy.
anyway there is an appimage for ff52
adn on for chromium 55

Try changing your GTK3 theme

Thanks user.
I know running outdated application is bad, but I don't want to run the latest FF because the webkit approch, which would stops several important addon that I need.

Are these trusted AppImages?

if you click download on any of the listed appimages on their github (
it leads to that side and the github is linked on the official appimage site (
so id guess its trusted

Haha or just have it configured right.
Using normal packages no weird patches or forks.

afaik old addons still work on ff52

While I admire GNU/Linux way of sharing the libraries.
Sometimes when you want to have multiple instants of different versions of the same application, it would become very difficult.
I've asked in FF thread a few days ago and some user told the addon didn't work.

I like AppImage approach though, even if it's more windows way of handling things.

It can come handy for low end devices where the latest version of the package is not available in the official repos, or when the package doesn't exist and you would need to build it from source.

Though I've lately started to use it to populate my 32GB flash drive that have puppy linux, with various applications.
I forgot to ask, where does the configuration/profile get saved?
The AppImage itself?

Friendly advice: Don't try to run pkill -9 ""

>tfw stupid nigger Linus has not completed his compiler

>FF or Chromium
At least recommend WaterFox, Valvadi, FF Dev edition.
All have appimages and better than those you mentioned.

>I forgot to ask, where does the configuration/profile get saved?
>The AppImage itself?
no idea i dont use appimage
>At least recommend WaterFox, Valvadi, FF Dev edition.
>All have appimages and better than those you mentioned.
didn't know that. i just searched for the 2 biggest browsers (-chrome)

OP you filthy faggot. Why didn't you add a title? Shit like this is making me angery.

What is the best freetard browser?

FF Nightly with manually tweaked config.
Lazy mode: Icecat, which is basically debotnetted FF.
