Be honest, how many of you came from Reddit?

Be honest, how many of you came from Reddit?

I came from 2ch

the only times i ever visited reddit was when I googled something and the answer I was looking for happened to be there

But user, I'm from reddit: the country. Sup Forums just happens to be my designated shitting site.

i came from google, was looking for a site to get free comics

You do know that there's huge overlap between Sup Forums and reddit, right?

A very large portion of people go on both websites, it's not le seekrit club which you can only be a member of one.

>Sup Forums twitter

Absolutely disgusting desu.

Spotted the redditshit


/r/CuckoldCommunity here.

>le reddit is bad XDD

Most subreddits are much better than the Sup Forums counterparts

Came from T*mblr

Got fed up with the the leftist mentality

I decided to check up on it during the outage. Then I followed in case an outage happens again (even though Hiroshima never tweets about them...). I thought it was funny when it suggested I follow Reddit as well.

>assblasted Sup Forumsutists and Sup Forumsish intellectuals will deny this

this. I have never heard of reddit until it was mentioned on this site.

Actually Sup Forums uses reddit.

There have been quite a few Sup Forums subreddits used by thousands of people.

WHO MIGHT I ADD, if you look at post history of the users posting on the Sup Forums subreddits have had accounts for 1+ year and post in many other subreddits as well, indicating that they are not solely using their account to post with Sup Forums and in fact use reddit

I came from WoW offtopic forum back in 2006.

I came from Encyclopedia Dramatica

haven't seen this amount of summer in a long time

I heard about this place through Engadget of all places. They wrote some story about Sup Forums's Sup Forums board and then I started using this place for porn. And then years later I decided to check out the other boards.


oh man I agree! I just love the disgusting design and UI and I sure love sucking cocks for karma points!

If you weren't here before Reddit was even a thing you need to GTFO out.
>newfags don't remember the Y2K spam hysteria

I never liked reddit's UI, so I never used it very much

Do you really think that type of discussion is a good thing? The only thing it leads to is upvoting one post and circlejerk. Moreover it's better to read a concise post than 3k words essay by some faggot

>disgusting design and UI
2bh this is the biggest reason I never got into reddit

it's just so bad how could anyone put up with it

Funny thing is I found Reddit from Sup Forums

I only ever use it for questions that pop up on google I need the answer to or streams for sports games

I've never made an account on it though

Also why the fuck are you following Sup Forums on Twitter? You aren't one of those faggots who uses reaction images as their Facebook profile picture, are you?