Stupid amerifats subedition
Other urls found in this thread:
our nige
>bashing on yanks when theres none around
bit boring
a girl said my hair is pretty
^ this Tbh
muh heritage muhfukka
Lying on my couch eating meatloaf slices
My life is hollow and filled with low quality pork products
Why do middle class people produce such autists
mike is such a fat piece of shit haha
>im tired from taking selfies, get the microwave ready. could committ mass murder for a tea
mild autism is masterrace 2bh.
fuck off yank
>only get week days off
>nothing happens
>everybody I know is working
It's really difficult not being an alcoholic living under these conditions
too well-off to face any real challenges, but too poor to do interesting things and go to good schools
Why are all NatSocs NEETs, lads?
>Reminder that Nigel will NEVER NEVER NEVER be an MP
me and the missus at the beach
she shouldnt be leaning against him in the first place if she doesnt want an arm around her desu
beaten by a couple of seconds
everything has failed around them so they place their hopes and dreams into an ideology
wow, stop generalizing you shitlord
jesus christ
nuke that shithole already
nobody fucking cares shut the fuck you obsessed sperg
what was that slut trying to prove huh
Real alcoholics don't need friends or days off to drink
I agree, the only correct word is "settee"
*starts hacking the f*ck out of everyone in this sh!tting thread...*
If we leave the EU what will he do for a living? Not an MP, no more cushy MEP expenses.
If he's different to all the other mainstream politicians like he claims then he can't have a wealthy family to fall back on. Hell his wife is a secretary (specifically his).
What will poor Nigel do if he gets his Brexit wish?
aren't those two married
Fuck off. FUCK OFF. FUCK OFF! You are not British. Do not say that word ever again.
>quasi yanks
I got seven Mac-11's, about eight .38's, nine 9's, ten Mac-10's the shits never end
He's an ex City banker you fucking retard I wouldn't worry about his finances
I have no ambition to be a "real alcoholic", I am just mind-numbingly bored
projecting a bit hard mate
We have settees here.
Maybe you should ... settee ... down..
>yank bashing when there's no about
dont think he was trying to put his arm around her think he was just trying to change his seating position
How can you hack computers if they aren't real?
>Why yes I do boil water in the microwave
He had a good job before he went into politics
But he's always having a go at the Tories and their banker friends, surely if he's one of them then that would make him a colossal hypocrite.
you can't touch my riches, even if you MC hammer and them .357 bitches
how does this even happen?
and why did they take it to the depot if they're not going to deliver it?
hello yes, I'm just calling to confirm that I have messaged 3 birds tonight and have received 0 responses
*hacks to the beat of this el classico choono*
Sofa is objectively the best word
"Settee" and "couch" are just fucking disgusting
me on the left
Internet gf is very keen on my manga reading
Here is muh heritage:
English, Scottish, Irish(eww), French, and German
Also 1/4 Lithuanian which really sucks
I'm ashamed of that blood in me
Well it's an objective fact that he's an ex-City banker so make of that what you will
aren't you proto yanks?
>this confuses and enrages the yank
Who's enjoying the weather, lads?
you realize that almost nobody here sees saint patrick's day as a day to celebrate their heritage right?
Thinking of buying these pants. What does /brit/ think?
enjoying this new microwave gimmick
fatty want a patty?
this. settee and couch are council house words. I didn't correct any of them as I try my hardest not to (You) plebscum.
>he calls supper tea
Don't think he's ever attacked commodity brokers
>ex-City banker
Metals trader, not a banker
would be more ashamed of the irish blood Tbh
yeah he does have autism
trousers are in the way lad
Utterly amazing gif
>this. settee and couch are council house words
An electric kettle?
>commodity brokers
Bankers a banker
>that doesn't surprise me. i had to sit in a bed and get an IV for a couple hours and i'm still $3000 in debt
heres my heritage : 100% scouse
Get fucked bell ends
got work in the morning lads
and so concludes nearly 5 years of neetdom
Cooking a sausage in the microwave
Comfortably predates /brit/
paki nicked me mobile in tescos
worse than a yank
>a commodity trader is a banker
Jesus Christ lad
sorry to hear that
what a long strange trip its been
>no ambition to be a real alcoholic
That's a really fancy way of saying youre a pussy
here's my heritage: your mum's fanny
At least the Irish aren't Slavs
Fuck off yanks
>he's always having a go at the Tories and their banker friends
Because they wouldn't let him in the club, no idea why but he was an outsider and permie back bencher. He had the credentials but something somewhere he did was wrong or not good enough, and he was never going to be a tory elite as he wanted. So he formed his own party and became the elite in that.
It's not a subset of bankers
What have you done today to save the white race?
unironically used to cook bacon in the microwave as a young lad
I say couch and there's literally nothing you can do about it
wew lad 5 years out the game?
what's the job?
>tfw neet for 3 years
Don't call them pakis. They're not pakis, they're brits you racist twat. Most have never even been to pakistan.
once saw a scouser get on the bus
wonder how he got here?
it's a chesterfield you twat
11:51pm. Nice and cool. Windy enough outside that I can hear it.
volunteer moderating for an online taiwanese papercraft website
shoul;d be fun