/dst - daily screenfetch thread.
Screenfetch thread
bump 1/100
bump 2/100
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You're bumps stop working after 1 unless you proxy bro
>You're bumps stop working after 1 unless you proxy bro
Fedora 2000
Yep that's why Wayland sucks.
running applications with setuid is just as bad as running xorg-server as root.
Goatse OS.
Geuclides is a peculiar name. Is that your real name?
Where are you from? Is anyone in you family a mathematician? Do you like mathematics?
My name is Gustavo Euclides but pretty much everyone just calls me Euclides. From Brazil. Yes, I do like mathematics
>pic related, been my read for a few weeks, just beautiful
De onde você é e onde estudou? Eu tb sou matemático btw.
Nice man.
Sou de curitiba, e tu é de onde?
Matemático formado? trabalha com isso?
Herdei esse nome do meu Avô, ele cometeu suicídio antes de eu nascer, seu primeiro nome era Euclides.
>onde estudou
estou estudando na UFPR
>Sou de curitiba, e tu é de onde?
>Matemático formado? trabalha com isso?
Sim. Em 2016 trabalhei por pouco mais de seis meses num banco de investimento. Tinha terminado o mestrado e estava esperando para poder começar o doutorado.
Estudei na uff.
install MATE
On the toliet right now so here is phone.
Feces on phone
What's better, screen or tmux?
The /one/ I use
Post pape
kill yourself
hi nirav
Am I doing this correctly ?
This thread inspires me to create pixel art.
just set up u_budgie on desktop
just rockin mint
How do you guys find unused packages?
use a good package manager
>over 1000 packages
What the fuck?
Honestly just switch to a distro that comes with less shit preinstalled.
> void
my nigger
Feel bad for missing you the last time. I'm using a mix of 3 different monitors with different resolutions and ratios and screenfetch adds them together, I got all of these used. And yes, I have win10 on my SSD for games, but I've moved all of my work stuff over to linux, the split helps me to be more productive.
>over 3000 packages
What do you even do
actual work
I use mint on an old hand me down laptop i got from a mate of mine
>Xfce Mint
Xubuntu LTS runs and looks better
worst girl
I prefer how this looks because I am retarded
oh man my eyes
you cannot possibly have that furious red as a everyday background
best DE
the fact that the mint devs think it's a good idea to release their os with all those alternative DEs is just shaking the floor for cinnamon and being redundant. It triggers me.
We all know mint is just obongo LTS + cinnamon.
>dash as your shell
I liek sway
>all these 1366x768 screens
What the fuck happened
OP no one likes you, wayland is shit, dash is shit, please kill yourself and stop posting that screenshot.
wallpaper please
>bumping the thread three times in a half hour
Go back to Sup Forums
>being this new
go back >>>/outside/
>they actually do work
Then why are you on Sup Forums? This is a communist neet only board.
0w0 what's this? ;3 *notices your buldge* senpai~
gross idiot
don't reply to my posts
delete this, moron
arch is actually a bad distribution
what does that have to do with anything? i said dont reply, this is your final warning
uhh.. rude?!
or what baka, you'll paw my thigh and I'll moan at you? 0w0
alright nerd u were warned...
oh h*ck mommy d-don't hurt me~
who here /awesomewm/ ?
yeah boy