
Is there better text editor for web dev?

I tried
>vs code
and they all succ тbh

Other urls found in this thread:


you fucking newfag, learn to make Sup Forumsood threads.
instead of
>Is there better text editor for web dev?
write this
>Is every text editor other than sublime text a meme?
and instead of
>they all succ
write this
>they are all memes

you ll thank me later kid

thanks for the tips

yes, webstorm

you fucking sheep, learn to free yourself from social norms and shut the fuck up instead of ranting against everyone who doesn't obey this trash website's stupid implicit rules

I recently switched to Sublime, damn it opens even faster than notepad++, so I'm using it for an all-purpose editor. I think it's the best so I'd say just stick with it.
- Atom is slow as fuck
- vim is a fucking meme
- VSCode < Sublime
> expensive placebo-tier shit

If you thought vim sucked, you didn't use it right. I do full stack development in vim. If you have to touch your mouse while coding, you've done something terribly wrong.

I don't *have* to but it's really convenient if you have to jump to some random part of the code. No vim binding will ever let you jump directly to the one character you're looking at.

proprietary software.
Kill yourself.

>no integrated debugger
>no terminal only version for sudo access or ssh sessions
>no turing complete language for extending, scripting and configuring
>proprietary as fuck

If you have to use a text editor use GVim/Vim.
GVim/Vim has plugins for autocomplete using clang, java reflection python jedi and others that are more than enough for small to medium-large projects.

Literally search license codes for sublime text and it's one of the first results.
Just KILL yourself


Please tell me you got this screenshot from /r/karliekloss

>License: Proprietary software, Nagware

rate my code my friend

>expensive placebo-tier shit

>hi boss can I please have $100 so I can actually do my job?

Was that so hard?

You've either never worked on anything in production or are too stubborn to actually learn how to use some proper dev tools. What's it like ctrl-f'ing your entire project and reading line by line just to find where your files are being imported, or don't you modularize your code?

>/{Partial text pattern}
>:{Line num} then ft{char}
TFW vim has code markers you can go between, any number of paste buffers, ability to jump between recent changes, ability to jump between recently changed files, seamless window splitting with two keystrokes, etc etc etc etc

looks like shit

I there any way to make sublime autocomplite methods/classes when they are called?
It is not autocompliting when i call them outside class file

what would you change

php out of Pajeet.


This guy raised valid and real concerns
>"Lol kill yourself faglord"
Web developers are truly nigger-tier

>Web developers
>"I have but a child's understanding of how computers work, but look at this pretty box I drew on the screen!"

>Lime text
>Use one of three available frontends
>write your own frontend
>BSD 2-clause simplified
Why agree on "sub"lime when you can use superior software?

Few months ago i wanted to test it but i couldn't install it on arch


limetext is dead, not even a finished product and hasn't had any updates in months..


> No vim binding will ever let you jump directly to the one character you're looking at.

Sublime is Atom for retards. JS > Python

using browser for creating apps
using front-end language

sublime has a so many packages that leak memory
so shit

>Is there better text editor for web dev?

get the latest dev version if you haven't already, a lot of new features and a new icon


ultraedit > all

how about focusing on writing something actually worthwhile instead of focusing on the tools like an autistic retarded faggot?

>his cursor movement isn't tracked through his eyes with his laptop's webcam and a neural network

>for web
Surprised no one mentioned Brackets yet


Don't listen to them. Looks almost like you did it properly.

for CheckSessions i would just get rid of the else if and else, they are redundant.

also you should use PDO for database, it is more secure and flexible if you needed to switch databases, like to NoSql or something.

in terms of naming practices, I would name this class "class_history.php" or "class.history.php", that is just me. that way if you were searching for just classes you will get all files starting with "class_" or "class.".

Also in your OP I notice that you are using a singleton design pattern for your connection. It is considered a bad practice: stackoverflow.com/questions/21832809/php-singleton-database-connection-pattern

there are many other examples of singleton being an ill-advised design pattern.

this is type of reply i like
>for CheckSessions i would just get rid of the else if and else, they are redundant.

there is code missing, not everything is added
>in terms of naming practices, I would name this class "class_history.php" or "class.history.php
i use .class and class.

desu im not rly php dev, i spent lots of time with c++ and java so that is why i may do some things on strange way
and im not rly reading docs, i search for specific things i need

What font is that?


>there is code missing, not everything is added
thought so, but i was not sure.

>desu im not rly php dev, i spent lots of time with c++ and java so that is why i may do some things on strange way
and im not rly reading docs, i search for specific things i need
I see, check this site out: phptherightway.com/

Other than that your code looks decent and well structured.

>suffixing words that should end in "-ck" with "-cc"
kill yourself

also if you are interested in basic security of your php alilcations check this out too: wwphp-fb.github.io/faq/security/php-security-issues/

Vim, emacs or spacemacs
> sublime text
Proprietary shitware


Let's see here:
- doing is_null() on boolean statement doesn't work.
- doing isset() on $this->STATIC is misleading, since you always do set it in the constructor. You probably wanted is_null().
- no prepared sql statements or input escaping means you are vulnerable to sql injection
- header('Location index.php') is missing the colon, and it shouldn't be used inside the class at all. Leave that to code using your class.
- if statements without body, useless public functions. The code is clearly unfinished.
- functions and variables should be either camelCase or snake_case, unless you meant the ALLCASE member variables to be constant, in which case you shouldn't use public functions to do the checking or inserting lines.


vim + tmux

They are both shit, but Python is less shit.
Although the fact that Sublime is nonfree makes it worse.

Move the piercings from her nose to her nipples and she'd at least be dateable.

Most everyone in my office uses Sublime but there are a few who really like Komodo.

>- doing is_null() on boolean statement doesn't work.

is_null is used because, for example $STATIC may not exist, may not be passed to constructor. If it is not passed to constructor by default is set to null.
I dont really know how people do that in php when you need to have constructors with 2 or 3 parametars, you cant know how much will be. So im using null because of that, in other languages you would just create 2 constructors.

>isset() on $this->STATIC
same answer above

>- no prepared sql statements or input escaping means you are vulnerable to sql injection

all those values that go to database are generated by php, not inputed by user.