Windows 11 when?

Windows 11 when?

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There will not be an 11 just like there is no 9.

There is 9.

8.1 is 9. That dot is in reality, a teeny tiny little + sign.

Then why is it not called 9?

So, in conclusion, we will only get 10.1 and 12, just like how we got 8.1 and 10

They will stop with the numbers and name them like OSX.

Windows Xir will be next.

Nope to all answers.

Microsoft will use the current version, 10, for as long as they have planned ahead already, they will just release updates, like the Anniversary Update, but there will not be a Windows 11, 10.1 or 12.

When they figure out how to introduce a linux kernel without breaking lecay subsystems too much and market that shit without pissing off all of the FOSS society to a degree that would result in too much legal issues.

>yfw Microsoft releases Windows Linux instead

There is 9.
I saw it on Linux Tech Tips

Because... well because it's cooler

I think that will be a thing. It's just it won't be as good as some expect it.

There were two Windows 9s, one came out in 1995, the other in 1998.

>They will stop with the numbers and name them like OSX.

Windows Loo will be a huge hit after the flop that 10 was.
Windows Poo continuing the tradition will be another miss and such a bad one it will have people rioting in the streets designated by the local authorities.
Windows Soap will be Microsoft's attempt at washing off the previous blunder however they will lose the source code and fold shortly afterwards.

windowsOS when?

Keep your reddit jokes to reddit.

Spaghetti code

Did you just assume its gender?

He did not, hence "Xir"

There was no Windows 5 or 6. But then there was 7. And then there was 8. We skip 9. Then there was 10. Microsoft will smash its face into the keyboard. Their next OS will be named Windows L9tg;wcf, and it will still act like it owns your pc, it will spy on you and it will still be shit.

Install Arch.

Because it's actually breaks the system, no joke.

> not call it winOS

Come the fuck on, not even one shitty joke. You take your ass to reddit.


And then we went back to DOS. MS realized most people are still using terminals so the best thing to do is to force people to use them all the time.


Call me a humongous cocksucking faggot, but I'd love to have Apple and MS try to work on a single thing. It'd be quite fucking terrible.

I'd love to have Apple and Microsoft brought to justice by the United States under antitrust laws and shattered into more than a dozen small companies.

Someone doesn't know what the definition of antitrust is

It will be like linux but with bugs

Explain it to us, Mr. Gates.

next windows is windows 13

1511 was 11
1607 was 12
Both are a full fucking reinstall/upgrade, not service pack update.

Because "if WindowsVersion == 9*" would return true

It's pretty obvious that windows is skipping numbers just so they are seen to be at the same level as OSX

t. humongous cocksucking faggot

Because calling it 9 would interfered with legacy DLL's, and literally cause the system to be unstable

Windows marketshare is being taken away by macOS, iOS, and Android. 10 years from now only the most autistic people (read Sup Forums and PC gaymers) will have Windows PCs.

in what language?

>There was no Windows 5 or 6.
Not sure if baiting, but there were; they just weren't branded as such.

Because 7 8 9.

Apple stopped at OS X (OS 10) so Microsoft, in all their envy also stopped at Windows 10 and will copy Apple by only releasing point releases (10.1, 10.2, 10.3, etc.)

Apple releases a smartphone so naturally Microsoft has to copy them and release their own smartphone

Apple releases a GUI so naturally Microsoft has to release a GUI

Apple releases a smartwatch and Microsoft copies them

Why the fuck would anyone use Microsoft Windows? All they do is copy Apple.

They only just released an update for Win 10 that apparently broke a lot of shit.

All everyone does is copy Apple and wait for them to make a move before they follow and add their own touch. Remember how long it took us to get out of 1366x768?

Apple faggots are so delusional

>740 billion dollar market cap

The numbers don't lie. Nice thumbnail save, retard.

Not an argument

seriously, in what language?
Assuming * means wildchar, (even though . is wildchar in most regex implementations) then "9*" wouldn't match "9", but it would match "95" or "98".

What happens when they drop support for 7 and 8.1? Will everyone be using Windows 10 or Linux?

Great, then we'd have 50 dozen Windows distros like we do with Lunix.

I've already decided I'll switch to Linux by the time MS drops support for Windows 7.

seven ate nine.

end of lifecycle, 14th October 2025

You're too late. If you haven't switched now you probably won't have time to adjust to Linux once support for 7 dies, and will be forced to use 10.


>You're too late. If you haven't switched now you probably won't have time

The writing was on the wall when Windows 8 was shat into reality.

>You're too late.
How can it possibly be to late to switch to linux?

That'd actually be nice because then there would be competition and a need to actually try making a decent product.

>How can it possibly be to late to switch to linux?

Babbyduck syndrome plus the longer someone doesn't act, the more likely they are to go with the status quo.

11 will suck just wait for 11.1

It's a long process and will probably take a whole year to fully switch. He said he'll do it when support for 7 dies which means he has 3 OSs to choose from, the broken 7, the spyware 10 and a linux distro of choice. I seriously doubt he'd endure even a month exclusively using an OS he doesn't understand and will have to continuously fall back to windows.
It's much easier to just deal with spyware than switching from an OS you've used for a long time, especially if you're a poweruser. Delaying the switch from an OS is the stupidest thing you can do. If you won't switch today, the chances of you switching tomorrow are lower.

>more invasive and privacy compromising software when?

>time to adjust
how much time do one person need?
I mean the idea that you use multiple tools can be a bit challenging but it doesn't take long

>It's a long process and will probably take a whole year to fully switch

I can actually attest to this. The reason it took probably about a year for myself is I kept on switching back to default, i.e. windows. This was because when there was something I couldn't work out in Linux, I just went for the easy option (my windows partition). It was only after the 8-9th month that I was comfortable using solely Linux.

Conclusion: as long as you have the option of falling back to Windows, you'll take longer to make the switch fully.

That's the point, someone who doesn't have the willpower to switch will always fall back to windows and eventually stay on it. Windows 10 is still windows, and when facing an entirely different OS it's easier to stay with the devil you know and start using 10 instead of Linux.