Oh Dear, Oh my

Oh Dear, Oh my

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hahaha rypooo btfo

>Paying someone to delid your CPU for you
Is this the hardware equivalent of cuckoldry?

Oh, well, i5's are dead. Like, really-really dead.

Only $25 to unfuck your CPU!

That looks like a medival torture device.

Oh shit I forgot the voided warranty!

It is for your CPU

It's amazing how much shit Sup Forums starts over 2fps

I don't know what OP's intentions were, but as far as I can tell, the point of OP's image is that Ryzen is better, because
>2 average-FPS difference
>noticably better 1% and .1% performance

Meanwhile with Novidea drivers

No matter the margin a loss is a loss. And there is no second place just failure


You can't make this shit up


Dammit Nvidia.
Hopefully $700 will be enough for Vega.

>18-month-old Intel archetecture first and second
>brand new Poozen with two extra cores only manages third

Just goes to show why Intel are better and more futureproof.

>Intelfags can only offer bait this weak

It's okay s-s-s-sttuters are part of the experience.



>If you hate my cpoo it must be bait!!!

AYYMDfags everybody.

Oh god Ramesh just stop it. This is getting too boring.

>implying you need to delid to get 5ghz

you have to win the silicon lottery to get to 5ghz
you don't have to delid kaby, stop being a cuck.

Easier to delid than win it.

>you don't have to delid kaby, stop being a cuck.
90C are totally acceptable temps, goy.

Why are Nvidia's GPUs total fucking junk? This is even a gimpworks title.


Damn, so the R5 is actually good? Been off of Sup Forums for the last few weeks

Yes. Unless you have novideo card.
Y-you can't see past 3.5gb anyway goyim.

480 test

hehe, 1060 gets 1.1 more higher average FPS

i don't go above 78 on air, fuck right off you shill.

Holy shit, the difference between those 1% frame times is insane

what the fuck is Nvidia doing

>$475 - 115 fps
>$310 - 113 fps


>what the fuck is Nvidia doing
Snorting cocaine and sucking various amounts of cock. That, or they fired their driver department and hired H1B pajeets.

dem mins tho.

Why don't you post the REAL benchmark of the game @ 480p at low settings. Then we'll see how's the boss of this gym.

>in a full tower with 5 delta fans seated under the polar caps while still throttling

>not 240p

I gad a GTS450, now a 1060. They have the same dips.
Just let that sink in for a while.

>not 144p
Pleb pls.

And half the mins while being more expensive.

>not 80x25 text mode youtube.com/watch?v=s15eJ9WMfVg

Explain these percentiles to a casualfag pls

>gets demolished in gaming
>gets demolished in productivity

What's the point of the i5? It's not AMD?


$219 Ryzen has better lows than 7600k OCed to housefire levels.

>not 30x20 with 2bit color

Surely something else is up

That shit looks atrocious

>being this clueless
congrats on your shilling, best i've ever seen

Isn't 1500X a 4 core? Where's that Intel IPC?

do they really have gandhi on the money? kek

1500x is a lower binned defective 1700 with cores disabled, the core that are still enabled are also defective. enjoy your poo from the loo.


1500X is a 4 core 8 thread. Equivalent of an i7. Look at the difference though. You need to clock Intel kaby lake chips to the moon and back for it to be relevant. All while being more expensive than a 1500X as well.

I have an i7-6700k and 32GB of ddr4-2400mhz. If my ram wasn't so slow, I'd have swapped out to Ryzen by now.

RAM slow? You have dual rank RAM, which is fine for Ryzen.

>posting these benchmarks from some random site again

Call me when a credible source does some research into it and confirms their results.

(You), Ramesh.

Why is everyone saying Ryzen needs super fast ram then? That was the only thing stopping me from grabbing an 1800X. The fact that I'd also have to spend another $300 on more ram. I do a good amount of gaming, video editing, etc. I know for production, the ram doesn't make a huge difference. As far as gaming, if paired with a 980ti, is Ryzen + 2400mhz ram okay?

The ram is two kits of Corsair LP vengeance 2x8GB. 2400mhz @ CL14. (I can get CL as low as 12, but the ram doesn't overclockwell)

>why does 2R memory that can better spread the load over the IMC faster than single rank memory that's ran serial


Because people don't usually take much note of RAM rank, since it has no affect on Intel's architecture.
It's only lucky some germans actually bothered to test, the English reviewers only got wind of it half a month later

i3 are dead, no sense wasting money when G4560 is out
i5 are dead, no sense wasting money when ryzen is out
i7 is barely holding on

I am curious what will be intels answer, but I am glad AMD is succeeding

>buying a defective low end ryzen to get lower performance over i5

you have to but a far more expensive ryzen chip to kill i5

1600 is so fucking good even in gayming

There's a $50 difference between the Ryzen 6 and 4 core, significantly? Lol

I wouldn't even buy the Ryzen quad cores, but everything higher is great.

huh? you are recommending buying i5?
a 4 core / 4 threads?

>delidding a 7600k
>Buying a 160 dollar motherboard
Fucking shit dude

>getting 5GHz on a nondelided KBL without watercooling
>pulling over 200W from the socket with shitty $120 3 phase Z "Housefire-Ready" boards

>More expensive Ryzen chip to kill it

Lol no. An i5 unlocked is $200+ most places and you're looking at another $140 for any half way decent Z series board to take advantage of the Overclocking ability you paid extra for. Even at the end of it, you're only at 4 cores. AND you're paying for a cooler.

Meanwhile the r5-1500X is an 8 thread CPU with similar performance in gaming and the extra threads are he!Pful not only in gaming, but in work too. All for $190

Or the 12 thread 1600 for $210

Both of which can be thrown into the same budget B350 series motherboard that can be had for $80-$110 since AMD doesn't mean you for OC capabilities. And Ryzen chips will do a decent OC on their included stock coolers. You're delusional if you think he it is in any way still relevant for its current price. If Intel came down and lowered the price of their it's to $200 ish, they'd have a chance. But we all know how Jewish Intel can be.

t. I7-6700k owner

And that's the exact reason i5 is dead.

>you're looking at another $140 for any half way decent Z series board
you can buy decent z boards for 90 - 100

>Meanwhile the r5-1500X is an 8 thread CPU with similar performance
the r5 1500x is a 4 core low binned 1700 with defective cores symmetrically cut down that performs on average well below the i5 7600.

you've already been paid for shilling today pajeet.

delid not necessary for all 7700Ks to reach 5ghz
5.2 is the highest without delid

>you can buy decent z boards for 90 - 100
Shitty 3phases just kill my CPU tier piece of shit? No thanks.


so for around $40 more you can have a better processor and the motherboards are literally the same price range.

fuck right off with your diatribe of idiocy.

Goodest goys right here.


HouseFire-Ready(TM) motherboards.

RAM frequency != RAM rank

Get a clue.

>a defender of a jewish company calling someone who called them out on his lies about another jewish company a goy.

you're cute boychik

you literally have to pay out the ass for higher power phases in amd boards too.

>the r5 1500x
>i5 7600.

Too bad the 1600 exists, is cheaper than the 7600, and eats it alive. Thanks for trying though, shekelchaser.

Except ayymd CPU's don't need shitton of power delivery to reach hosuefire clocks to have a resemblance of performance.

>1600 is so fucking good even in gayming

Remember to filter the filthy avatarfag.

It's amazing how one company's mid and low end still throws punches with and surpasses the other's high end whilst remaining just about stock.
Really causes you to ponder.

Dear Goyim

Please delete your post as this may result in a decreased Intel market share and hence decreased revenue that Intel could potentially invest in manufacturing facilities located in seized West Bank sites in the promised land of Israel.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Intel marketing team
All of our products are certified "Conflict Free". Visit Intel.com for more information.

>muh cockspeed

Netburst - The return

>eats it alive
No it fucking doesnt its way worse than the 7600k

*chases shekels down the street*

>> Min FPS is 10 frames higher
>> Despite being clocked 1.1 GHz higher
>> Costs less
>> Not even taking into account the 2 extra cores.

>> Is way fucking worse

Ok kike

Which site or channel is this?


This is the technology board on the Sup Forums imageboard

Yes goy, all you need is clockspeed! TDP, multicore, price, and upgradeability are all irrelevant!

And irrelevant one

No command 'Which site or channel is this?' found, did you mean:
Command 'pwd' from package 'coreutils' (main)

Yeah ok so it's the 1% lowest frames and the 0.1% lowest frames?

The smaller sample size gives us the lower average

If 'Which site or channel is this?' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf Which site or channel is this?

Stutters don't lie, your days are numbered, corelet.