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Other urls found in this thread: source/deja-dup/ bug/1302416 source/appstream-glib/ bug/1591868 source/network-manager/ bug/1638842

Should I upgrade? I have 16.04

always stick with LTS releases until the .2 or .3 release of the next LTS. it's the perfect upgrade route for ubuntu.

Thanks. It just sucks that they don't upgrade their repositories more often, because I had to upgrade codeblocks and Lua manually.

It tries to be the windows of Linux but then tries to cater to neckbeards too much. It should just come with KDE standard and have more settings as GUIs and definitely have a better GUI package manager. For the purpose Ubuntu serves, it should minimize the amount of command line autism unless specifically needed for certain software.

I like Ubuntu but it should either go all the way or remain in neckbeard territory

I can't find anything I don't like in Ubuntu.

Why wouldn't you want the latest features and bug fixes? Do you run a server or something?

0 issues with it currently it's pretty great, I have Ubuntu GNOME installed

so it's gnome now? vanilla gnome or did they add zest

you used PPAs i assume, yah?

LTS releases are certainly the best, and waiting until .2 or .3 releases of the next LTS to upgrade ensures a very bug-free experience. the releases between LTS versions are really just to iron out bugs.

>latest features
PPAs and debian repos

non-LTS releases are full of regressions blech

No, I compiled it with customized make files, then moved it to /usr/local/bin, for libraries it's /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include. I mentioned codeblocks and Lua because they cause me more headache. Codeblocks PPA didn't work, and I wanted to tinker with Lua to omit some of the standard library.

sounds like a pain in the butt :\ i'd suggest making a launchpad account so you can import code you like and maintain a personal PPA too. significantly less work, and allows you to import repos and binary builds you prefer from other people, even rebuilding them for the release you're on, all via their automated system.

LTS releases are the recommended ones for most users, intermediate versions has a too short support time and it's a bit like being a windows insider, also LTS releases receives updated stack anyway.

Why Bother When it's going to be asshole gnome 3 version

Can't believe no one mentioned it's buggy as hell

this, i crash like 3 times per day in gnome source/deja-dup/ bug/1302416

A severe bug that wrecks the system by eating all of the memory
still not fixed after a few years and still present in 17.04

Fuck me, I kept thinking it was the laptop overheating again or something.

I thought leaving shit unfixed was supposed to be only closed source thing.

Nobody knows how to fix it.

B-b-b-but open sores and linux are supposed to make you a master coder!!!

Retarded default scrolling direction.

THERE'S MORE! source/appstream-glib/ bug/1591868

I had BOTH of these bugs at once
The laptop did not even survive a minute after boot

Just for the love of god, avoid anything with "Ubuntu" or "GNOME" on it, or you're gonna have a bad time

>New Features in Lubuntu 16.10
I want the release notes for 17.04 :(

>Unfortunately, we could not get LXQt ready in time for 17.04, so Lubuntu 17.04 ships with LXDE.

I can't get Ubuntu MATE 17.04 to boot with multiple CPUs enabled in Virtualbox. Worked fine with 16.10.

Happened with both do-release-upgrade and clean install. Booting with 1 CPU or reverting to the earlier 4.8 kernel from 16.10 works.

No problems in KDE

I'm getting it now.
I think I will try it out on my laptop, and maybe I will replace PeppermintOS.

It almost never crashes, only if you pump it full of extension which are still in their beta-phase.

How are swap files working out for you guys?

What the fuck is it with these gay package names?

found your problem

I'm on Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 LTS and don't know what you're talking about. I installed Ubuntu about half a year ago and only very few times have i had to use the command line.And in the last few Weeks i have even grown to like it because you can do stuff like granting permissions, moving files and editing configs so much faster.

what the fuck is a zapus?

it's not arch

I'm now stuck in low graphics mode and can't fix it.

Working OK in Lubuntu.

Currently running 16.04, I have 17.04 in a VM to test it out, so far it's great, the only bug that I encountered was qt 5 software uses cleanlooks theme regardless of the theme chosen.

Forgot to add, if you use chrome disable fullscreen redirect for fullscreen apps (compiz config->composite) otherwise the system crashes if you watch a fullscreen video in chrome.

built in Amazon search bullshit

I'm searching for a file. If I wanted to buy something from Amazon I'd fucking go to Amazon

>disabled by default
Nice try POO IN LOO Red Shat shill.

I love being a pleb who only uses computers for work and internet cat pictures. I only upgraded for dick waving points. Of course everything still works well.


hi friend


I've got ubuntu on my T430. I use fprint to use the fingerprint reader, but it doesn't work on the login screen whenever I turn it back on from sleep. What do?

Also, I've noticed that the fingerprint reader is faster and more easily recognizes my prints on win10 than on ubuntu. Why does this happen?

It's just Debian with botnet telemetry

MacBook Pro doesn't have this problem

I, also, use this operating system

too windows-like, with bloat and all

fuck that, I am not a winbaby

Here are a few:

And superior alternatives:

Not LTS.

They haven't fixed this bullshit: source/network-manager/ bug/1638842
Any system that requires me to use my fucking phone to google how to fix it is a shitty system. Period.

Is it good?

>zesty zaptus