Thoughts on this meme?

Thoughts on this meme?

Still nobody could make so good autocomplete,refactoring and analysis code.

best ide

I like RubyMine. I have to use it at work because there are some company standards that would be annoying to replicate in vim.

But all of the functionality CAN be replicated with vim.

It's bretty gud. Ultimate version is pretty fucking bloated though.

Love it

much better than eclipse, but then again i only really use it for small assignments for school.

good meme.

>nobody could make so good
>best IDE
these are Indian shills. Broken english is their trademark. But beware of the smart shills who minimize the use of words. like:
These are the genuine answers:

Is there any way to make vim as fast?

I wish JEE was in community edition. Then again Eclipse lets me do anything for free and I've been using Eclipse for much longer than IntelliJ.

>darcula theme
i fucking love jetbrains.

The way to go if you want to be actually productive.

IntelliJ is the only software I've ever used that I bought a license for. I like it that much.
I did pirate early versions because their license keys were just hashes of your username and there was no server-side validation.
It was piss easy to pirate, but I fell in love with it and eventually bought a license.

I've been using Rider at work and it makes .NET development a breeze. Once it's fully released, I'll probably buy a license for it, too, so I can ditch Visual Studio.

Forced to use Windows at work. IntelJ allows to search for keywords in code files, which is simply essential for software development. In fact, this search for keywords far better than terminal way.

> be me
> use Eclipse
> "if you're still using Elicpse instead of IntelliJ you're missing out
> $ yaourt -S intellij-idea-community-edition
> $ intellij
> $ yaourt -Rs intellij-idea-community-edition

I use this for Java development on my MacBook. Seems pretty perfect. Looks nice too.

It's good.

a spicy one for sure.

It's practical, but I am sure most of the useful functionalities could be replicated in Vim with some scripts or addons.

Honestly, what I really like is the database integration and the GUI building tools.


It is good, but I can't be arsed to pay for their propietary software yearly
> inb4 my employer should pay or get it through university
I could, but I would rather use emacs for it (if I can)

The entire library of ide tools is free for university students.

How does one build and run Java stuff with this?

It's indispensable at my job

what do you expect from a ((()))poster?

Welcome to Sup Forums. If you're not exclusively using emacs to write common lisp and ML, you are worthless and should consider offing yourself.

fuck you