Best Thinkpad?

I unironically want a Thinkpad. What is the best one?

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Is 2017 Thinkpad X1 Carbon a meme? How about 2017 Thinkpad X1 Yoga?





yup t420 last real tp


W700ds if you care not for portability or battery life but care about posting in Thinkpad and desktop threads.

The P51 is the best Thinkpad you can get that still has godlike build quality and massive performance.

t420 for standard use

x220 for portability over features

x220t for ultraportability

Best one for cheap is the x220

>tfw x220

What is a good model under 200 bucks? I can't import anything above that (including shipping) without a 60% tax.

I guess used is my only option, used T420 from Amazon? I don't need it right now, but I'd rather cut my dick off than buy the shit that is sold locally (for exorbitant prices no less)

T420 or X220 are the best value, and they are relatively cheap and also easily upgradeable. If you have some money to spend, an X1 Carbon or X270 are really good.

T420 for overall uses, if you need more portability, get the x220.

Was thinking of getting a t400, opinions?

T60 is love and life

top comfy 4:3 and crazy moddable

it's the thinkpad that sells you on thinkpads

>tfw i bought 10 thinkpads but i never used them

they're all under my bed gaining dust

thinkpad the delorian of computer world

r vape

Would you be interested in selling?

t420, x220, t60 or x60

I have one, it is very good. I've heard some of the have "keyboard flex" problems. Not a huge concern but you can replace them with t60's keyboard if you wish.

this, comfiest thinkpad imo.
Just the right size for sitting on the couch and watching movies while shitposting.

T420 will be your best bet. The i5-2520M is a solid CPU too. Doesn't run as cool as a Broadwell but it's still a good CPU.

using my first thinkpad, x200, very comfy but have never booted in a Windows, in GNU/Linux it runs smooth as hell

Not OP but is it a good idea to buy say for example a T420 with the lowest specs for cheap and upgrade it personally?

if you know for sure you are going to upgrade it and if the one with low specs is cheaper, yes. Why pay more for something a little better if you will change it anyway?

Why not just buy one with better specs right away if you're going to upgrade it anyway

i guess depends on what he is going to upgrade.

X220 is the best right now.

Now let me ask you this, where is the best place to buy one?

Modern: T430 and P50
Not very old: X220, X220t, T420 and W520
Modern on their website
Not very old on ebay.


wrong thread sorry

The one you build yourself to suit your needs.

Forgot to include:
X201s motherboard
X200s 1440x900 screen
9-cell battery
lasts about 11-13 hours 100-0%
Completely responsive and fast for everyday use; doing more serious work will tank it, though. Compiling the linux kernel with default configs takes 45 minutes.

looks beautiful

X40 is aesthetic, has a 10 hour battery life, and will shitpost and run most modern software. No management engine botnet either.

fuckin love synthwave

One without the Microsoft Windows key.
One with the IBM logo.
Sadly, it'll be slow and cramped.
If you go for a later one you'll be sacrificing quality for speed.

>The one you build yourself to suit your needs.
Assuming the tech knowledge to determine which, if any, components and arrangements will provide this and the budget to finance the work and supplies.
I doubt that anyone on this board has the necessary skills and experience to do the job.
Don't forget that self-assessment is notoriously inaccurate and always vastly above reality.

Can confirm, running a wangblows vm under macOS for CAD without breaking a sweat.
Also, nice digits



>mfw I bought a ThinkPad E550 and it's fucking shit

>buying consumer grade laptops of any brand




Isn't this outdated

I librebooted mine couple weeks ago.
Might be an old laptop, but it still rocks

the OP is fashwave you ignorant fuck

don't post about things you don't fucking understand

anything without an i series processor with build in backdoor from

T*20 was last series without guvmint backdoor on chip

>Void Linux
Damn, I want to install that distro just because of the logo. I love it for some reason.
But other than that, is it good?