>Those 8th Generation Core laptops may be more attractive to customers. The first 10-nm Cannonlake chips will be slower than 14-nm 8th Generation Core processors. Intel acknowledged the speeds during the manufacturing event, with a chart showing 10-nm chips catching up with 14-nm chip performance in one to two years.

>Those 8th Generation Core laptops may be more attractive to customers. The first 10-nm Cannonlake chips will be slower than 14-nm 8th Generation Core processors. Intel acknowledged the speeds during the manufacturing event, with a chart showing 10-nm chips catching up with 14-nm chip performance in one to two years.

>In theory, the 10-nm chips should be faster than the 14-nm chips. But the first low-power Cannonlake chips will have fewer transistors, and won't be comparable to the mature 14-nm chips with more transistors.

>The first 10-nm Cannonlake chips will be slower than 14-nm 8th Generation Core processors. Intel acknowledged the speeds during the manufacturing event,
>chart showing 10-nm chips catching up with 14-nm chip performance in one to two years.

Say it with me everyone.



Other urls found in this thread:


Does anyone find the situation once again mirrors 2004 where Intel has to push clocks and power consumption as high as possible to compete? So many fond memories.

I'm assuming that the 10nm chips are extremely energy efficient.

Which is one of the most important features on mobile chips, such as in laptops.

I don't see a problem here.

What about desktops?

Now if this was AMD you would get dozens of posts saying 'they will optimize it, just wait" and other such excuses.

>Just Wait(TM)
Shekelchasers BTFO

I expect Intelshills to proclaim AMD as the sole cause of climate change.

Sorry mate, but when intel fucks up, they don't hire 30 pajets to spam these boards with damage control at all times.

I guess we'll find out if it carries over to desktops.

>I expect Intelshills to proclaim AMD as the sole cause of climate change.
No you are thinking of AMD fanboys mate.

So basically a repeat of Broadwell? Broadwell got two LGA1150 CPUs that nobody bought because they were slightly slower than Haswell refresh. They did run a lot cooler but desktop users don't care that much about that unless you're going over 120W TDP.

Present evidence notwithstanding?


What is 120W TDP

>Energy efficient
Hey goy, put more small batteries

The 5775C was a gaming beast.


Intel/AMD/Nvidia whatever. Look at what you want to do. Either play a game, or make patterns in Excel.

Buy what does the job best at the time you need to buy and get what you can afford/fits your budget.

Welcome to Sup Forums, where we make 30 threads a day about the same thing and circlejerk hate on Intel/AMD/Nvidia. Because clearly Intel/AMD/Nvidia is better guys.


I wouldn't know i was only 4 years old then :^)

Because watching Intel get into a losing fight with the laws of physics is entertaining as all fuck.

Yeah I must've been hallucinating the POOZEN BTFO threads with laughably shit gaymurr benchmarks constantly being spammed for a month straight.


Sadly we like arguing.

underage b&


Is this even news though? Intel already said a while back that Cannonlake would be a mobile/embedded release because of shitty 10nm yields.

That being said,
>Coffee Lake


People that say buy whatever you need just have the tip of AMD's dick in their ass.

Sane people say Intel/Nvidia always.

Not sure what the problem is here.
My i5 3210m laptop from 2012 used to beat all of these low voltage processors up until recently.
This is just them pushing out yet another low power cpu.

Probably because that's the power consumption thing they can really improve nowadays and they're aiming for the mobile sector.
This low power thing is the trend, until they decide to finally stop milking people and switch away from silicon to something like GaAs.

What's it like for you 15 year olds to concern themselves over performance gains in the worst plateua in history?
I remember back in 2006 when each generation promised magical gains and every iteration was worth upgrading to

Yet here I am in a 4400 and still don't have a reason to upgrade

but he's 18

>hey intel can I have a 10nm process?
>14nm? What do you need 16nms for?
>delid in 4miles

When the T580 comes out with like 24 hours of battery life on 50Wh batteries nobody will be complaining.


What's the point of an Intel CPU if it's universally shit?

Pure Innovation. They managed to lower their 1% gains even lower and in fact have now achieved negative gains. Such courage


Northwood , Prescott et al
130watts in a single core,
Hairdryer for a pc

Kill yourself, tripfag.

Intel's already losing the fight against quantum physics, you want them to lose the fight against entropy as well?

This. I don't need a fast chip in a laptop. I just need low power/heat.

Desktop and server market is another question though. Maybe they will find a home in htpc fanless type stuff?

Mate. This is fucked. What happened to you?
You used to be reasonable. Now that Ryzen's came out you went full blown obvious shill.

Even Bulldozer is faster than Broadwell-E



You are retarded if you ever thought that he wasn't always the worst tripfag on Sup Forums. Also you should also kill yourself.

>You used to be reasonable
>Be awesome
He's always been a troll on all topics, for years now. If you ever find yourself agreeing with him on anything then something is wrong. He denies basic facts in an attempt to push his bullshit.

Maybe because Intel is 100x larger than AMD and can probably afford 20 teams of CPU designers that each get billions of USA bucks in funding , while AMD can have maybe 2 max

Nah, just that he used to put effort in. Then again Ryzen has really fucked things over for shills. Not much to fall back on other than absolute peak frame rated in games. Everything else gets shat on.
> for years now.
I don't come by that much.
He was having a 'good' spell six months ago.
But now it's just pathetic.

What do 'CPU designers' have to do with process development?

>laptop chip is underpowered

This is why Intel is fucking shit.

Kill yourself, you perma BTFO'd tripfaggot.

>TFW I switched from an am3+ chipset to an 1151 build last year because I believed in Intel for the present to the near future
>Canonlake will perform worse than Ryzen and Skylake
>There will be a chipset refresh after canonlake
>I won't be able to get a decent upgrade over my 6600k without a new motherboard even though I spent a lot of time making sure that I'd be able to buy jumping into a chipset at the beginning and getting off at the end
My blood is boiling desu

> last year
About time to get a new motherboard anyway according to intel logic.

No one but to blame but yourself.

Everyone said wait for Ryzen. Even days after Ryzen was announced Intel knew they had no response and started working on a new architecture.

If Zen wasn't as good as it is, Intel would have gladly sold you a cannonlake for am even higher premium.

Kaby Lake-X is going to destroy Ryzen in every benchmark.

And then we get to see what Ryzen+ can do shortly after. Competition is great.

Anybody who believed in "wait for Zen" a whole 12 months ago would have been laughed at and rightly so

What does Ryzen have to do with Kaby Lake-X using new socket?

Then you hadn't been paying attention at what a monster Zen was turning out to be, or the effectiveness of bulldozer gaining steam in multithreaded games.

The tea leaves were there.

Oyy Vey

>bulldozer gaining steam in multithreaded games.
I bought an 8350 six months because of this.
(first build)
Four cores are fucking stupid this late in the game.

>babylake - x
>new socket
>7740k 4c 8t
>112W Housefire™
>Just Wait™

back in the oven

>competition is great
>both companies are putting out chips not even 50% faster than a 6 year old Sandy Bridge.

It's sad seeing the progress of current CPUs.

2011-2017 - 45% performance gain
2007-2011 - 200% performance gain
2003-2007 - 450% performance gain
1997-2003 - 950% performance gain
1993-1997 - 6500% performance gain


>t. 2600k owner

They will Intel and AMD both start shitty in the beginning and then get it together afterwards.


Sucks though. Not upgrading ever at this point.

>Either play a game, or make patterns in Excel.
Very subtle way of saying buy intel.
Fucking fan bois getting assmad.
Was perfectly fine when people were getting (((recommended))) i3's instead of FX8XXX.
But noooo. Now that intels behind you'd rather there be no discussion on the facts of the matter anymore.

Every other manufacturer is just going to use this as a opportunity to skimp on batteries and make a thinner laptop

No where do I say buy Intel.

Or from any company for that matter. They're corporations that just want to take my currency. They aren't "loyal" to me. I've never understood why people blindly follow a company and buy everything they release.

It's weird that we live in a day where what you buy seems to define you socially on the internet.

>Look guys, check out this thing I bought that's clearly better than what you did. Faggot.

That's all that anyone does.

That's pre-ryzen though.
With ryzen you have a over 150% gain from sandy in MT.


>just wait for skylake x
>just wait for cannonlake
>just watch - AMD will go bankrupt

Future is so bright I gotta wear shades

>comparing a $450 CPU in 2017 to a $290 CPU in 2011
You CPU shills are really fucking desperate are you, Intel or AMD.

>what you buy seems to define you socially on the internet.
No, it's what you said. You're wreathing that there's something other than intel and nVidia.
You simply cannot handle it. So you'd rather all conversation stop.
>check out this thing I bought that's clearly better than what you did. Faggot.
Your point?
This a board of discussing technology. I'll agree the "hey Sup Forums I just brought 3k worth of vidocards" threads are fucking stupid.
But discussing what's currently the best for activity X is not something that should cease here.

You'll come to accept this in due time. 7 stages of grief.
Also, stop abusing the return key you gigantic homo.

Kill yourself.

After you.


except now instead of making them slightly faster and hotter, they're making them slower and colder.
absolute genius




>trying to fight quantum mechanics

I forgot one thing: you forgot to change the pentium 4 image to the core i7 image.

Pretty much all 1700s do 3.7-3.8ghz.
A $330 2017 CPU vs a $320 (with inflation) cpu.


>not believing in the certified shit wrecker


The best part is everyone assuming Intel had god chips just sitting in a warehouse waiting to BTFO AMD if they ever became competitive again.

It turns out they really were sitting on their collective asses all these years

Intel's architecture is like a dried up old titty. All the milk has been sucked out. It's just a flabby bag of skin. But full-grown manchildren just keep trying to suck out of it.

>m-muh secret sauce

The damage control on Sup Forums alone has been hilarious.

You don't get to say that about people who were right.

when does the x86 architecture patent expire?

>just optimize less transistors
>hotfix more gates
>download more cache

ebin : ----------------- DD

>10nm slower than 14
>h-hheh it's for laptops anyway




God I hate you Sup Forums. Luddites to the highest degree.