Time and time again Sup Forums talks about user data collection on the WIndows platform (telemetry) but what about Apple's desktop operating system? Did any of you anons using OSX/macOS bother to check addresses communicating with your computer? does macOS phone home to Apple like Windows pings Microsoft from time to time?
Is there any workaround this issue besides installing GNU/Linux?
Telemetry on OSX/macOS
mac users are too stupid to care
Well obviously iCloud is a botnet, but iCloud runs on Azure platform (also botnet)
get the fuck out
Mac OS 8 and 9 are still somewhat usable and do not have any telemetry as far as I can tell. Other than running on an abandoned PPC architecture and having no security patches in years, PPC Macs and Mac OS 8/9 are still usable today though they are not the best option for daily use.
OS X is pretty much the same up until OS X 10.6 where they started taking more and more diagnostics and usage info. Around 10.4 was the switch from PPC to x86, and the earliest Intel CPUs used were the Core2 Duos which have a management engine, which is something to consider as well. Around the time of 10.9, the data collected IMO became too much. That fag Cook has been giving in to the demands of governments for years now. Also, the EFI in modern (post 2008) Macs have backdoors which allow the bootloader and kernel to be compromised through the Thunderbolt port, and encryption does little to help. This is Intels fault for backdooring Thunderbolt and Apple's fault for trusting Intel. I own a 2011 MBP and I felt that the Thunderbolt exploits were so serious that I de-soldered the port from the board. Also you can open a shell in recovery and do all kinds of nasty things to the EFI partition to make the Thunderbolt exploitation even more devastating, and this still hasn't been fixed. Setting an EFI password can help to mitigate this.
Proofs: youtube.com
The last bastion of freedom is GNU/Linux on ARM. Once the binaries are released for the Raspberry Pi, I'll be building a laptop out of one to use as my main computer.
Speak for yourself. I bought my Mac for work and I'm rather disappointed in the security which is not as good as advertised.
This guide is really REALLY helpful.
>opening a shell in recovery mode
Can you exploit this to change the admin's password like in Windows you can change files within the file picker and make it so you can access cmd.exe without the user's password and reset it?
proof: youtube.com
who fucking cares? the reason linux is 20 years behind is exactly because they have no way of telling why things crash and how people use the os
>Can you exploit this to change the admin's password like in Windows you can change files within the file picker and make it so you can access cmd.exe without the user's password and reset it?
You can enable root if encryption is off, then create a user that has root privileges on the system. That user will have permissions above all other users, and as such can control all files on the machine. There is no cmd on Macs. The equivalent is a bash shell, and on a root account you'll have a root bash shell. And yes, you can modify any system or user file.
>the reason linux is 20 years behind is exactly because they have no way of telling why things crash and how people use the os
Are you too fucking stupid to know what system logs are or what? How do you think Apple gets that info? They just slide in on a magical rainbow and wave a magic wand to collect your data and then leave a little chocolate under your pillow? Dumbfuck.
Considering the alternatives, which are Windows or fucking Linux, I'll rather have Apple gathering telemetry on my system, thanks.
Windows and Linux are worse than horseshit.
If you choose a distro other than Ubuntu with the Unity desktop, there is no telemetry on GNU/Linux.
Yeah I know the implications of using bash as root, I'm a Debian user who moved away from Win7 before the Win10 launch because Win10 runs really sluggish on my machine (yes, I did a fresh install from a .iso file I got from my university).
So since most PCs don't have thunderbolt ports unless you're using a more expensive/recent motherboard are hackintoshs actually safer than Apple computers in that regard?
Also user, is there anything you'd like to add to the github tutorial I posted?
Not necessarily true, you could be running, for instance, chrome while logged in to your Google account on any Linux distribution with any WM/DE of your choice.
I'll write an email directly to apple letting them know every time a bear shits in the woods if it means I don't have to use Windows or Linux.
Linux is absolutely the worst operating system ever designed.
Please, refrain from derailing this thread.
Linux is a widely used operating system on worldwide servers for many reasons, if it's not of your liking using linux as your OS of choice we understand.
>people believe linux doesn't monitor you
they already compromised it somewhere down there and you know it
Dumb nerds. I bet you think TOR is anonymous too.
It is about money. Money makes the world go round. Freetards will never get it. It's no surprise that Ubuntu is the most accessible distro.
At any rate, OSX is surely monitoring something but I trust Apple a lot more than MS to at least not cuck me out to every advertising company.
>So since most PCs don't have thunderbolt ports unless you're using a more expensive/recent motherboard are hackintoshs actually safer than Apple computers in that regard?
Not unless they use a traditional BIOS and they have the Intel Management Engine disabled. UEFI is just as cancerous as Apple's EFI, if not more so. Pre-OS bootloader firmware should not be able to run a web browser. It's there to do basic hardware init and scan the hard drive for a bootloader, or start the bootloader as a payload like in Coreboot/Libreboot.
>Also user, is there anything you'd like to add to the github tutorial I posted?
I don't see any GitHub links.
Not an argument since Chrome nor your Jewgle account are part of the OS or kernel. Chrome is not built in, and you have to choose to install it. It is not software that the original developer of the OS intended for you to use. Don't be dense.
You can send bug reports to developers by sending them a quick message on email or IRC when you have some spare time. If you don't want to send the reports because you're a lazy manchild, you don't have to.
>Linux is absolutely the worst operating system ever designed.
Linux is a kernel. There are hundreds of operating systems that utilize it. Be specific.
>It is about money. Money makes the world go round.
Spotted the Jew.
>I trust Apple
I bet you trust Facebook and Twitter too. Do you really think that Apple wouldn't sell your soul for $10 if they had the chance?
>mac book moisture sensors
Even he hardware logs how much cum you spill on it
Linux is shit. The only reason you're shilling for it is because it's a fucking meme and you're a shit-eating millennial trying to fit in.
While those are severe compromises I believe they are more of a threat to those who are enemies of the state, i.e criminals and terrorists. If the C.I.A or FBI is looking to crack into your hard drives, it doesn't matter what OS you're currently running.
OF COURSE, these compromises could be exploited by criminals or people who are against you and have technical knowledge of the OS and the hardware you're using, but what I'm trying to accomplish with this thread is a way to make OSX/macOS a reasonable privacy-friendly operating system and perhaps, more secure to average attacks.
Again, posts that don't accomplish nothing, you're wasting your time on this thread as well as those with genuine interests on this topic.
>implying I don't use it daily
What's it like being a brainlet normie?
Go back to /r/eddit, your post reeks of it.
Feels a lot better than being an autistic millennial so desperately trying to identify with other autists that he installs a shit meme operating system with zero productivity.
>>>I trust Apple
Nice job taking what I said out of context.
Of course we don't talk about macos stuff. It's assumed that it'll be worse right out of the gate, plus it's shittier, so why bother mentioning it? To answer your question, no, there is no workaround besides linux.
Check for the github link.
>discussion with actual arguments, links and videos is worthless because it resembles a community which I've been told to hate just so I can "fit-in"
Off to the deeps of hell with you, retarded neo-Sup Forums faggot, this place was way better before Sup Forums kids like you who only like to talk about consumerist crap. You and your friends somehow managed to ruin not only Sup Forums Sup Forums but /tech/ boards across multiple alternative chans.
Stay mad you dumb fucking /r/edditor. Stop shilling for memes just so you can pretend to yourself that you're cool.
And by the way, I was here way the fuck before you, and perhaps you'll be surprised to learn that the "linux is so amazing weeeeehh senpai" bullshit came from /r/eddit you stupid fuck.
Why is it always the redditors that tell other people to go back? The overcompensation is a dead giveaway.
It does everything I need it to do. Runs an IRC client, a web browser, a photo editing program, a text editor, and even some games like Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2.
I don't think you know what this means.
Blind trust in anything is fucking retarded. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. What are you hiding in that closed source program?
I already went over some of that. I know that a firmware password will help to mitigate the recovery problem, though the issues with Thunderbolt remain. It's really not so much Apple, rather the cum guzzling fags at Intel.
There are browsers like WebKit nightly or Firefox nightly that are far superior. Why are you being retarded?
Why am I not surprised a thread about OSX triggers Loonix fags to derail the thread to defend their OS. If I didn't know better I would think you fags were paid, but then this is Linux where everyone does it for free.
This is your last (You) faggot. Do you realize that nothing that you're actually saying actually makes sense? if you think using Linux somehow makes you a edgy contrarian you're just outing yourself as one of the Sup Forums underages that have been shilling Windows here because you can't into learning new things. Also, nice redditspacing kid, you sure do know a lot about reddit :^)
Why is it always redditors who won't fucking leave when you tell them? The indignation and lack of board knowledge is a dead giveaway.
Seriously, find a rope and hang yourself with it kiddo.
Do you know how I know you're new here?
I'm sure everything here is new to you, considering how recently you were born.
Oh man! What a creative and offensive rebuttal! How can I even compete with such genius? Truly you are the brightest of our youth.
>full autism mode: engaged
Good. Stay mad, faggot. Linux is shit and useless shills like you need to be gassed.
>people should be killed because of their operating system choice
>shilling software that costs nothing
I'm not the autistic one here. Sort yourself out.
>shilling for free
>defending a shit operating system
>calls the other person autistic
Seriously, kill yourself.
What operating system am I shilling again?
>he keeps redditspacing
>he doesn't realize why he's a newfag
lmao kid probably doesn't even get the fact that the install gentoo meme is older than his presence here and that Sup Forums only started hating Linux once angry edgy teens got memed by Sup Forums to leave the Windows platform because of Windows 10 and realized they sucked at unix-like systems because they're dumb millennials who can't into troubleshooting
Jesus christ this thread is a trainwreck.
I blame Linux.
I suppose you'll say that Apple can bypass it but after the initial install Little Snitch doesn't ever report Apple phoning home.
You don't seem to realize that the newfag is you. Here's a quick history lesson, kiddo. Strap in.
Install gentoo started as a meme when dumb redditors (like yourself) started showing up asking about it. Back then, people were experimental. Nobody shilled for linux, they didn't defend linux, they weren't posting threads constantly flaming everything that wasn't linux. But it wasn't what it is today, so people told the redditors to install gentoo because it was notoriously hard to do for retards with no experience in unix-like environments.
Since then, a counter-culture has arisen to denounce linux because people are figuring out after all this time that it's actually shit. Many of them found out the hard way by falling for the meme because they wanted desperately to fit in here.
I belong to the old hats who tried it, realized it was shit a decade ago, and never looked back. I welcome the linux haters because the meme needs to die. It's fucking stupid and always was.
Sup Forums thinks they're smart because they can follow YouTube tutorials and assemble a computer from pre-made pieces. They've never done any kind of soldering or BIOS modification. This has truly ruined Sup Forums.
>hue hue
>I am le oldfag
>le le le le le
You are the cancer. You've been here for about 6 months and now you think you know the entire site history and that you're a 1337 hax0r. Have you ever visited Something Awful? If not, FYAD.
>realized it was shit a decade ago
You were still shitting diapers a decade ago. Also, software changes a lot in a decade. You're one of the dumbest excuses for human life I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with.
Cool, keep making shit up to justify the literal horseshit you're spewing, none of which you can back up because it's fucking false.
I actually don't know what's wrong with you, or why you've decided to make this into a personal crusade, but kindly fuck right off because it's not welcome here and nobody actually cares as much as you do.
>software changes a lot in a decade
Yeah, in this case, it gets a lot fucking worse.
>claims not to have used Linux in a decade
>has a negative opinion of some of the newer elements of Linux operating systems
I'm not that other user and he sounds like an idiot, but you also sound like an idiot, just for the record.
Wow, you really are stupid and new. Threads on Sup Forums where anons told people to install linux and get rid of windows are way older than the whole install gentoo meme, even before 2008~09 where normies began invading Sup Forums because of phoneposters and the whole media misinterpretation of the website. We had some bait threads on Sup Forums and /tech/ asking retards like (You) to dish windows in favor of linux and people got really upset just like they do nowadays because they would usually overwrite the windows partition or install a meme distro. You don't like linux because you're a useless faggot who probably only uses his PC to game, shitpost and nothing else, oh? you're a sysadmin? don't bullshit on me saying that doing your work on windows with powershell is better than bash you know it fucking isn't because of how easy the bash syntax is. Oh? you're a programmer? you must then be either blind or really dumb to not realize how faster linux is in a programming workflow. Something else? than just windows and fuck off.
You should do a Jewgle search for FYAD, because FYAD. You're a stupid newfag.
>I actually don't know what's wrong with you, or why you've decided to make this into a personal crusade
What are you going to do about it, cry and tell mom?
These aren't bad things, especially systemd. Don't get angry at things just because you don't understand them. If you really don't like them, install a distro without them, you mouthbreather.
How the fuck did you think can you post on this board for more than a year without seeing threads about every conceivable issue under the sun?
Seriously, I don't have to eat shit to know it's shit. I can just read the catalog or check in with the generals.
So now you're telling me that you trust Sup Forums as an authority on anything, let alone something as complex as an operating system? Are you having a stroke? Are you aware what website you're on?
Maybe you want to put the shovel down before you dig a pit you can't scramble out of.
You're mixing groups and misrepresenting what I said.
Obviously a meme doesn't pre-date the legitimate discussions that took place. It didn't become a meme until people started flooding the board asking about it. EVERYONE got upset with it, except the handful of mouthbreathers dedicated to doing shit the hard way for no reason. But it was fun to point and laugh at the idiots who fell for the meme, and trigger the faggots who took it seriously in order to be contrarian.
>everything Sup Forums says is wrong
Nobody said Sup Forums was an authority on anything you retard, and I do my own research. All I said was you see things being mentioned. Learn to fucking read.
Casual reading without the understanding of what it actually means is meaningless and your opinions are worthless if that's all you do. Sorry champ, you are representative of Sup Forums in that what you say is irrelevant. Congratulations on fitting into the community.
Why are you even quoting me if you aren't reading what I posted? You might as well reply to yourself.
>oh? you're a sysadmin? don't bullshit on me saying that doing your work on windows with powershell is better than bash you know it fucking isn't because of how easy the bash syntax is.
Whenever I hear somebody make this argument I immediately know that they don't do any kind of serious IT work related to Windows.
Bash will NEVER reach the greatness that is Powershell. Objects > Text any day.
And if you want to compare syntax? I don't know where your argument is then. Bash syntax is awful, it has always been shit and carries with it the archaic conventions of older languages. While every language has it's gotchas, Bash is has always been in my opinion, a special offender.
>Did any of you anons using OSX/macOS bother to check addresses communicating with your computer?
no. just like i dont check on windows or gahnoo/lonux anymore. even when i did they were engrained into the system and either i didnt have the skill to disable it or the system would break. i was bogpilled about OS spying since most of you were in school.
also, net privacy never existed.
Did any of you anons using OSX/macOS bother to check addresses communicating with your computer?
Install LittleSnitch