Which is the best Nvidia manufacturer?

Which is the best Nvidia manufacturer?

Spell is correctly and I'll answer.

EVGA is an explosive experience.

Primarily EVGA because god tier customer support and quality control (minus dropping the ball with the 1080 and 1070 vrms and capacitors)
Strix if you enjoy shuriken fan blades killing your cat
GIgabyte if you like gigabyte
MSI if you like to grill in your spare time and be edgy
PNY if you aren't self conscious about your brands
Gainward if you have a brick or cinder block fetish

They're all the same to me, I'd just buy the OEM version since that is the cheapest.

>buying Nvidia
literally lmaoing at your life right now


poojeet use the loo pls

At least he's not a tranny.

Literally the sole reason the house fire meme exists.
Zotac, Gigabyte, PNY are all good. Also Zotac's AMP! Extreme cards usually have the highest factory OC.

I've never had a bad experience with any of them, desu.

But I haven't bought EVGA since the GTX 285 and they recently had a huge fiasco over VRMs

Sapphire :^)

Good for you
EVGA fucked up once, big whoop literally not a problem anymore who cares

They literally fuck up every generation though. It's the reason why they have such good customer support.



They have good customer support but no they don't fuck up every generation, this is the first time since the 400 series


Yeah let me just go buy one of AMDs good car-
oh shit that's right guess I'll wait™

anything besides EVGA
their low tier binned gpus are dogshit and last less than a year

You don't need more than 480 performance goy

MSI and Asus as long as you don't need support. My STRIX 1080 is completely silent, it's great.


>It's enough

Have fun with your vulkan support oh wait

I haven't touched 1080p in 9 years, and only in your delusional universe is a 480 usable in any 4K situation.

>Low tier binned
>Meanwhile ASUS has to give you another 10% power limit bump to get their cards to overclock worth a damn
fucking lmao

>Redshift with a 480
>Painter with a 480

Hah, no

get the fuck out of here

my xfx 390 used to do fucking 92 in DOOM. later i got a nitro fury and that thing hasnt ever breached 79
>ignoring vapor x memes

only bought an evga once, but they fucked up the ram or some shit that time on the first run of cards. would lock the computer up. had to be rma'd. never had a problem with any of my cards from other companies.

>things that never happened

it was their 8800 gt. look it up yourself, faggot.

>apparently RMAing your card over a driver issue in 2007
fucking lol

couldn't be fixed with a driver update. evga told the first group that ordered them to send it back for a replacement. moved on to other companies though. feels good.

>things that still never happened

lol k evga shill

burden of proof is on you buddy and you're still yet to supply any
Your main retorts are "lol ur a shill"

Palit generally makes quiet cooling solutions
Also their cards don't look like a toy for 12 year olds, at least not as much.
No LEDs or red racing stripes.

compared to MSI

>Literally the sole reason the house fire meme exists.
That's thanks to amd you fuck nugget.

Sapphire™ video cards never have this problem

Wow, looks like some shit you'd find at the dollar store.

Avoid Evga, high-end Gigabyte pretty good, Zotac also pretty good

>cards not having a problem that never existed
Wow incredible, still no evidence to your claims


They are all the same, just buy the cheapest one.

Decided to look it up cause I never remember this happening, nothing to back you up. No results siding with what you claim


>MSI if you like to grill in your spare time and be edgy
u wot m8
twinfrozr has been second only to the strix for coolest temps for a while now

do not buy EVGA, I bought an EVGA GTX 1070 FTW edition in December and it died after a month and a half. I had barely even used it because I really don't game on PC very much.

Sure you did ;^)


I have an EVGA GTX 960, and EVGA is pretty bro-teir in my experience.
EVGA and Zotac are me recommendations.

>MSI if you like to grill in your spare time
way ahead of you

>friend spray painted 980
>broke eventually due to his own fault in not knowing how to overclock
>sent in to evga
>didn't have anymore 980s in stock at the time so they just sent him a 1070 and gave him back the shroud for the 980
evga is pretty bro tier but my friend is just a lucky fuck

I'm referring to the back plates bucko they got hot as fuck cause they're good with heat dissipation

Shit man, wish I had that kind of lucky. Your buddy must have a horse shoe up his ass or something.

Nvidia. Get a FE.

What's luck about it?

EVGA not caring about heatsink fuckery on warranty has been common knowledge for a long ass time, and it's pretty standard for anything company to upgrade you to a new gen equivalent if your warranty is used when the last gen is not in stock anymore.

The only unfortunate part is that MSI's twin frozr cooler uses some fucking black magic for how fucking good it is.

Too bad they don't make them in all grey/black and just add MUH ARRGEEBEE for people who want colors.

Ew tranny pajeet

Opinion on Msi?

oh fuck off you're one fucking person