How much fucking longer is it going to take for Linux to be a viable desktop operating system?
How much fucking longer is it going to take for Linux to be a viable desktop operating system?
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Soon my brother....
Dunno OP. How much longer will you stop caring about other's interest and pursuit your own?
Once we have a cure for retardation come back to us and we'll see if we can help you out.
Never because hardware manufacturers don't care about it.
As long as windows exists there will never be a linux desktop.
It's viable now, the only problem is whether it has the applications you want. If you're a heavy Photoshop user then Linux will never be viable for you. If you just do casual browsing, media consumption, and video encoding then it's fine.
Gaming is not very good because for the most part you get ports at least a year after the Windows release, and performance usually isn't as good. There are exceptions but that's been my experience.
>media consumption, and video encoding
Not with the massive amounts of screen-tearing bud.
When freetards stop making new distros every day and video games.
How much fucking longer is it going to take for OP to not be a retarded faggot?
Linux is a viable operating system for people aren't massive consumerfags
1998 is definitely going to be the year of Linux on the desktop.
Until I can click update and not have my system broken.
Literally every fucking time.
Works on My Machine (TM)
how to people find a way to fuck up something so easy
When the whole desktop becomes GPU accelerated, and GTK gets thumbnails in the file picker.
1) It does Gayiming
2) It comes preinstalled
Compared to windows 10 it is viable.
>I used to look up to Linus Torvalds as many did, but am increasingly beginning to see him as a threat to the advancement of the industry with his faux pragmatism that has led him to speak out against everything from security to microkernels and kernel debuggers.
>nobody should give Linus any slack whatsoever. He's responsible for the current fiasco, where stock Linux kernel is a joke security-wise, one can find reliable vulnerabilities in a few hours, once the debugging infrastructure is there.
>Linus holds the vast majority of the blame here, simply put, he is an idiot when it comes to security or looking ahead at how things will be in a couple of years. Linux is slowly entering every single aspect of our lives and this trend will only accelerate
>It is simply UNACCEPTABLE and downright MALICIOUS STUPIDITY for Linus to hold the views he does in this day and age. He's been repeatedly warned and cautioned for more than a DECADE now and he's laughed at and ignored valid criticisms from people with much more foresight than him. If this trend continues,
>he knows the stakes and the sad state of affairs in the kernel (complexity, 0 security mindset, archaic architecture) and he sees the options available to him:
>+ Make security top priority
>It will also expose most of the kernel maintainers and developers as total incompetents when it comes to writing secure code and slow the pace of development.
>Do nothing and deal with the problem by making idiotic statements of the sort "If you care about security, don't connect Linux to the Internet" or "insulate the kernel by adding layers of security such as sandboxes ...". In sort, he's saying it's not his problem STFU and deal with it yourself.
>No, I shouldn't have to DISCONNECT everything that runs Linux from the Internet if I want it to have a modicum of security.
Linux is a long way from general purpose use. The second a normie has to edit a config they'll drop it
So I guess Windows 10 isn't a viable desktop operating system.
I started running it back when Windows 10 was revealed. I thought I might as well get a headstart than to deal with Windows 7 or 8.1 forever and it has been great.
Never looked back.
> implying it isn't
When professional software companies like Autodesk and Adobe begin to develop native Linux versions of their software
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
see that's the reason why linux will never viable.
It already is. You are just a retard.
Anything with with a terminal is a viable "desktop" OS. I would even add that pushing for GUI-everything only fosters illiteracy and in fact makes Linux less viable, since it stoops down to the level of spew that is Windows.
>Until I can click
Why do you illiterate retards always want to use your mouse for everything?
I've literally never seen "screen tearing".
This. The only reason Windows is the "better" option for many people is because it's established as the standard. Linux is at least as good if not better for ordinary productivity applications, is clearly superior when it comes to programming, and is decent for casual gaming too.
The big thing holding Linux back on the desktop is support for big enterprise applications, like Office, Photoshop. Also normies love gaymen, etc.
I think Linux is already suitable as a Facebook machine OS.
All the developers at my work already hate Windows and all our work is done on Linux machines because of the trend towards cloud/containerization, which Windows is shit at.
You are literally lying.
it has been for over a decade now. Where have you been?
Having full control over your OS meaning it's easy to completely break it.
Linux philosophy is not suited for 90% of users.
Windows 7 dies in 2020, so the freetards have around 3 more years to get their shit together.
>I've literally never seen "screen tearing".
some netbooks with intel gpus have a tearing problem until you turn "TearFree" on ... not sure why it's not turned on by default
As much as Sup Forums shits on windows, MS has a much better security program than Linus.
Maya has a native version for linux.
Anyway, Blender is better.
The year of the linux desktop is the year your parents will have to use linux. Isn't going to happen and it's really better that way.
4 years ago for me.
My grandfather uses linux because of me.
No viruses
No questions like it was with windows.
You wouldn't want to know
Just as soon as it's not a 50:50 crapshot if the sound is going to work consistently...
And games.
Also, distinguish between office desktop and personal desktop, very different experiences & requirements.
When vidya are vulkan compatible
But for now, arena shooters with waifus are a wangblows only thing.
>not dualbooting 2 ssds and a hard drive for media on your laptop
I scanned and printed something on my laptop running Arch today.
>implying you actually have to click update to have your system broken in win10
In win 10, it says "time for an update, bitch. Hope you saved everything btw cos I'm just gonna reset this fucker and wipe your data lel. Shit might not work after I'm done having my way with your system either, but w/e"
>Not with the massive amounts of screen-tearing bud.
Don't use Xfce then. Simple.
It's never going to become a viable desktop operating system.
Desktops are falling to mobile hardware and games consoles and Linux will never be sold on millions upon millions of new computers like Windows or OSX because that costs money and you'd have to effectively start your own brand of computer because I highly doubt any major manufacturer would drop Windows for something that isn't going to generate them large amounts of profit.
Whenever Microsoft starts locking down standalone win32 programs in order to force all software developers to pay them a 30% cut selling through the Store.
The day you see Blizzard of Riot suddenly porting their games to Linux, it means shit is about to go down hard in a matter of months. Valve already did time ago just in case, and in hindsight they were not wrong.
Let's be honest, here.
Never. It's never going to happen. And now that Windows is starting to go down the drain...we might as well give up on computers altogether and just go outside for once.
>tfw love Linux but there are no DAWs or VSTs available and probably never will be
fugg :DDD
How much fucking longer is it going to take for idiots to stop asking this stupid pointless fucking question?
Just run whatever windows you need in a vm and stop worrying. You can use a really old version of windows. You don't even have to connect it to the web. Use your app and shut it down and you're back to your linux environment. I just don't understand all the fussing about linux vs windows etc. etc. Completely pointless.
Also, what is viable? If you're using linux and you start up a vm with windows. Use an app or two you are still using linux. It's handling all your ports. Good luck to you.
Well there is bitwig, which is actually pretty nice.
No vsts sucks really hard though. (They are more important to me than a daw)
I think I'll switch to linux mostly anyway, and do all my windows shit inside a vm though.
Pci passthrough even allows me to properly use my graphics card for games.
The question is, if my usb audio-interface will play along nicely.
this. was thinking about creating music on a pi but support is non existant
>How much fucking longer is it going to take for you to sit down and read the fucking manual?
>The question is, if my usb audio-interface will play along nicely
It will, as long as you install a DE and not just a WM.
In my case, the sound either worked in Linux OR in Windows with just i3.
With lxqt + i3 it works in both environments at the same time all crystal clear. Just remember to install the AC 97 driver
Lt's say Windows is gone from one day to another.
What sadly will happen is that people will jump to macOS. A fraction will jump on Linux, but will pale in comparison.
>it costs money so it has to be better
Just enjoy Linux if you do already and be glad it exists. Fuck the other people you won't have to bother with in the first place.
It begins when flash, java, and silverlight plugins all die and browsers are completely desktop independent.