
who are you quoting

Other urls found in this thread:


>1 GB download
>VR benchmark

Wow it's fucking nothing.

sure, just give me a couple hours to download it

It's a bit useless to post results if everyone uses different settings.
1080p on extreme is the way to go.

>Being this much of a newfag

I'm sorry for wherever you live

doesn't help that their site is slow even compared to my downlink

get good you fucking scrub

test the standards or don't test at all

show me your 1080p extreme score

my 980ti gets 4000 flat on this. Get good you pleb.

wait, they have a torrent as well
much better

Sup Forums pls go

>graphics cards are only used for games

yes im sure this video game benchmark will directly translate to video encoding or whatever excuse you'll try to make to seem like you fit in and are an adult who doesn't play children's games

My PC isn't very good anymore.

Can't get too gud, since I have the cucked Micron memory in my 1070.
It doesn't oc quite as well as the ones with Samsung.

need 2 upgrade GPU


2050Mhz on the core

I get better scores on the 4k benchmark than the 1080p extreme... what's up with that?

>people who ACTUALY bought 780s and 970s
time to show you what a real 4 year old gpu can REALLY do

also LMAO at ur lifes


bad scaling


>less than 33% faster than a 290x
>less than 33% faster than a 4 year old gpu
>way hotter than a 290x

what a joke


housefires, all of you

now post your 4k results


>os x

cia BTFO


git gud

>hotter than


>4k is better than 1080p
obvious bug

Pretty happy considering how much I paid for my toaster

looks like SLI is not supported


How is Hawaii running so cool?

because they use different quality shaders you tards

use extreme shaders at 4k resolution and watch your frames dip into the single digits

>obvious bug
it is not and you are a retard

simply amazing


Might as well do it again

Still did medium textures as well because "high" textures exceeds my vram by 1gb which probably fucks my shit up

download from guru3d you dumbass

how do I make my posts green like his



>Results (Custom)
into the trash it goes


go back

How about no

I haven't OC'd yet.

>Results (Custom)
into the trash it goes


OP started this thread with custom settings. I assume he has his reasons. I'm just following his lead by using his settings.

Weow lad.

>3 mins left
>20 mins pass

holy fuck what kind of overclock do you run?

>does not work with crossfire
good job unigine


Use 1080p Extreme, you plebs

GTX1060 6GB

I assume he's using crossfire

A good one.

7850 with free mesa driver
medium preset because anything higher exceeds 2G vram

I lose.

>470 4GB
>2076 on 1080p Extreme

Really glad I didn't fall for the 3.5GB meme

That benchmark is a custom setting to match OP's custom setting.

Here is 1080p Extreme.

Couldn't handle extreme.

1080 extreme

4k - fury x / 6700k

post clock speed faggot

Same for me :(


What's happening here?

your gpu a shit

I been playing The Elder Scrolls online and it's a stuttering mess with frame rates sometimes dipping below 20, while GPU utilisation and power being at 60%.


Custom trash
Midrange average
Better be saving up for an upgrade user, you're 2 generations behind now and with gimpler (kepler) too.
>He fell for the meme
Dw user I used to have a 970 too
Best of thread actually.
>Not 1080p Extreme
into the trash
The 290X/390X really kicks the 970's ass here, by about 800 points.
SLI is dead, long live the single GPU
>Not 1080p extreme
Into the trash
>Not 1080p extreme
Into the trash
The 390X is better than this, holy shit Polaris was garbage
See directly above
>Not 1080p extreme
Into the trash
That CPU bottleneck from housefire hell
No idea why your score is so low, go clean it or something
The 700's series was total garbage honestly.
>Not 1080p extreme
Into the trash
>Not 1080p extreme
Into the trash
MFW people are actually faking benchmark scores, come'on guys really?
Midrange life is midrange
Shoulda bought a 480
>Not 1080p extreme
Into the trash
Overclock it if you haven't, you'll gain like 500 points if didn't get fucked by the silicon lottery
The 1080 really isn't a great buy is it? Hell it hasn't been for the last 3 generations ever since they started making TI's, almost always better to wait for that.
>Not 1080p extreme
Into the trash
Still holding up alright, but not enough ram
>Not 1080p extreme
Into the trash
>Not 1080p extreme
Into the trash
>Not 1080p extreme
Into the trash


Winning the silicon lottery is a big part. The best part is that this is a FE 1080 TI

thanks. me too

how did I beat you with same GPU and shittier CPU

Nobody gives a fuck for your opinion, faggot.


Now with a 1080

It does, you're just retarded.

had to change it to borderless windowed or it wouldn't work

This is as much as I could get it with the EVGA software, don't want to bother overvolting past their limit

Pretty solid. My GPU is limited by GPU Boost 3.0, the FE cooler doesn't keep it cool enough to allow the OC to stay at 2100 the entire time so it drops to 2050

what gpu is it?

980ti reporting in

>1080 losing to a 980ti
wew fucking lad

Throttling my friend.

That benchmark is 1080p Extreme with no overclocking.

Here is 1080p Extreme with light overclocking of my GTX 1080.

>No idea why your score is so low, go clean it or something
look closer at the specs, it's the Linux version of the bench using the open source driver stack. I'd consider the result decent enough in light of that, even if the DX11 results for the same machine would be closer to

>faggot did not run at ultra and doesn't know how to benchmark for a baseline




I feel ya. After tinkering best i could get was 2400ish

I am ok with it. Considering that 180p/High doubles my score

...and apparently I am VR ready.

Before you call me out on cheating, I swear I didnt. Is this a bug? None of my components are overclocked. And I highly doubt that my rx480 wipes the floor against a 1080


hold on i'm actually retarded, wrong preset