Is this normal while gaming?

is this normal while gaming?
am I supposed to turn off my antivirus or something?

install gentoo

yeah it's normal if you're using avast hahahahahhaha

Check to make sure it's on a strict scanning and database updating schedule which doesn't match your gaming time. Otherwise, yeah, you'll have to turn it off.

>actually using Avast

This is why God left us.

Enjoy Intel's StutterLakeā„¢ goy!

disabling it is pointless, AV barely uses resources

>he needs an antivirus in 2017

Can you guys just answer the question seriously?

Your HD is maxing out at low speed, that's bad
probably old, fragmented and with bad sectors, consider replacing it

It is pretty old, 6+ years.
Is this where the OS is installed?
Would I have to buy a new windows OS CD?

>Win 10

let me guess, you want me to use ubuntu or linux, opera or netscape and no av?


It shouldn't be using the "disk access" resource at all while he's gaming. Let it do shit with the disk some other time.

make sure XBOX DVR isnt on

I dont have an xbox

Windows 10 comes with the best antivirus. Don't know why anyone would buy that stuff anymore.

ITT: Wangblows problems

No, but you might have the XBox gaming Windows 10 app which has a "save the last X minutes of gaming footage" feature.


Go back to somewhere else.

how new?

This an filesystem-level, has nothing to do with the drive itself.
>bad sectors
How did you conclusion without seeing the drive's SMART data? You're spewing bullshit

How do I shut it off/remove it?


is this reddit/r/trollme?

drives with loads of bad sectors get slow since it keeps trying to read/write on corrupted parts until it skipt it, skyrocketing the latency and reducing the overall bandwidht

I don't think you understand fully what you're talking about.

i quite do.

i forgot to add that it doesnt have anything to do with windows 10 so called "hdd b/w %" which usually mean fuckall

>Ubuntu or Linux
Jesus, are you new to computers or something?

The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.

Why do people who use Linux not know about computers?

Says the facebook shitstain

mercy's my waifu desu senpai

>using antivirus
>having chrome open while gaming

I bet it is underclocking your GPU and you don't even know it yet

Just pay the idiot tax and get a mac or something dude, Windows is obviously way too complicated for you.

i upgraded to an SSD more than 6 years ago