
Post your battlestation/workstation and rate others.

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im only here so my post can be read by others since battlestation threads are pretty popular

google is a botnet and if you use chrome/google search you need to get out of Sup Forums because you are a fucking idiot

what flag is that on the right?


Washington D.C.

Temporary laptop-only station until my campus ISP fixes their DNS service

I like the keyboard.

cool, have a state and us flag too, just have one up since they aren't matching in size.
also, not posting my battlestation since i don't want to be bullied by the wire police.

I've got wires as well but if you look at the bottom of my first picture I just bought three posterboards that matched the desks color and glued them together as seamless as possible.

:3 ty user

Weird that my camera doesn't auto-rotate the output as well as the ui.

the illusion is breaking up user.
anyway, mine is still not set in stone, maybe when i get my new case set up. here is a bump instead.

Does that mug say "nerds rule"?
Australia meme

Yes sir thats what the mug says.

like the poster and relative window placement, not having a way to look outside once in a while and refocus my eyes always bothers me, and is a relatively common problem with many battlestations I see

I thought your DC flag was a Syrian flag in the catalog thumbnail. that would have been cooler.

here's my really really shit station.

Chilling with my little brother, my battlestation are pretty simple

>using a dresser as a desk
>that fucking slouch

Good god buy an actual fucking desk or at least put a 2x4 on some cinder blocks so you stop destroying your back.

My back is fine, honest. I prefer sitting this way since it's comfier than sitting on a chair.
>using a dresser as a desk
Because I'm currently saving up for a proper floor desk



Reporting for duty

This is a good battlestation user

Nothing wrong with this setup user

Bit of a mess at the moment, so have an older pic

I'll update it when I finish building my gf's new PC to replace her aging Sager

Got that desk on amazon am I rite? I know I've seen it there before and on newegg

staples actually, but I'm sure its a super common desk

I think its a ZLine. I used to have the white version



i need new keycaps



Just moved my desk today.
Was cool

Moved all my stuff to the new place, gonna be a while before anything is set up though. Workbench on the right for working on electronics stuff.



How can you even see something on your screens? And why do you have a racing seat in your room?


Holy shit get some chairs pajeet.

Yes, that's why people sit with a slouch. Its comfier but so bad for your back.

unconfy af


x220 reporting

R8 plz

To the person asking about the Mackies in the last thread; they are great for their size and price. Manage your expectations though.

poorfag highschooler/10

Did you really build a computer just for games? You may not be a console kitty but you're definitely kitty enjoy your botnet browser.

Everyone post their computers in this thread should go back.

that feeling when you get out of bed and wonder why you bothered.


1 you dont know the specs
2 i have a full time job
3 your life is worthless and know one will remember you when you die

He probs doesn't have a gay ass wallpaper like you tho and act like an edgy teenager & type like one


>durr durr you don't kno da specs
>full time job


I'm afraid of coming out as trans to my parents. How would I make a battlestation that did it for me?

just buy the miami caps they'll know :^)

>Getting this butt hurt
>saying kek

Haahahahahaha kys

>is your income pocket money

Not strictly a battlestation but
is there any reason that this design wouldn't work for gutz in a (very simple) custom case?


Miami caps?

More money than brains thread?

Very clean

This makes me want to watch bladerunner

First reply was me 2nd wasn't

>kinder surprise


waz up

says you

You just jeliy user

[hopes the toy is made of wood internally]


Next change : Furniture, finish painting, do all the cable management, change the overall layout of the furniture

Hope I can get the media equipment by Holidays

Any 750D owners with both HDD cages fully occupied ?
This case is starting to drive me crazy.

Gotchu covered fampai.

that kid looks sooo much like an old friend of mine, Andrew, but he wasn't poor...

>asians look like other asians


are you a grill?

i realy like this
id on left keyboard, and maybe a nice pic from the whole station with bed

I used to have a 750D, them HDD caddies are shit, the tabs used to always snap off

No, sorry.

are you a man (female)?

I'm gonna get dual portrait monitors

Yeah, they're absolutely shit. I haven't had any trouble with them snapping off, but they don't inspire much confidence. Granted, I don't go swapping HDDs out very often. The 2.5" caddies are hard to put back in their slots as well.
What drives me nuts, though, is the fucking rattling. At seemingly random times, the case rattles like fucking crazy, and I can't seem to find any consistent cause other than the side panel making it even worse when it's screwed in, and only when it's screwed in.
I assume it's from the drive cages, but it doesn't seem related to any amount of load on my HDDs, so I don't know. Most of the time it's quiet, and I can't seem to provoke it into rattling like it does sometimes.

I'm highly tempted to buy a new case before making any new performance upgrades because of this, but I don't know what else is good. The most appealing option to me at the moment is Thermaltake's W100, but >Thermaltake.

The rattling drove me mad as well, it's the two front intake fans. Next time u hear it rattle kick the front of it and it'll stop. I couldn't be assed fixing it so I bought a G5 case and modded it to accept my ATX board.


a e s t h e t i c af

what kind of fish do you have, user?

this is seriously the way to ruin your backs
get proper desks and comfortable chairs (not the racer gaymen shit you see in multiple images ITT)

>energy drinks, toys and light up peripherals
12 year olds shouldn't be here, friendo

>tiny desk
>puts computer on it anyway

Fuck your urban shithole and your incompetent govt. D.C.

thank you user

>tiny desk, no space for mouse
>shitty chair
>non-matching monitors


we agree on the chair but that has changed and so has the mousepad.


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