Hey guys, what do you think the best Sup Forums app is for your phone?
Hey guys, what do you think the best Sup Forums app is for your phone?
Silk Browser
Clover, because it supports legacy captcha
Clover is the only client I've found that respects code tag formatting. Supports webm too.
- supports legacy captcha
- nice UI
- tabbed design so you can easily leave open 134823 threads
- notifications
- many chans, and you can add your own ones by recompiling
- Supports webm
Overchan looks pretty ugly
Mimi creator needs to update his git so i can submit some features already. Ive emailed the boy and hes gotten back saying hed look into it like a month ago ree
You can write your own themes for it, if you want.
I want to use clover but it doesn't show the cool down timer for comments, so I have no idea when I'm able to comment. It also doesn't show Anonymous which I don't like.
You mean this?
Clover is shit.
It drains my 4000 mAh battery in half a day.
Fuck clover, it's better to use browser.
Shit app for shitheads.
try Overchan
It shouldnt be draining your battery unless you leave thread watcher's notification thing on
Mimi is shit, mate.
I often click threads and am brought to threads on boards I don't even visit, and when I try to reply to certain things, it goes even wonkier than that. I once meant to reply to something on Sup Forums and suddenly I was (I shit you not) replying to a thread on /hm/. This happens innumerable times with different boards.
Plus the bookmark system is a joke, and you often have to repeat captchas over six times per post.
I'd like to know an alternative, too, because (although I haven't looked too far into it) I use Mimi and it fucking sucks.
Yeah, this. Not seeing the Anonymous just feels wrong.
You can see it, you just have to turn it on from advanced settings
Sup Forums looks pretty ugly too, so it's a match.
Fortune obviously, and more than that it's the best one on any platform.
> the best one on any platform
Reply window is counter-intuitive, I have to tap on a post number in that window to type my answer in a separate window, then go back and press "post".