Quick rundown please
Quick rundown please
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>ruby bows to HolyC
A knock-off of Lisp and Smalltalk designed for retards by a Mormon Nip and a legion of cum-guzzling hipster faggots.
It's a great language if you're not very concerned about performance, however.
sounds like my cup of tea!
Obsolete, learn elixir instead
I like it. It's a sensible language inspired by programming language giants, not some PHP-tier hack some code monkey patched together in 5 minutes. It just makes sense and you can often guess things and turn out to be right. Fluent interfaces are right at home in this language; reads like actual English sometimes. It's just really comfy.
It's got many implementations ranging from a traditional C virtual machine to JRuby. They're as efficient as can be, and are being continuously improved. The language itself is constantly receiving new features.
I wrote a lot of gems back in the day. Somehow they'd garnered like 200k downloads last time I checked up on them... Now I can't maintain them anymore since I changed fields and don't have much will power left for the task.
Ask an experienced Rubyist anything.
link to your gems pls?
Sorry I'd rather not identify myself.
Best resource for learning Ruby? Poignant Guide looks like a good book, but not for learning Ruby.
It's as comfy as dynamic scripting can get.
It depends. Are you already an experienced programmer, or completely new?
I learned through the Pickaxe: Programming Ruby. It's available online for free, and covers everything from basic syntax to C extensions. Eloquent Ruby is also a good book about style and writing good ruby code.
>A knock-off of Lisp and Smalltalk designed for retards
More like the only viable descendant of two dead for good reasons languages.
Not completely new, been hacking away at C++ for the past year. Those recommendations sound good, I'll look into them.
Sure. Keep the Ruby API docs handy as you learn. The stdlib is huge.
Feel free to ask any questions if this thread is still around. I visit the /dpt/ often and always reply to Ruby threads when I see them
>Keep the Ruby API docs handy as you learn. The stdlib is huge.
>learning stdlibs
You don't really need to memorize methods. It's just that there's often a built-in method that elegantly and concisely solves your problem.
fair enough
>Feel free to ask any questions if this thread is still around.
What's in for mruby, next?
Also, what was about the security audit by some 3rd party? Were there serious flaws in the mruby codebase or was it just the company being retarded?
nvm for the second part, I found it and apparently it was all fixed
>What's in for mruby, next?
I'm not sure, it's been a while since I looked into that implementation. I never used it but it seemed to be quite usable considering it's size and the fact it had Unicode support. I'm not sure where that project went.
Are you talking about this?
Apparently, someone decided to use it in production as a virtualized code execution engine. Given the extremely sensitive nature of the task, they started a bug bounty, and everybody was surprised by the sheer amount of problems they found. By quickly reading that text, I concluded it was awesome news. All those bugs getting fixed, white hats getting paid for it... Just positive contribution all around.
Turing completeness is the enemy of security. The critical security bugs are found in the user input handling layer. Think parsers for network protocols, file formats, programming languages. MRuby is an even more complex machine when compared to say, a regexp-recognizing automaton; it's naturally much harder if not impossible to completely secure, given it's capability to execute any program, while the automaton can do a very restricted set of operations.
Computer security research has already shown that a huge number of exploits stem from the fact that parsing programs of all kinds are often broken and don't quite follow the rules as intended due to bugs and what not. Hackers find these cracks in the rigid structure of these limited machines, and it allows them to escape their limitations, often into turing complete territory. What was a simple hardcoded XML or JSON or even Ruby parser gets input that turns it into a full turing machine with all CPU instructions at its disposal.
If you aim for security, don't give users an entire programming language. Give them a simple, declarative, absolutely positively context-free language to work with, preferably LL. Don't compromise on that ideal. Much security will come to you.
I'm a ruby on rails webdev. I like it a lot, network and files handling is a breeze, ActiveRecord is a godly ORM. The only thing I'd really love is a compacting garbage collector.
Doesn't Ruby have a generational GC now
The best book for learning Ruby is "The Well Grounded Rubyist". It teaches Ruby at a very deep level so you will totally understand every aspect of the language and not just use the language features by rote. You will be an expert after reading that book.
Ruby is very much an object based language more than a class based language. It uses duck typing so that methods will work on any kind of object and so it not restrained by class types. Ruby does not support high order functions very well, it uses blocks instead of being able to pass functions or use closures like you can in Javascript and Python. But not having high order functions is ok since you can only take advantage of it in a language like javascript that has function scope only and where functions close over the scope of whichever object its called on.
Ruby got me loving programming again. Like someone said, it's comfy as heck.
I will probably move on at some point, but right now I'm working on advancing my career as a webdev.
I was a hobby C# dev before, now I'm enjoying Ruby.
It's 10X to 100X the performance of python though, looking at CPU operations.
True, but if you are looking for performance, a dynamic ANYTHING language is a loss anyway. Except maybe for type casts.
Good thing there is Crystal.
It's a beautiful language, but if you want to make money programming in Ruby, you have to do Rails. Not a fan of Rails.
I think it's a nifty little language, but can't say I like it much. Making little programs in it feels pretty comfy, but I wouldn't want to make anything big in a dynamic-typed language. Had to make a simple web app with RoR and it's pretty amazing how easy it is to make that shit. It assured me, however, that I do not want to get any closer to webdev. Making HTML stuff and session management simply isn't my thing.