Backing up porn collection

>backing up porn collection
>connect two drives
>they both fail during the sync
>tfw lost ten years of files

nigga how do you lose porn lolol like nigga just redownload it, like nigga just stream it it's free hahaha

>saving porn
dumb frogposter

>downloading porn
lol what year is it

try and recover what you can with photorec

You're better off this way

It's mostly rare and original files (not that reencoded shit downloaded from pornhub). I can't find much of it now because time.

It's hard because they were encrypted.


What actually failed?
Are the drives just dead-dead?

no they didn't

Why the fuck would you encrypt porn?

You know why.

The thing standing on everybody's lips here:

because OP is actually a basement-dwelling pedophile

I had a similar problem with my good old movies drive
many rare horror movies from the ed2k era, gone. they are nearly impossible to find again
that day I learned hard drives eventually die, even if they are stashed in a closet

Anything that isn't vanilla gets encrypted on my pc. If someone finds some brazzers shit I don't really care but if someone finds some kinky fetish shit I would have to end the friendship and relocate.

who the fuck do you share living space with?
just put a fucking bios password

>got memed into buying a banana pi with a single hdd as seafile server
>no RAID, so all my files are gone when the single hdd dies
is there any sane way to backup the hdd in my case?

raid is not backup.
because next time your stupid stripe will fail and you will lose again all your data

buy a second hdd and copy paste everything, or use a sync folder program

how many GB worth of porn, you watch everything or just collecting

rsync every now and then to another drive. Don't reorganise folders much otherwise it deletes and recopies data on the backup.

You need to kill yourself, degenerate kiddie fiddler

Thank god, consider getting help.

>crying over lost porn
toppest of keks. what are you, 13? it's just porn, it's not like a girl you where in love with broke up with you...

What kind of porn.


>I would have to end the friendship and relocate.
Why wouldn't you just have friends that don't suck? My friends (including my girlfriend) know I watch Elite Pain videos. Zero fucks given.

>Elite Pain videos
wew newfag


just put a password man

clearly this was meant to happen.
you now have a clean slate
for a fresh new start
you were meant to begin anew

same, my normalfag and chad friends know I have like tons of jav porn and yellow fever and nobody cares lmao

Not him, but EP is pretty much as hard as it gets without becoming illegal. The only thing even comparable is Torture Galaxy.

degenerates BTFO

I just envy you, OP, why does that never happen to me? ;_;

Everyday i feel like all the porn i have is dragging me down, but i just can't delete.

no big deal OP. after a month or so you don't really care that much. sure you might miss some obscure video every now and then but there's more stuff being produced every day

t. someone who has lost ten years of files on one occasion and intentionally deleted five years on another


Go outside and meet a girl irl.

>people who can't get by a couple of days without jacking off just because they have porn on their computer
weaklings BTFO

if i dont fap for a couple of days i wake up in the middle of the night fapping

I wish sometimes I could download other's collections of porn.

Like see what someone is in to

Next time use ZFS. The 255 byte filename isn't a big deal.


If it happen to you, you will spend more time finding all those missing porn back.

Probably true, but at least i won't be obsessed about leave my computer alone or forget to turn it off by some time.

2017, and I don't really know what that other reply means by streaming but downloading porn is the best option because it's not gonna be in the hands of some service that may stop existing tomorrow.

>Referring to CP as "porn" so people won't know you're a degenerate

>spending money on hard drives to back up porn
>not using that money for prostitutes for actual memories

>including my girlfriend
how fat/unattractive is she to be "ok" with that?

>using mv instead of the appropriate cp for your porn