Anyone interested in the Dragonbox Pyra?

Anyone interested in the Dragonbox Pyra?

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It's about the size of the original Gameboy.

Price is absurd.

But it's stocked with open source software and has a cellular modem with isolated baseband firmware!

I really really like it when handheld devices use actual physical keys as opposed to a touch screen.


>$700 for the hardware of a 2009 android phone

Take a look for yourself

>660 dollars for an underpowered clamshell with built-in gamepad

>595€ incl. VAT
>dual a dual-core ARM crap

yeah, nah.

Do 2009 androids have 4gb of RAM, a ARM Cortex-A15 CPU, and a PowerVR SGX544-MP2 GPU?

You could probably make one with an Orange Pi, the tricky part would be the shell with the keys and directional pad

what market does this server that isn't already saturated with ultraportable shit

All the freedom your heart desires, minus the botnet.

>powerVR SGX 544
>slower than the iphone 4s's powerVR sgx 545

It lets manchildren with too much money on their hands play their retro gaymes.

doesn't a hacked DS already do that

No, I given up on the Pocket computer world. There has been not a single one that's worth using more than a Novelty.

If it were less than $300 I'd consider it

Shame the GPD Win beat them to the market. It's looking like the Pocket will arrive sooner rather than later as well.

too damn expensive, it's just way too much money

In the 80s, this is the type of device I pictured we'd use in the future

Doesn't change the price you idiot

Maybe if it came with a real operating system.

The same market that bought the OpenPandora.

it looks terrible and toyish, doesn't really capture the appeal in older UMPC designs for me

give me an ultra low-power palmtop that runs on AA batteries and a lightweight but compatible and easy to work with BSD/Linux with a tiling window manager that can handle SSH and PIM utilities

basically, give me a brand new, sleeker HP 200LX

The same thread over and over, created by the only autist that bought this garbage.

Stop trying to justify your purchase, eat shit and die faggot

I would buy it if I had this kind of money to spend on luxury items.

>hardware that costs $70 at most
>selling it for 1000% profit

I hope the maker of this swallows a scorpion in his sleep

Try making a device like that in very low volume and produced in Germany for less. You will fail.
The Pyra team is extremely transparent about their costs and how they calculated the price.

>more expensive alternative to GPD WIN with weaker hardware, less RAM (unless you want it to be even more even more expensive) circular dpad, and no option to use Windows, that isn't even available yet

Can it run GTA V?

My pre-order is in. Maybe you poorfags should consider getting jobs?

In the past day or so they broke out the costs for the R&D down to the pennies. Its in the official pyra news.

Yeah, he's definately not lying

Please look at the price of even the most bare-bone OMAP5 board. It's well over 200$.
You're simply delusional if you think the unit costs are in any way comparable to a mass-produced smartphone by a big global company.

its a beautiful but expensive device
high quality audio output too

Yea, but remember that they're autistic.

even a n3ds cant and you know it. n64 wont run on it, gc wont, ps1 barely ps2 never. if it actually has optimised emulators its a decent price, especially compared to a switch.

The Pyra can run all of that? With it's shitty dual-core ARM CPU.
Comparing it to a 2009 Android phone is pretty retarded tbqh.

Does VAT apply to US buyers? How fast is EvilDragon with shipping these? I know the original preorders for the OpenPandora were notorious for not having been shipped for years after the product was released. I even saw a forum post about it a year ago about how a guy never got his Pandora after paying the preorder as well as some other shipping cost like twice or something.

Weren't the delays mostly caused by getting chinked by Chinese suppliers and Craig being an asshole?

That was mostly due to promises made by Craig (who is not working on the project anymore). EvilDragon has always been straight up with his customers and that's also one of the reasons why the Pyra is not crowdfunded.

It's rad as fuck but I don't play games enough to motivate the purchase.

I can't wait. They just got the cpu board running at top speed, so I wonder what that was actually running at?

Also keep in mind that this is was done using CPU only.

I play zero games; I am getting one to try out as a non-bot cellphone. The user interaction with the desktop looks super slick using the gaming inputs. I figured a device optimized for gaming is going have excellent ergonomics.

I think some people will get both, as they're quite different.

The Pocket is a joke tho.

It's pretty cool looking so far, but too bloody expensive.

I won't be pre-ordering it I don't think but I'll definitely get one at some point once I stop being a NEET. I would of liked to try out the Pandora beforehand but good fucking luck finding one.

I got mine ( ) for 120€ on That was almost 3 years ago.

How's the battery holding up?

KEK no. It's literally a joke.

By the way, despite its severe ghosting issues, the device is still the handheld with the lowest input delay (beating all Android phones it has been compared against by at least 50ms). So there's certainly still reason to purchase a Pandora over a phone with controller (which adds further input delay). Not to mention that there are still devs actively building software (mostly ports) for the device:
Despite the battery being old as fuck, I was gaming all through a 10 hour flight and still got 15% left at the end. It's really incredible in that regard but the Pyra is likely going to be weaker (projected battery life from TPD is 6-8 hours).

Not to mention the GPD Win is a fair price and also x86, so if you wanted you could just install linux on that and have a better version of this with more software support.

>so if you wanted you could just install linux on that and have a better version of this with more software support.

Besides the enclosure (that can be 3d printed or manufactured) you can build it yourself, even with a lot of *better modifications etc.

You can get pretty much even *better board from olimex and it will be 100% open source hardware with a lot of support. And I am pretty sure they can manufacture the board by your specifications and design for even less.

So yeah, if you are into DIY this is piece of crap, good inspiration tho.

>Besides the enclosure (that can be 3d printed or manufactured) you can build it yourself
You might want to follow the development blog. Really all parts involved have a minimum order requirement and most parts are custom made. You can't buy a board with a socketed ARM CPU and you most certainly can't 3D print a keymat like that. Not to mention the joystick and the whole ergonomics of the device. Sure you can use a bluetooth controller or some other hacks but this is not even close to what the Pyra provides. They put a lot of thought into building it and the QC process is way different from what GPD is doing (not that I dislike their products, I own a GPD Win too).
Anyways, if you want to build a DIY device like the Pyra then prepare to pay at least ~400$ (assuming you have your own 3D printer), have no software support (you're in charge of maintaining compatibility with all the stuff you put on the board) and days, if not weeks of building and testing. I for one gladly pay the 300 extra dollarinos!

(EvilDragon put 15 Dragonbox™ credits into your Dragonbox™ account.)

>You can't buy a board with a socketed ARM CPU
To be fair, Wandboards are kinda like that.
They're relatively big and Freescale Linux support isn't great, though.

>Allwinner shit
no thanks

>And I am pretty sure they can manufacture the board by your specifications and design for even less.
>They will bother producing one board

Didn't you know that designing, testing, producing, and providing after-market support for new complex prototype boards doesn't cost anything?

How is homebrew on the PSP Go nowadays? I kinda want to replace my fat psp for emulation because the battery is shit and the analog stick broken. But last I heard the PSP Go was not cracked.

i know,

ok? thats not even a question. all im saying is its more powerful than a 3ds which this retard doesnt realise. its actually a decent looking machine. the flaw is that theyre monetising it so early. if they kept profits low and refined the tech until it was cheaper to manufacture theyde be smart.

not for 500 euros

Not for that price. I'll happily pick one up for $100 in a few years, maybe by then there'll be a CPU upgrade

There is now a permanent CFW for it. I still use a temporary one but either way it can be hacked.

That's good enough I guess, I'll keep my eye out for one.

Only point thats waivering my self control is the keyboard. I havent seen one of those since the sony VIAO and they are super hard to find.

Could be cool if your thumbs still work. Im pretty sure 99% of the first world population have black berry thumb these days.

I have an untouched PSP Go gathering dust back home, how would I go about getting it up and running with free games and shit on it?

>install CFW
>download games

it's really that easy? I'll give it a try when I get back, are there any sites you'd recommend to get a good selection of games from?

I've been out of the PSP loop for years, shouldn't be too hard to find. Hell just hit up your favourite torrent sites

Alright, will do. From what I can tell each game is just an ISO file, should be easy to get up and running. Cheers for the help

you put a file on the memory card and thats it, hacked. even with my psp on cfw i barely use it. just played project diva and nothing else. idk what it is but none of the games really appealed to me.

Yeah, the choice of games is pretty poor. It was an impulse buy for me, and I kinda regret it but it'll be fun trying to get some more use out of it.

Get some emulators installed, my PSPs number one purpose was playing Super Nintendo and N64 games. Don't forget you can play PlayStation games as well.

Legit? I've never heard about being able to play PS1 games on a Go. Is that using CFW as well, and do PS2 games work?

If you want a tip, try to either get CSO files or convert the ISOs to CSO. The compression is very much worth it, and there's basically no downside.

PSPs can officially play PS1 games, you can get them from PSN. You use a program on your PC and you can take PS1 ISOs and repack them for the PSP. PS2 games won't work though.

I'll bear that in mind, thanks
Right, but I assume it's still the same principle as downloading an ISO and putting it on the PSP and it just works? Surely the files I'll be downloading will have already been repacked for the PSP?



I'm not sure every game in the library has been repacked, it's not even remotely difficult though. If I could handle it when I was 12, I'm sure you can handle it now.

Yeah fair, shouldn't be too difficult to figure it out. I was just surprised it'd be that easy. Thanks for the help, should be good fun once it's all up and running

I guess your mother is stocked with three usable holes, but her price is still absurd nonetheless.

If it's the same dpad as the pandora/icontrolpad, I'll pass.
The 360 dpad is better than that shit.

What wrong with it?
I only ever hear people praising Pandora's controls.

It's cute, but I wouldn't pay more than $200 for it.

Looks solid but it is too expensive for what it is worth. I'll look into such devices when they have enough power to emulate most ps2 games without slowdown. Gpd Win comes close, with a more reasonable price.

A PC of such small form factor could be useful for programming embedded devices in the field as well without lugging a larger laptop around.