Minority Hunt: Windows Phone eddition

How is the Windows Phone experience going, is it shit?

Lumia 950 is very impressive. Works great. Windows store sucks, outlook and calendar are the best ive ever seen for personal organization. Had an androind 4.4 device before, absolute garbage compared to wp10.

When i had my 520 in 2015 i had a good time using it as a basic smartphone. 4charm was a million times nicer than clover.

Battery life was shit though, so I gave it to my dad who threw it away later

windows phone is great except that nobody makes programs for it and it's now discontinued.

Ultimate in productivity
Eg. You can't waste time as theres no good to e wasting apps like snapchat

I still rock my 520, and the only reason is that its microphone is shit and it doesn't have a front facing cam.
Makes my tin foil hat happy.

I think I'm gonna get a 950XL. I have no need of snapchat since no friends.

Thread death symbolises it all

wrong i can block apps with my android tablet but not fucking internet explorer with my windows phone.

Worst Phone O.S experience ever.

Nokia 640XL W10 here.

If is it W10 why cant I run Windows Desktop apps?

Also MS should deliver an Android emulator.

dis succ omfg why did I buy this phone

It's still ok for me, but if WhatsApp bails (or if my phone dies) I'll be offski.

950xl here.
I love WP, but everyone is leaving. This is bitter.
Even a guy from a WP fansite (monwindows) is leaving.

I experienced a shitty android interface last year, where the keyboard itself was laggy.
The only launcher that seems usable was arrow launcher from MS.

Since i value the camera quality, my next phone should be a flagship like the galaxy s9 or anything that will be available by then.

WM10 keyboard became worse than in WP8, but still better than anything on android.

I bought a lumia 950 (used) and it should arrive tomorrow
haven't used windows for like 2 years

the only app I couldn't find for it was something to support nhentai

wrote my own in vs+win10emu
so I'm all ready to leave android forever

This makes me sad.

I have a Lumia 640 i brought when my phone broke and i needed a cheapo one urgently.
It fucking sucks, 8.1 was really snappy but the no-apps situation was even worse on it since devs are updating their shit to Windows 10 Mobile and 8.1 apps lack features.
Upgraded to W10M over insider builds and it became slow as shit, apps were somewhat better but the design guidelines and visual identity Microsoft worked for so long and was so reluctant to preserve are going down the fucking hill. Also sitll no-apps.

Windows Phone 7 was good, 8 was more polished and 8.1 was perfect but started the beginning of the end for the modern UI because of retards.

The experience is great overall I had a 950xl until recently. Sadly developers won't make apps for the SO nor update the ones that are already there. Case in point and it will sound silly to most of you but I had to change it because Spotify is laggy as fuck, even on the amazing hardware the 950xl has. I use that app most than I'd like to admit and since a hard reset or leaving the app in the internal storage didn't seem to fix the problem I just bought and Android device.

But other than that I have no complaints. My dad has a Lumia 550 and that think is really snappy and fast for an entry level device.

no usable Sup Forums apps
4charm hangs very often, can't post comments

now windowsphone is just like dumbphone with usable camera and gps

you could just make a new app honestly.

not worth the effort
might as well buy old android phone and put on clover

are u me?

I fucking despise my 1020. I realized that every time I go to do something I have to wait several seconds for the UI to do some cute flippy thing. Sometimes it can't remember where it was for 5-10 seconds. Never had to wait on my old Symbian phones. That's what I get for being a fanboy.

W10M has the best core mobile OS functionality, namely the keyboard. I have yet to find a better keyboard on Android.

My only wish is that W10M was as viable as Android but it will never happen unless we see Surface Phones that run Win32 apps.

Windows Phone master race