Other urls found in this thread:
don't call it a grave it's the future you chose
>windows users
>we'll restart your device
>casually flaunting the fact they control you
kek, wincucks
Kek. Not even my windoews 10 phone gets those.
Just turn off onedrive notifications.
>folder options -> view -> show sync provider notifications -> untick.
>having to do all kinds of bullshit to turn of adds in your OS
>Using the word "just" to end user
>having to do this in the first place
Not to mention all the other shit you need to turn off
It is unticked. I unticked it since I got the explorer ad. I think this is a new one that doesn't need it ticked.
Thank me later
Pajeet going to restart your device at 5:23 OP.
Looks fishy as fuck, update apps in app store, seriously?
just stop showing ads in the OS you piece of shit
>b-but it's advertising Microsoft's own services
>b-b-but you can easily prepare for a reboot
>b-b-b-but you can turn it off if you tweak deeply hidden settings and it won't bother you until Our Benefactors push an update
How can you tolerate this?
Best UI. Apps.
t ex-Linux user
If you don't do it will download them while you're doing the rest, reinstalling shit with it
This is what you get when you use Jew hardware
It's not an ad, it's a reminder ;)
So in other words, muh games?
fucking linux users...
You should use the cloud space they offer for free. It's a few gigs but I found it's the best and fastest way to share files between different devices, like between my PC and android phone.
Just save your crappy memes on the onedrive folder and you got instant access from every device on which you have one cloud.
Very convenient.
But yeah, I used to get that reminder like every once in a week in the past.
So, after I activated the default one drive storage, the reminder disappeared and I can now use their cloud storage for free. It's small but it's free and I don't plan to get any paid plans.
Games. Drivers. Better file manager and desktop utilities.
UI? What OS-specific UI-having programs do you use, apart from a file manager?
Owning an Apple computer has never felt more supreme.
>just use our services goy, we'll stop nagging you if you use our service, good goy
>muh out-of-the-box experience
>also expects privacy
>download wangblows 10
>block updates
>remove spyware
>change privacy settings
it just werks
disable suggestions for windows
install gentoo
Same faggots who shit on Linux because they have to set up things before using them.
Just stop using Windows 10. Its not that hard.
Seriously, it's like they are never moving/adjusting things in real life while/before using them. Imagine sitting in a chair but never moving closer to the desk to do work. CHAIRS ARE SO DUMB LOL, I PREFER TO FUCKING SIT ON A FLOOR.
It's probably possible to disable that reminder. I used to get it very rarely, so it wasn't really annoying enough to try.
But eventually, as I said, I thought wtf I'll give it a try and it's not that bad. Free cloud storage. And solved one constant problem I had with finding a good app to share files between my pc and phone.
I also had/have google drive, but it's more of a hassle to upload on it. Takes more time and you have to be logged in on both devices.
Oh yeh, becuse your choce of OS determnes whteher you can spell or not. Really maks sense. I could spell perfctley whit Windows, now im on Linx i'ev lost all mastery of English.
Think about it before you post. It's one post, not the entire community
>Windows 10 users
-dig around for the right boxes to tick/untick
-run downloaded scripts to remove unwanted shit
-install a 'special' version of Wangblows to pretend they are immune from the Microshit botnet
-complain when Microshit resets all their personal settings and they have to go through the tick/untick process again
-then pretend all the time wasted doing all this is "easy"
-then after all that they say installing and running Linux is hard work
Fucking idiots
>Just turn it off, nothing to see here
Are shills even trying anymore?
Oh btw. I think it's possible to activate one drive, then go to Settings (it's in the system tray) and disable this:
>Start OneDrive automatically when I sign in to Windows
It might disable that reminder for good.
Whatever, as long as I can play my video games and surf Facebook, I don't care how much work I have to do
Windows > Linux
>complains about anime
>on anime website
>Linux users
-dig around for hours for the right commands just to install their OS
-run downloaded scripts to install basic shit
-install new kernels every week to pretend they are immune to the Russian botnet
-take it up the ass when an update breaks all their personal settings and they have to go through the process of setting them all up over again.
-then pretend all the time wasted doing all this means they're "good with computers" and that they've "accomplished something."
-then after all that they say installing and running Linux is easy, because with their need to be contrarian to make themselves feel special, it's the only thing they have.
>posting anime
>on a technology focused board
>Chair users
-weirdly shuffle around while moving towards the desk
-make weird noises while doing so
-may need to change chair height for good posture
-can't just lie down as easily
Take that from sittingonthefloormasterrace, you chairfags.
I don't think you have any idea how moronic you sound right now.
Did you read the EULA?
You agreed.
>-dig around for hours for the right commands just to install their OS
Wrong. All modern non-meme distros come with an graphic installer.
>-run downloaded scripts to install basic shit
Wrong. "basic shit" is included in repos, so I can install them using package manager.
>-install new kernels every week to pretend they are immune to the Russian botnet
If you really want to do it, that's ok.
>-take it up the ass when an update breaks all their personal settings and they have to go through the process of setting them all up over again.
Wrong. Even on Arch I didn't encounter any package wiping my ~/.config, /etc or xorg.conf after update.
I love back when windows 7 was "it just werks" and winfags complained how you needed to insert dozens of terminal commands to make linux usable. Now look how the page has turned, where you need third-party programs to disable spying, dig into the settings menu to disable oneshit and there are still more.
yeah but can u gayme on linux???
>if you can't find your way to toggle a couple radio buttons in the greatest desktop OS in history, what you need is Linux!
And when they come crying to you for tech support you'll just tell them to go back to Windows. So exactly why are you shilling Linux?
>people pirate Microsoft software
>Microsoft isn't making adequate profits because of it
>now they complain about the ads that they have caused themselves
I sometimes wish Sup Forums wasn't such a pirate shithole.
Your bot couldn't contact the command and control servers, you can not use your computer.
>implying any normie will find this out
what is wrong with posting anime?
>> 2017
>> Pajeet
Pajeet restarting your PC whenever he feels like it.
This thread reeks of freetard asspain.
It's like linex fags can't be happy using their niche os, that nobody heard about.
$ ps -ef -u root | grep watchdog
root 12 2 0 Mar29 ? 00:00:02 [watchdog/0]
root 15 2 0 Mar29 ? 00:00:02 [watchdog/1]
root 21 2 0 Mar29 ? 00:00:02 [watchdog/2]
root 27 2 0 Mar29 ? 00:00:02 [watchdog/3]
root 46 2 0 Mar29 ? 00:00:00 [watchdogd]
Also exists on Linux.
GNU/Linux thank you very much.
Microsoft must have thought "Well, Windows users put up with Adware back in the XP days, let's recreate Adware and make some cash off it because there won't be any legal consequences."
>anime website
lmao @ your life
how the fuck do you get that thing to appear? I've been using w10 for like a year now and I saw it like twice and I didn't know how I triggerd it
I have not seen a single ad on Windows 10, am I the only one? I disabled One Drive on the Registry I think.
GNU/Linux doesn't have this problem.
I have had updates disabled for like 2 months, should I update or just keep the current version?
You'll just become a part of another botnet, as soon as some vulnerability fucks up your security.
I don't get them either. I just turn off all the usual shit, not sure if americucks have such shit laws that they're allowed to get ads on the os over there or it's because retards don't know how to turn off basic shit to stop them getting them. Haven't had a single ad in file explorer or the notifications bar.
You're fine
t. NSA
That's true but it also has a lot of other problems.
Windows 10 is malware.
Sams here man, but anyways I still don't think MS should do that shit. We should still be concerned.
Neither does shooting yourself in the head.
Name some
Pro tip. you can't
>"We'll restart your device..."
Point and laugh
-screen tearing
-no games
-no drivers
-no photoshop
>no drivers
>having to do all kinds of bullshit to get basic functionality
Yes, that was my point: Windows sucks.
Thanks for adding your own meme-arrow input though.
>tfw wangblow users are so cucked they thubk privacy invasion and constant ad injection is necessary for a "out of box experience
Opinion discarded
>Proprietary software
What did you really expect?
>thinking it's an argument
my GNU/Linux pc does not have this problem
Server 2016 don't have this problem, win10cuck.
>Old version of ubuntu
>Windows Server
>on the desktop
How you gonna pay for that? Microsoft won't even sell Server + 1 CAL. I swear sometimes Sup Forums is retarded.