Home Studio Setup

Hello Sup Forums.Im currently raising funds to buy more and more studio equipment.My problem is that i record live instruments and I want something to eliminate the latency and get immediate responses when i record.What should I invest in?[pic related]

Honestly you'd probably better off heading to Sup Forums for this as Sup Forums has pretty poor knowledge of this area, and mine's not great either.
You're probably going to want a windows PC, as most DAWs aren't available on linux. A good audio interface is essential, as well a solid processor. That's basically all you need, don't fall for any of the meme equipment that can cost hundreds without really providing much.

Google ASIO
Avoid Sup Forums, they're not even fans of music let alone producers of it

but that's shit

OP, buy an interface. Just don't get a meme one like 2i2.

What would you suggest instead?
He wants low latency, ASIO gives you low latency
How is it shit? it does the one thing it's supposed to do and nothing else

>What would you suggest instead?
An interface, any one really. I personally think the Roland ones like Tri-Capture are cheap and useful, although the build is all plastic so I wouldn't exactly move it around a lot.

>How is it shit? it does the one thing it's supposed to do and nothing else
Shit amount of latency reduction for the memory usage, as well as not playing well with some computers. If you're doing VST-intensive music or trying to track shit while running synths live you will run into issues for sure. I work as a producer full-time and would suggest anyone to buy an interface about as soon as they want to start, regardless of the kind of controller they're going to use or music they're going to make, really.

>an interface
You have no fucking idea what ASIO is do you?

ASIO is an audio driver it has nothing to do with the dac
You should use an interface and ASIO

Literally every interface comes with a dedicated audio driver since the early 2000s.

Alesis 2i2 here, works great, my music still sounds good, has midi and its cheap

Scarlett is the only meme dac desu senpai
Kek look at this guy posting on technology

>He actually finalizes his music filtered through windows audio mixer

The reason why I tell people not to get Focusrite 2i2 is because a lot of people got factory defects with them that lead to random audible spikes that can damage headphones/speakers. It's not something everyone with it has, but considering there are alternatives in the market, I wouldn't recommend it.

>ASIO4all is the only audio driver there is

Why is ASIO shit though like I said it does the one thing it's supposed to do
And considering that the device drivers included with DACs have fuckall to do with what we're talking about there's really no argument here

I didn't buy a Scarlett that's computer speaker gear rather than studio gear, I heard it was like yeti mic-tier I thought?

It's a meme sold to dumbasses on newegg, there's a reason you see them in studio apartments and not studios

Internet connection cut.I have ASIO4ALL on and have gone through it's options.It really doesn't help with the delay that exists on every keystroke from the midi.

of course not
you want an audio interface with a proper native asio driver and not some wrapper shit like asio4all

well what should i get then?

an interface with the features (connenctions, i/o count, monitoring/control room section, portability, ...) you need

get a steinberg dac.

current full set up

yamaha hs8
steinberg ur22 mk 2
rando midi keyboard
fender stratocaster
webcam mic

no meming... get a mac. better for recording music with low latency. no real studios run windows, certainly not linux.

Best thing for zero latency, reliability and generally being cool is a multitrack hard disk recorder and mixing desk.
Many available secondhand.

Not without faults but for pure tracking they will always be very good,
you'll need to transfer audio files into a DAW via a soundcard for editing and production.

I wonder how for long this meme will still be alive

Asio is the reason for latency. Don't record live audio in Windows. Its brutal and no ecc ram or xenons for error checking and windows is shit with ram.

>> sound card

Jesus do you live in the 90s? You need dacs and adcs if you want anything low latency

You need a decent audio interface. I've used mostly M-Audio stuff going back to the late 90's so I'm kinda biased towards them, however I was using a Lexicon Alpha for the last year and a half with pretty good results.

What you need really all depends on how many instruments you're going to be recording at once.

lol, I have dacs in my hard disk recorders just the same as in my sound cards.

You are misinformed sir

Only difference is hdrs don't need to deal with a pointless ball-ache of an os.

It's not the only way, but a good one on a budget if you like cool gear.

you really don't know shit.

ASIO is memory intensive??? Nigga I've been using ASIO cards since the late 90's where you' were lucky if a PC had 128MB of RAM.

Sit latency reduction??? Try using an onboard codec with anything approaching 20ms of latency and see how your buffer underruns start fucking everything up. You say ASIO is shit, but then say:

>I work as a producer full-time and would suggest anyone to buy an interface about as soon as they want to start

Well gigglefuck, what kind of driver do you think the interface will come with?

ASIO drivers...

> I work as a producer full-time

I have album credits under my belt (fuck you, no, I'm not posting them) and I'm a voting member of the recording academy. I'm published through BMI and see checks when they come in each quarter (last month's was particularly nice).

t. fantasizing NEET

squeaker in tha hoooouuuse.

>dedicated audio driver since the early 2000s.

Try since the late 90's. I used to sell MI equipment and keyboards and recording were my specialty areas. Event, Midiman/M-Audio, Digidesign, Terratec (when they were good), and the like all had ASIO drivers for their hardware back then. That was the big thing back in those days. A card wouldn't sell if it didn't have support for ASIO no matter how good it was...

well... unless it was Digidesign. They kinda grafted ASIO on their Audiomedia III and Digi001 interfaces because of consumer demand for it.

you know, there are people on here that actually do shit with their lives.

I've been making Detroit Techno and Hip Hop since the mid 90's. Even got a little Ghetto House under my belt. I started out using a Boss DR660 drum machine, Roland SC88, Boss BX8 Mixer and a second hand Roland S550 sampler all sequenced with an Atari 1040ST running Master Tracks Pro to make my music. Had some 12" drop over the years and then I landed some good hip hop tracks back when Relativity records was paying $3000-$4000 for tracks around '96-97. Since a few of those tracks are still in rotation during "Old School" hip hop radio shows I still get my BMI checks quarterly. My first full length CD of techno was dropped in 2001, and I've done two more since. Slowed down a lot 'cause I got married and have kids but since their older I've started up again.

Is using a DAW in Linux like Reaper ok with latency? 2i4 here, mostly just record midi

Post an example of your heroics or this is just boring, I like Detroit, ghetto house is good as fuck,
but really man, you can't go saying that kind of shit and leave us hanging.

is reaper for linux out yet?
the beta was practically unusable

Long answer to a question nobody asked, thanks for that.


Anybody used bitwig?

my gay mate Dave says it's rad as fokken shit,
Been using ableton and cubase for a long time, maybe a change?

What does G think?