What is this? i found it, looks like the capacitor is fucked

what is this? i found it, looks like the capacitor is fucked

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back side

stop watch.

pmp without case

And without an audio output too?

the back wasn't posted then asshole

i don't think so, it's got one of those 88:88 screens

Looks like one of those MP3 players with FM transmitter that plugs into the lighter receptacle of a car.

>IR receiver

Same screen and buttons as this: getchip.com/pages/store

but they dont sell it like that. It's definitely a portable computer / microcontroller of some make. Any chips with serial numbers underneath the screen? use cleaning alchohol then chalk to make the numbers visible if needed.

no chips, the only (big) one is covered with that black clay stuff

op here, on the screen there are 3 of those 8 digits, on the right side there are icons of: memory card; usb connection; volume; MHz

I don't see any components on that pcb that look like a fm transmitter. That would take lots of analog stuff, inductors, etc.

The single inductor and assumed diode at the top are a switching powersupply (imho) with the in and out decoupling caps bent over.

Looks like this one, but without the headphone socket. Probably the non-amplified multiplexed FM signal is sent over the "R" connection down to the base.

Maybe. The MHz on the display does seem to indicate a FM something.

There are so many though-holes on the board, are there any components on the front side of the board under the display? Can you pry the display up and show a pic?

no,there are just green and red wires probably for the led for the screen,nothing else

>That would take lots of analog stuff
Maybe in the '70s. These days you can generate an FM signal using some PWM magic. Nokia phones did it for years. Hell, you can even do it on a rPi:

the back side is just fluff: sd card slot, usb 2.0 slot, 12v voltage regulator + power supply cap and inductor. Im trying to track down the serial number of the scree maybe that will lead somewhere.

>Main ASIC under epoxy blob
>All of its decoupling around it
>Power supply

>just fluff

shit son claw up the black clay shit and find the number on that chip. Didnt see it until you mentioned it.

God fucking damn it. You paranoid retards want this thing to be some sort of NSA spying device, when it's a simple FM transmitter.
Protip: he won't find anything because it's a bare silicon die bonded to the board, the epoxy is there to hold it in place.

radio with a touch screen? nice try schlomo

What touch screen? Why have you assumed it is a touch screen?

OP, just feed it 12V at the top connections, put in an SD card with an MP3 file and tune a radio to the same frequency of the display.

That is insane. You kids... Back in my day...

Ok, I buy this being a rx transmitter.

I am tempted to drag out a FPGA and try that. It seems insane: you are not even outputting a sine wave. You also have no gain over the vccio. madness. I guess to go a few feet it is all that you need to tx.

connected it to 12v and except the white backlight, i see nothing,maybe it's because of that fucked capacitor

yall dumbasses. this is a keychain digital photo frame, they're a dime a dozen