What's with all the Pajeets reviewing electronics on Youtube in broken English?

What's with all the Pajeets reviewing electronics on Youtube in broken English?

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there's a billion of them in the world

I realise that, but why is it specifically electronics with them? Almost all electronic shit is reviewed by a filthy Pajeet on Youtube.

What's with all the Pajeets
End it there

Kill yourselves you fucking racists.

They know what makes money you retard nigger

That's why they're always doctors, dentists, start businesses, or go into IT

I miss the 12 year olds that sounded like girls, they may have been annoying as all hell but at least I could fucking understand them.

You can't understand Indian people?

I can't understand thick accents

trying to make themselves look impressive so they can get jobs in usa or europe

t. poojeet

Ad money

IT's a very popular career for them to get out of pooland.

Can anyone?

Or work at caltex
Or curry kitchen
Or taxis
Or call centre

Mainly the counter of Caltex tho

A thick Indian accent is one of the hardest to understand and it's made worse by the fact that it sounds so fucking stupid to a native English speaker.

a billion too many.

Fuck off.

Found the Indian

poo in loo.

>click on tech video
>hear Indian accent
>Instantly close video
Anyone else?

you having wirus on your peecee. You fucking off basterd bitchbasterd

You think your weak insults can insult me anymore? Fucking racists shitheads.

>fat hairy brown hands appear in shot

Pull kettle plug from tower


Lurk more, pajeet

Bobbles head

>you can hear his labored breathing too





[laughs in street shitter]

Pungent cumin and tumeric odours in the carbon dioxide exhale

Safron stained teeth

Empty plastic milk bottle in top work drawer to douche ass with


>a billion pajeets
>a billion chinks
and they have to build the great firewall around the chinks
think I can appreciate a review full of kung fu shenanigans


Nice samefag.

You wish Zaveed

But why would they think that people would want to look at them or listen to what they have to say? Massive lack of self-awareness there.

samir... oh samir.. you are breaking the car samir.

Guys, legit question here. Can someone redpill me on why India is considered such a nasty, disgusting country? I would love to know, I've never seen India as anything other than a beautiful, exotic place.

>install linux for the first time in a couple of years
>go to youtube for some help setting things up
>mostly pajeets
>have to rewind a section 12 times because i dont know what the fuck was even said


I find it funny that I as a proud Indian speak far better English than you.

Seek the video of the street boar eating a human foetus from the trash, while kids with humongous pajeet smiles and no pants play around it.

>just another day in Paradise

nice grammar. Can you only type with your right hand because your left is covered in shit?

Or, do you not know what a comma is?

In a faux British accent I bet. It's called "fake" and you won't fool the master race with your poo shenanigans and milk bottle ass douching.

Funnies thing is that you used the commawrong there, bastard

>pls shit on the tile
holy fuck india is a shit pile, literally

you seem upset.

>google something for Linux
>thirty ad supported YouTube videos by pajeets that explain nothing if you can even understand them



>Seek the video of the street boar eating a human foetus from the trash, while kids with humongous pajeet smiles and no pants play around it.
>>just another day in Paradise



yeah they are making a killing in tech support

Did you ever see the video where the Indians are shitting everywhere?
On the beach, in the water, on the sand, on the road, ect.

Look, I work with Indians on a daily basis that have escaped. Mostly good people.
However, they think that their motherland is terrible as well. They've given up on it.

>a fucking wagon wheel

From memory via liveleak. Try boar eat foetus, should deliver the goods

i am indian and let me tell you, being indian is actually a great thing. we have beautiful people and we have ugly people. just like any race. I for 1 am a great person, have great friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, indian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off. suck my dick op suck my dick.

Did I?

Let me school you on interjections then....


there should be a containment net for poojeets.

it's a butthole not a wagon wheel

It's actually the Wheel of the Dharma, but I wouldnt expect you fat fuckin' Americans to know this.

Doobiedoobiedoo durka dot dot doobie doo doo

Is you


Pajeets leave right now

You'd have to be literally retarded to think it actually says that. Sup Forums has poisoned your brain so hard.

I'm just saying the money gets them interesting in it

get the fuck out with your satanist shit this is a christian board




fuck your mother bastard

It's ok. Be proud of your butthole flag. Not many "superpower" countries can say that they have a butthole on their flag.

hahaaaa you lose, coz she's cremated you curry munching shit eater.

There's a billion of them and they know English.

I'm not hating on Pajeets, they provide a lot of CS (actual computer science topics) stuff on YouTube and a shit ton of software eng tutorials and guides but I'll be honest and say that I just can't stand listening to their accent, it just annoys me and I find myself quickly shutting off the video.

Sorry for you're lots

I know half of the posters here are pretending to be indian but it also made me realize that the possibility of indians being here on this board is very real

Wow, wtf pajeets, explain this shit right now.

Everything is covered in a thin (or thick, depending on where you look and the time of year) layer of feces.
And everyone.
How their computers don't just choke on shit is beyond me.
Some kind of poo tech support magic right there, keeping everything lubed (with shit).


>youtube computer science/programming topic.
>"oh, there's a whole lecture series on it!"
>oh no, it's an Indian lecturer.
>the content's all 20 years out of date.
>Borland C++ is still used.
>the stuff that's not out of date is wrong.
>can't understand him anyway because he only learnt english from other pajeets


The 'pajeets' enjoy being helpful and like to share their technical knowledge whereas selfish American retards like to video themselves watching fucking cartoons in 'reaction' video's and unboxing wankery.

Yea those 'pajeets' are such 'cucks' eh Sup Forums

>text title in English
>spoken language is Pajeetian

I got just the guy to explain it to you


I literally don't see human shit in brazilian streets.

Maybe there are street-shitters in the northeast states and therefore they "stain" the whole country in statistics, but I'm not sure.

Indian's don't have knowledge worth sharing. They have not meaningfully contributed to humanity in 2 thousand years.


A YouTube for pajeets would be a bliss, I'm so tired to see these dirty people in my computer.

Imagine the smell.

Curry, BO, Poop and vacant stares.

It's just defecating in the open

So a hole in the backyard would probably count too

I can understand mostly
Is like they say, bad english is the most popular english

Ahhhh, So this is the power of the Indian people...

parjeet detected
also my point was that their english is awful

I don't understand it, really.

The Anglos had sewage systems and outhouses.

The Chinese had some form of human waste management. Fuck, they even had regular bathing.

Why the fuck are Indians and Africans so far behind???


If poojets are so smart, why haven't they discovered toilet technology?

>50 mil chinese still shit in the open
nice try hang-lee-chen-sue :^)

Only the richest 20% of them are smart

oh! Is that so?

I have no idea about that honestly. Shouldn't surprise anyone though.

Because they look normal to their target market. They're using broken English because there's multiple languages in use in and around India. One size fits all, even if it fits poorly.

they have, it's called squat toilets
you know the ones superior to chair toilets meant for the obese

Not sure if it's really based on statistics from the WHO

That musky stench of fermenting vinegar sweat and spices

mmmmmmmm Pure Bliss

so superior that if you have diarrhea you end up shitting all over yourself