Put machine learning on resume

>put machine learning on resume
>get a call back to set up interview
>don't know anything about machine learning

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hahaha fucking retard

if you go to the interview and they ask about that you're fucked

lying on your resume will get your retarded ass blacklisted

>put machine learning on resume
>get call back
>he asks me about my ML stuff
>tell him what I know and did
>"Oh man that's like Hello World of ML"

Not sure what he expected from someone out of college.


And what did you do?

This. Just say you took an introductory course, spend an hour online and learn it. You have no choice user.

Become a full time NEET

We moved onto another topic about HPC.

>put process lithograhy major forcus on EE internship application
>about to get an interview
>don't know the first thing about lithography

this is for a major company that pays its interns ~35 an hour too

i really need this

Tell them you are a biological machine willing to learn.

that's not true tho

Just say neural network cluster classifier nonlinear perceptron regression term frequency inverse document frequency semantic analyzer recommender system deep artificial Bayesian network genetic algorithm decision tree.

You're not willing to learn?

I meant what did you do related to machine learning

Rookie mistake. Next time write
>disabled black transgender lesbian feminist
on your resumee. They're forced to hire you and not allowed to question it.

not this shit, i just want an easy job where i can browse Sup Forums at work

Wew. Why the FUCK would you put that on your resume then?

>put quantum computing on the CV
>get call back from DWave
>they ask about what I know of QC
>tell them the physics of QC instead of QC itself
>gets told to apply to Microsoft instead

What's the next step after the Coursera course? I finished it end of January but haven't been able to keep up with ML due to another project.

I'd like to spend a week or two familiarizing myself with relevant Python libraries as that course was all about prototyping in Octave. Then, not having access to large datasets, I suppose I have no option but to play around with image recognition. I'd like at some point to take a deep learning course (fast.ai?) and a NLP course but they're not priorities right now.

Dumb frogposter.

go telemarking then dude

Should've gotten a PhD in Receptionist Studies.

>applies for job in machine learning
>just wants an easy job to shitpost and profit

he's clearly baiting you

Send me the company name so I can get the job

>put linux mastery on the resume
>get call back to set up an interview
>tells me to make a kernel on the spot

>at the interview
>asked what operating system I use
>say Arch linux
>asked if I installed it myself
>got hired
t-thanks Sup Forums, you got me a job

>at the interview
>ask me if i am familiar with Linux system administration
>say that what they're referring to as Linux is in fact GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
>got hired

$ make

you are hired

>get interview
>they ask if I can into linux administration
>tell them it's ganoo/loonux and I can but only if it uses libre kernel and no proprietary software
>says they'll call me next week

git clone github.com/Torvalds/linux --depth 1 && cd linux && make -j4

Get rek't

Bump, also want to know what kind of knowledge the guy expected

What knowledge did you have at that time?

not him but the "hello world" of machine learning is a decision tree; usually supplemented with a list of past data so the decisions are sped up and you get a trivial program that "learns."

At least that is what my introduction was (although that was introduced in a security programming class not directly in my CS course I'm taking now.)

Interesting, to me the "hello world" of ML would be image classification of mnist or something like that

The best reason to never lie on your resume is the HR department. They circulate resumes like STDs and someone is going to call you on your shit. The real techies have read enough resumes to know you're bullshitting, but you have to get through the braindead HR and mid-level management.

Don't do it. You really can't get away with it as easily anymore.

that's what the CS courses intro'ing ML are, the decision tree learning is even simpler than that so I went with it. It was actually funner too, because the goal was to build a simple "firewall" that would learn what users were doing what (giving basic knowledge of how modern "smart" firewalls and antimalware programs work.)

apply with leapforce then

Wikipedia! NOW!
Google "machine learning cheat sheet" and READ ALL THE THINGS.

If you find a good enough company that are new, they might even fucking hire you.
Just steal others work online :^)
You'll learn ML with time, or get better at stealing others work.
if the latter, just pretend you are some hacker spy. For 10 years.

>put programming on resume (c, python, vba)
>get a callback to set up interview
>don't know anything about programming
>get hired
>learn to program during job, sometimes during weekend if i'm stuck
>got praised for my good programming skills after 6 months, giving me a 25% raise

relax, just read some stuff about ml, maybe listen to a short course and you'll probably be fine.

How much did you know before applying? I'm graduating soon and never did much more than the necessary asignments so my experience is very limited. Is that enough to get hired?

That's ok if you are maintaining a project, but if you're going to build one from scratch, you're in deep shit.

My friend did this with networking, to an extent.
There was loads of shit he never knew that he learned as and when he needed it.

He has now automated 90% of his job and sits on his phone playing games.
He has to break things on purpose to make it look like he is actually doing work.
He also got that company loads of extra clients and 2 pay rises since that.
4 years there, I think.

Don't you mean "deep blue"?

MNIST is the hello world of ML

Most kids coming out of college have no idea how to build a project from scratch, they don't even know what build tools are or at all how a corporate workflow looks like. That should be something the company teaches you so you don't royally fuck up their build systems.

but how will I remember all of that?

>not having access to large datasets

you fucking mong. You useless, worthless piece of shit. You don't deserve anything, you spoon-fed motherfucker, but still, here you go...


And just fyi, you can read any ML paper, find a nice database you like, and write the authors and kindly ask for it. 95% of them will be kind in return.

you fucking asshole

*Teleports behind interviewer*

*Installs Gentoo*

Nothing personnel kid.

>playing around with machine learning and trying to apply it to project
>put it on resume
>realize my data set looks like babby's toy to industry guys
Did I fuck up? How small is too small?

>putting stuff on your resume you are not confident to talk about
kek brainlet

Made a photo album in visual basic.

>Write neural network on resume
>Get invited for an interview
>Show off my program that can tell a difference between a and b
>Get hired and fired on the spot

Actually when I was talking to him it was about neural networks. Specially to classify images that looked like my target image and the guy just completely shut me down by giggling a bit and saying that was like the hello world of ML.


>the guy just completely shut me down by giggling a bit and saying that was like the hello world of ML.

Just learn someachine learning shit in the next few day. Get a ML PDF and do some exercises or something, at least you'll know something and you will have not lied and got yourself in shit.

That's exactly what I felt desu. Even though we moved on and it went fine that comment just really drove a spike into me and made me think it wasn't going to work out no matter what at that point.

I lied on mine. Got me an internship with SpaceX

Internships are so much more lax'd as far as what they actually expect.


that is kind of like the Hello World of ML tho. I'm trying to learn it right now and image recognition is one of the basic examples to get started.

*Compiles Arch out of fear*

Did you get the job

Please help dudes.

5 inches.