/ptg/ - Private Trackers General

slav edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
DISCORD discord.gg/8A6vvEA
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

Fuck your news.

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


rise and fall is a cuck

no u

first for RED owns Tracker Drama

Second for zed is a retarded nazi

>tfw your thread

Slav men look like like ass, they don't deserve qt slav girls.

Who #TeamPicotorrent here?

zed 962e02a61ba9482c0795f5b5a9ffbef8
Nala 31e8e77baa399630f6ee4034c6927991


Explain yourself



t. Z

really makes u think

t. Redtard

What is that?

I can kind of understand what people have against smug anime girls when I see avatars like that.


Slowly getting there

now this thread I can get on board with

please /part

please /part

Is it illegal to snatch whatever you want in any tracker? As long as you seed it, right? No tracker is restrictive with the amount of torrents you download right?

Please /part

Unless tracker is ratioless or you're downloading freeleech only then no, there are limits.

to snatch any torrent you must have the legal rights to its contents

>No tracker is restrictive with the amount of torrents you download right?
Some might limit the amount of torrent files you can download per day, or the amount you can simultaneously leech. You can also run over acceptable ratio limits.

too many variables, neon. need more data

mam only lets you dl 20 per 3 days when your account is < 2 weeks old, 50 per 3 days when youre class is user, 100 per 3 days when youre PU


/ptg/ is finally dead! I'm free!

music tracker shit killed /ptg/

type /part to pay respects to /ptg/

There is any fast way to mass download MAM FL torrents?

The site is a fucking mess

That's good. You "animals" don't know about how you ruin peoples lives; because you think it's "funny"...

i accidentally downloaded a lot of `freely.available' music from RED...and now my leeching privileges have been revoked

im currently on torrentday and ipt whats the next step up from here

Are you joking or are you serious?

>tfw used to not care about ratio since it was ratioless beyond a minimum seed time
>now need 500GB upload to get even just because I didn't get everything during freeleech
It's not like I blame myself but I find it hard to believe I'm statistically contributing less just because my ratio is fucked.
>can't become a power-user and access the secret pizza forums
feels like shit

/part from this thread

stop being edgy

im trying to move up, i used to use kickass but theyre gone. what are my options


uh oh, please /part

I'm not being edgy, it's just seems like a troll question, everybody knows that those two have really bad rep in the community and nobody has or ever will recruit there, you should either start from myanonamouse or redacted if you want to move up.


that's all the music on RED though! Just a bunch of shitty bandcamp releases

Better than pooploop which has nothing

But if you are too much of a noob for that, nCore.

i just found ptg, hence the silly questions.
i know these sites are trash because i can never find what i want.

Where can I read up on all those spicy ancient /ptg/ insider memes?

weird, I just found a bunch of obscure shit on there that wasn't on RED!

What are you looking for?

what's the difference between KG and SC ?

KG gives you the kinography, SC gives you the SUCC

ones good and ones shit
also sc is going down at the end of april


I think you're sarcastic, but there is actually a lot of stuff that isn't on RED, could easily get ETM if you have both

I'm not being sarcastic, I really do find shit on both that isn't on the other. It isn't as cut and dry as the numbers game would have you believe.

What did they mean by this?

i good general tracker, some thing like kickass where I could find movies books programs(ms office/adobe suite) all in only place

i already have the porn tracker down with pb, trying to work into emp, but i hear its just another tranny lovefest

This seems too good to be true, is this a trap? Surely anybody invited through this will be banned right?

Ipt is actually pretty good for movies and general, at least compared to any entry level trackers, as for books, myanonamouse.


redpill me on ratio cheating?

everyone does it
how to get buffer on red 101
>find a friend
>both of you upload 2gb apps
>both of you use your fl tokens on each others shit
>end up with a shitton of buffer

theres literally a fl rss feed you tard.

but also doesnt matter because

I can't believe /ptg/ has been reduced to this sorry level of pleb.

Are you trying to argue that there's a better general tracker than ipt?

please /part this thread neo pajeet you reek of curry

Haha kid I've been in this game for 8 years, I'm in literally every tracker you could dream about plus more

You are not in PTB

>2gb apps
What tracker would this be about? 2gb seems like small time

you can upload apps to redacted but can only use fl tokens on 2gb stuff max so you get more bang for your buck this way


Apps are what? Video games?

programs nigger

>he dosent know that "app" is short for "application" as in a program
y u on Sup Forums ?

I don't know what apps would be easily obtainable. Hence the confusion.

there are tons of things you could just get off ipt or some other general. red doesnt have that many apps

>thinking 8 years is a lot time for trackers

It's a lot compared to your neon ass

I learned in the little time I spent on here that trackers are a meme and stat whores are most likely just abusing the system and while I don't blame them for that. It means they don't have the best intent for the tracker itself, bringing down the quality for all.

I learned in the little time I spent on here that trackers are a meme and stat whores are most likely just abusing the system and while I don't blame them for that. It means they don't have the best intent for the tracker itself, bringing down the quality for all.

Is MTV dying? There is nothing going on there.

It was all downhill once they stopped playing music videos desu

Quit making cancer OPs

My desire to get into AB is significantly higher than my desire to be on AB

What does this mean?

You have to be /neon/ to get it

probably, the only things uploading are the bots

I really, really want AB, bit I know once I'm in I won't be as excited to be on it

is it true people get disabled for cursing on MAM's IRC?

Just make your wish user.

No, please be respectful, you get differently-abled. .

>men are supposed to look good or "pretty"
Gay western libshit commie cuck numale manlet faggot weebshit detected.

they might ask you to please /part

>Fargo in 2 days
>mfw MTVfags get the cap an hour after it's uploaded to BTN
sucks to be neon don't it

Rise & Fall
@everyone BTN recruitment thread on RED

True or False?

>men are supposed to look like lanky inbred retards

how do I join a better tracker? I'm good with IPT right now but because they are essentially open to anyone who donates, I don't feel very secure seeing stuff

my ratio is closing 16. it's been going up smooth since I built a dedicated seed server, I just to seed somewhere closed off so there's no risk of getting shit for seeding

hey I'm looking for a couple small books I can't find anywhere, is there anyone here with bibliotik access that can see if they have it?

Quickest way to get to PU on BTN? Autosnatching everything?