What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Elon Musk? Do you think he has positively influenced technology...

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Elon Musk? Do you think he has positively influenced technology? My roommate seems to treat him like the second coming

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He gets almost religious with some of the things he says but overall he has been a net benefit.


he's like steve jobs in that he steps on the stage presenting the work of thousands of engineers as his brain child or something

He looks like (and his name sounds like) a comic book billionaire-turned-supervillain.

If Google (or alphabet, whatever) doesn't take over the world then I wouldn't be surprised if he does.

It's not him I dislike but people like your roommate (reddit) engaging in the group psychosis that is surrounding him. It seems to be making Elon fucked in up in the head as well.

I have no problems with the man. I have issues with his fanclub.

He is from South Africa so I bet he doesn't give a shit about diversity.

When will your roommate realize the fact that electric cars are waste of money?

Elon Musk is a genius and highly redpilled.

Aside from all the Climate Change nonsense, I mean.

Look up why he's bee divorced so many times.

Elon Musk is a master of bending people to his will.

> seems to be making Elon fucked in up in the head as well

Not that I think you're wrong but are you thinking of anything specific there?

If exploiting social media like 4chin or reddit makes you genius, then somebody in the trump campaign should get a nobel prize.
His patents show me that he wants to be a fancier Apple, so for most people his job will be unnoticable or kept in the news (spam).



>she divorced him afterwards

>What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Elon Musk?
Who the hell is Elon Musk and why should I know him?

Geez, out of every girl, why did Musk choose such a STICC?

He’s just so far off the ground. What I've heard, in the way he wanders the floors of his enterprises like some grand spiritual leader and the disoriented way he talks, it's all so eerie. He’s not the person that distance himself from praise. It will make him delusional.

After his latest turbo whore divorces him and scores a GORILLION dollar settlement I personally can't wait to see him marry another 20 something model

>wanders the floors of his enterprises like some grand spiritual leader
Uhh, he doesn't really do this. I feel like he comes off way more aspie when talking in front of crowds or the camera. At work he's relatively normal.

And most people like the fact that he actually knows what the hell is going on in production.

He can't really speak in public

The guy wants to be this grandiose sort of CEO, the central image of every single one of his companies, yet he keeps stuttering all over the place, looking at the ground, unable to form sentences in any smooth way whatsoever. The dummy makes Zuckerberg look like Steve Jobs.

Musk is very typical of the Silicon Valley technolibertarian mold. He was happy to take a $465 million government loan for Tesla Motors, then soon after paying it off, he was more than happy to speak out against government subsidies like the one he just paid back. This has been Silicon Valley’s modus operandi for years, of course: promoting the tech sector’s independence from and superiority to mundane governance, while relying on it. In a nutshell, this is the reality behind the myth of the “free market.”

He gets shit done.
That's all I care about.

Most people in his position hoard or do retarded shit that goes nowhere, and reinvent wheels that should never have been reinvented because the original has worked consistently well.
SpaceX, for example, is amazing what they have done.
Dyson hair driers. Just why?
I generally like Dyson as well though. But sometimes they make some right useless shit and add a crazy mark-up on it.

>At work he's relatively normal
Do you work at Tesla? What do you do there?

I work at SpaceX as a tech. I'm not an engineer.

And what's with all the Musk threads lately? Is this spillover from the Amber Heard shit?

He's the Reddit man's Peter Thiel but I like both of them and believe they represent a positive force in society.

Try to sound less than one of Musk's minions unless you want the point that he's surrounded by sheep to be proven.

I didn't think my comment was particularly fanboyish, but I appreciate the advice nonetheless.

For what it's worth I too find the Musk Redditors to be off putting.

>SpaceX, for example, is amazing what they have done.
and what have they done?

launch shit into space, reuse a first stage

Not to mention done it incredibly cheaply too. (relatively speaking)

This will save so much fucking money per rocket launch.
Not sure how long each first-stage will last though. But given the money saved per launch, they can add some of that back in to tougher rockets and still have plenty to spare.


People say he's so special, but the truth is that he's the normiest of normies.

he's important for being a tech enthusiast with the money to fund really interesting technology, and the desire to do it even if he loses money in the process. If every billionaire took as many risks as he does we'd be a lot better off.

I don't think he actually has much hand in the design or engineering behind anything he backs, but he knows enough about it to hire the right people and give them the right projects to be commercially viable.


The thing is that he acts as if he's a core creator. I just wished he'd let some room for the actual creators to get some recognition.

>the disoriented way he talks

Does he have a speech impediment? I watch some electric home batteries keynote and it looked like he was on coke.

Why do rich people hide the cure for baldness from us?

There's more coke cramped in the noses of silicon valley than on wall street in the 80's, so probably.

expert swindler of the public and government teat leech

I think he's fucked if he sticks his dick in Depp's leftovers

>watch pseudo documentary about tesla with my dad
>it's just elon the faggot walking around the factory showing all the empty space they got cause the govt subsidies they got aren't enough to put more assemble lines but he doesn't wanna admit that
>finally get to assemble line where some nigger and a mexican working minimum wage praise elon
>engineers nowhere to be found until some dude turns up in some other empty space
>turns out he's the key designer for the car aesthetics, not an engineer, still only got like a minute of camera time before rolling back to elon peddling cars to rich cunts who don't give a fuck about global warming and only wanna show off their new accessory

Except he does. He's said in multiple interviews that his involvement in the business-side of things is minimal when compared to what he actually does.. which is work directly with engineers. His degree in in Physics. remember?

>Hurr why doesn't he get the engineers to talk instead of him

Because he was the one who got stupid rich and sold his companies for millions, his engineers would be working for other companies if it wasn't for him deciding to fund things like Tesla and space X.

He's a nerd who got stupidly rich, unlike zuckerberg who only cares about stealing data and making more money, elon actually grew up as one of the physics nerds and therefore has the incentive to put his money in crazy sci future projects

Did he declare Mara independent and lead it as it threw off earth's shackles yet?

he is exactly reddit's peter thiel

i dislike both of them and believe they represent a negative force in society. there is a tech bubble and it will pop, because the money is being managed by sci-fi fans

Musk and Zuckey has one thing in common; the thing they most desire is fame. They are nothing more than attention-whores.

we're all gonna learn the hard way why money is not normally put into crazy projects

I like that he's technomoney and a little batty, once Tesla goes under he'll lose it and become a real life bond villian

I remember you from another thread, I thought you were larping... Are you?

He is a good salesman.
I don't see how he is Sup Forums-related though.

He's fucking crazy, but he certainly had a positive influence on tech; well for the most part anyway.

I kind of look at Tesla the same way I look at Oculus. They're both failures and their products are overpriced, such that only rich people are buying anything from them, HOWEVER, they put the ideas back into the public consciousness. No one gave a shit about VR until Oculus started hyping it up. No one gave a shit about electric cars or home energy storage until Tesla started to hype it up. If nothing else, Tesla is helping battery tech along by putting pressure on scientists for alternatives/improvements to lithium ion cells.

So elon musk=palmer luckey?

Nope not larping. I've run into one or two other SpaceXers on Sup Forums before.

while he's not a god, I do appreciate "his" work, without his companies, reusable rockets like what we have now probably still would not be a thing, electric cars would still be dead and have no chance of evolving and solar roofs would not be fashionable.

nigga divorced, remarried, and divorced again same crazy bitch. you decide.

Maybe the sex was too good.


he appeals to normies with good (overpriced) ideas.

Teslas are luxury EVs and actual technology cost is under $20k for faster EVs. However Elon has created a market domand that has lowered costs for everyone.

I also like his solar and rocket companies, solar panels are are awesome and methane engines are cool.

His ideas outside business are cringeworthy and well thought but poorly considered. Mars is a waste of time and resources and his influence in commercial spaceflight has been toward it.

He also fears AI and believes it not only possible but dangerous. Both poor assumptions to make.

Do not take anyone seriously whose last name is "Musk."

I think he's a time traveler

well done pr team

that's it

and get a bunch of PR talk?

Be glad you get the actual head of the company, stuttering and awkwardly looking around, instead of some PR jackass.

Do you think Elon does his stuttering thing on purpose?

For as dominant as he apparently is in person, it doesn't really make sense for his public speaking to be that poor.

Granted, I can public-speak like a hot damn but I can't maintain a one-on-one conversation to save my life.

Reddit loves the shit out of him, so we hate him.
He is Steve Jobs 2.0 basically.


all the pajeets here hate him but secretly wish they were him at the same time

Elon gives me hope that sweeping macroeconomic changes can happen without government intervention, and that entrenched incumbent players in military, aerospace, auto/oil/energy can be recycled into more efficient and higher quality companies

Bowing charges billions for shit rockets, ford has not done shit since 1980's (excluding incremental ice improvements) and we are facing enormous disruption of carbon cycle that entire ecosystem of Earth depends on. America ought to lead the change to a new way, for the world is our stage as it has been for the last 200 years

America is the greatest country on Earth and Elon is simply reminding the world. Can't explain that

>does he stutter on purpose

Holy fuck this board has some dumb people. Cut your fucking balls off immediately, you waste of resources. Anyone that talks to you is wasting their time.

He's a liar and a sinful fraud

The earth is flat and he's one of the conn artists suckling off the veins of society like a rich, ungodly leach.

People like him will burn in hell for going against the word of the gospel and preaching the Devils lie of a round earth.

He's popular enough to get people that hate him because he's popular.

I think he's an asshole with the drive to try and do something interesting.

What? Maybe he's deliberately cultivating an image.