Why is the Linux kernel written in C and not Assembly?

Why is the Linux kernel written in C and not Assembly?

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Because Linus isn't an autist

C is portable.
He wanted it to be run on many architectures.

Linus is a nigger-tier programmer, he has not even finished writing his compiler yet and got beat by Stallman.

you need a higher abstraction for assembly.
C translates to assembly and that translates to binary opcodes

Why is Linux written in C and not Java?

Imagine having to rewrite the entire kernel for every seperate architecture and how fucking worthless the minute performance boost would be in comparison to the tears of extra development time.


because java is an island you moron


It's written in C + assembly


You don't need any performance above java.
Java is the best language ever made. Only neo-Sup Forums denies. True Sup Forums knows java is the best.
>muh poo in loo
Not an argument.

Has Linus even started a compiler?

Because Java is too slow for real-time.

Assembly is a subset of C.

>muh speed
you don't need speed above java. Only autistic NEETs want more speed than java.

>You don't need any performance above java.
Wrong. There's a computer version of Axis & Allies written in Java and the AI takes literally 10 minutes to make it move on max difficulty.

Scala is superior to java in every way.
>muh industry standturds

>language for programming bugs and undefined behaviours

Because of it's shitty implementation. You don't need any speed above Java.
>Some shitlang no one uses
Into the trash it goes.

>tfw to smart too not understand pointers

>Because of it's shitty implementation. You don't need any speed above Java.
I never had that problem with games written in C. Let me guess, the "proper implementation" of Java code means writing a library in C and calling it from Java?

>implying only pointers are subject to undefined behaviour

>implying undefined behavior isn't just syntactic sugar for pointer abuse

Linus doesn't hate himself enough

>implying (x + 1) is not an undefined behaviour in C

> Because of it's shitty implementation.
Most of software is shitty implemented and you know it

Java doesn't have pointers.

t. autistic neet who cares about "bloat"

Java has a really bad reputation that may or may not be deserved. I don't really care though since there are plenty of other languages that don't have that stigma.

>bad reputation
Among Ctards. Java is best language, even Sup Forums knows it.

>Java is best language
C# is better

Male has a really bad reputation that may or may not be deserved. I don't really care though since there are plenty of other genders that don't have that stigma.

>C# is better
No it isn't. It's just microsoft's java knockoff. Just use Java.

Great arguments guys

>His entire operating system isn't an application-specific integrated circuit

>He doesn't re-manufacture his silicon every time he updates a line of code

It's like you hate speed.

Yes but I have better digits.

>undefined type of x
>bitches about UB
Found the pajeet

Write it in haskell include it in C include it in c++ include it in an android studio project code the main in java and export as apk.

You mean that meme-tier language no one uses?

>undefined type
>pajeet doesn't know int is the default type in C

Because Linus poos in a loo

*Because Linus isn't a fucking retard

Pajeet confirmed

>abusing default types
No, Pajeet, you are the Pajeet.

why does this nigga look exactly like sam hyde

You literally don't know how computers work if you don't know why.


because C is portable u stupid piece of shit

because Linus is fucking CIA nigger

It's written in both, because Linus is not a pleb and just uses the best tool for each job.

1. Easier to write bug-free C than bug-free Assembly
2. Portability. Linux runs on everything under the sun thanks to a reasonably sized base of C code that works everywhere. Things like CPU scheduling and I/O scheduling don't need to be CPU-specific, necessarily.

1. Because that would require making a fucking VM in the kernel to run the kernel (an idea that only makes sense in thought experiments).
2. Because Linux is several years older than Java. Java first came out on May 23, 1995. Linux came out in 1991, and the first release of Debian was in 1993. Red Hat even came out 10 days earlier than Java, on May 13, 1995.

Why is Linux writtten in C and not Python?


Same reasons for not being written in Java as detailed here: Except version 1.0 of Python came out in 1994, not 1995.