
/sec/ essentials pastebin | pastebin.com/UY7RxEqp
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Welp might as well post this here.

What's the best way to set up a VNC server so I can access a Windows computer on my home network from outside the network safely? Is connecting through an SSH tunnel still the safest bet? Or is there a more sophisticated solution?

depend on what you are trying to do ssh might surfice. but an ssh tunnel would be the best bet.

Thanks, it's just a basic VNC session, nothing too fancy. The thing is I got majorly spooked about a week ago.
>have a VNC server set up on my desktop so I can check on various things from my laptop
>hear a ding from server computer, indicating someone had connected to the server
>2 Users Connected
>Only my laptop is supposed to be connected
>Shut down everything and check to see if anything was modified
Luckily I heard that noise and shut down the server a few seconds later. I had thought the server was only set up to work within my local network, but apparently not.

it is a common beginners mistake vnc is over the internet by default. i think vnc is fucking up by doing that

Traps are gay.

any port in a storm

Anyone got the deets on the new M$ exploits? You think the NSA told them last month?

>You think the NSA told them last month?
No, and even if they did why would MS give up a reason to get even more people to turn back on Windows update so they can push more shit onto people?

i doubt that more that half of the user base ever know the NSA had exploits or event that their computer could be exploited

But the people who would never know about that kind of shit are also the same people who would never turn off Windows update in the first place

I don't think it was the NSA. Here's my speculation. Somehow it got leaked after being bought from the Shadow Brokers and was reported to MS. Upon realizing this the Shadow Brokers released them publicly to generate as much publicity for their hacker group.


have a cool irc log about owning the jorgee botnet

sweet i will add to the pastebin

I wish I was as cute as lain

hey, so this exists and is neat

I mean it seems like one of the more plausible scenarios. I think its either that or somebody bought them and starting using them and Microsoft used their telemetry data to find out about it and patch them.

Why the lain love? I dont into anime much, but is she sec essential? I thought she was uggo but now i dunno.

it is a /cyb/ thing

Let's all love Lain.

Lel if you only guys knew. Too bad I can't say

There's worse stuff out there.

Try to speak less like a third grader.

Try to type less like a faggot.

Thanks for the resource though, gaylord.

Anybody here completed mavensecurity.com/resources/web-security-dojo/

What did you think of it?


jp or org?



what you asked was a server question not a security question

you're full of shit
my question was related to lain

What are the skill levels of the guys in the team? Anyone allowed to join?

probably should have specified but the team is open to all.
then pick .jp

Cool. Ill stop by the irc channel ina few hours after gym. Im currently going through picoctf, level 2 atm

Anyone somewhat successful here? What did you study and how long ago? What other titles (OSCP, etc) did you get?

Did I accidentally click on lainchan?

No this happens to be Sup Forums.

shameless bump

applechan or the better version of lainchan?

better version of lainchan

What kind of CTF are we talking about here? Just simple non competitive ones or are you planning on doing competitions and stuff?

ctftime.org what ever is free