What email services does Sup Forums use?

What email services does Sup Forums use?


Sup Forumsmail of course

GSuite. I have a free early bird account for developers. If I had to pay, I would probably switch to Amazon WotkMail.

i used to use protonmail but i didn't like having to type in two passwords
i feel much safer with cock

i remember hearing they cucked on privacy

I trust vc more than anyone else to be honest.
If you want privacy use PGP and demand to your friends to only send encrypted mails.

that wubbthecaptain faggot says VC is incompetent but he just sounds like a butthurt autist to me, VC does what he can

Gmail for general
Yahoo for personal
Outlook for business
Cock.li for memes

I still use Yahoo out of shear laziness. Also I enjoy getting WE'VE BEEN HACKED CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD messages every three months.


The one that doesn't bother to read my emails: Yandex. I am a no Russian so the FSB has no interest on me.

gmail for business shit
yahoo for vidya game shit
icloud for personal shit
student email at my university for college shit

I have about 30 cock.li addresses set up with thunderbird to read them.


email run by memeware is a terrible idea. additionally it doesnt provide you with any security, use protonmail if anything


They added a one-password feature.


>start an email service
>clearly state that if the govt asks (properly) for data, you'll give it to them
>govt asks properly for data
>give it to them
>"wow what a cuck"

yahoo for personal
gmail for uni

I have three outlook accounts, one yahoo account, a protonmail account, an aol account, and four gmail accounts. I can access all but one.