Aww shit, $1.8k fb machine

Aww shit, $1.8k fb machine.

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If that's a refurb, Apple's been known to send out higher specced machines if the spec you ordered is out of stock.

damn those are nice specs.


Why the fuck do people buy apple? 1.8k for a 400 dollar laptop.. jesus christ.


what other laptop can stand the test of time


>what other laptop can stand the test of time**

** = 3 years


>Dual Core
Holy fuck they can't be serious.

>for the same price you can get an xps 15 with a higher clocked quad core, ddr4 RAM, better reparability, better battery life, upgradability, and a gtx 1050
absolutely indefensible macfags need to gas themselves right now

>it still doesn't have kaby lake
Complain all you want about other things but this is the worst. Its hardware is totally outdated in every way.


>Dual core i7

Kill yourself is such a mediocre/bland meme that has been overused to shit but yeah I agree with this user's main point.
Why even bother i7 if you have a laptop that doesn't even offer that such a fast performance in the first place?

the only thing dual cores are good for is amazing battery life. Dual core -U processors are tolerable for Facebook machines, and use way less power than quad cores.

Feels good not being poor
>signs up for layaway agreement

haha epic twitch meme pal!

Haha le epic Facebook machine maymay

Lol even mkbhd mostly pro Android/Windows is sack riding this shit


>apple is such a ripoff that they charge extra for numbers

>256 GB SSD
>2x Thunderbolt 3

Damn, Facebook's system requirements have gone up.

>Intel Iris 540

How is this acceptable?

dual core that throttles in usage anything more intense than FB
1600mhz top kek
only 256gb lmao

If it does throttle that easily it's badly designed.
Above 1600 MHz doesn't bring much performance boost in real life tasks and only gives maybe 10% ish on benchmarks.
256 GB is fine so long are you're not torrenting whole seasons or collecting tons of porn.
Thunderbolt 3 is relevant if you want expansion in a laptop, given how you can get stuff like PCIe bays.

>someone spent time actually making this
lol that sucks

Why did Apple delete Aperture?

>Intel i7 6700HQ (2.6Ghz)
>8GB DDR4 Memory
>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M
$640 during Cyber Monday in 2016

Maxed out ram to 32GB DDR4, added 275GB SSD and still came under $800 total. You do realize you can run all that in a VM right?

They can't keep getting away with it!

>You do realize you can run all that in a VM right?
Yeah but it won't have an Apple logo on it, the trackpad will be ass, and it will lag like hell.

they don't care about pros anymore
funny thing they've updated fcpx recently and it's new interface is really good

Don't use the trackpad, you fucking idiot. Kill a cat and use a mouse. My Intel i7 is quad core compared to that slow ass dual core. Its really fucking pathetic that Apple is still selling dual cores lol ayyyy its 2004

My x220 has all those specs and costs literally a tenth of that price.

It's a laptop, what do you expect? You're going to be using the trackpad a lot if you take it with you places. Laptop+mouse is just cumbersome in so many situations. And quad core i7 is still going to choke on OS X in a VM.

>not a ssd

>a shitty igpu
>not even a quad core cpu

Wew lad

>nearly $2000
What the fuck? You could buy a 2011 MBP with 16GB of RAM and a 512GB SSD for about half the price. All you have to do is spend 5 minutes upgrading it. The new Macs also have like half the battery life and a terrible keyboard.

I've been using my ThinkPad T400 for almost 8 years. It's literally indestructible.

>an igpu that has more power than a reasonable laptop will need, and eats way less battery
>a dual core cpu that eats way less power than a quad core but still has more than enough for laptop tasks

if you need a dedicated gpu and quad core cpu get a mac pro

The point is 1.8K

2011 MBP are nice.
>upgrade ram myself for cheap
>replace the battery after awhile
>swap in SSD and move HDD to disk drive spot

yeah you can get similar specs for less on a pc laptop but it'll be lower quality, it'll break, and it won't run mac os

I had a MacBook. The hinge broke within a year and the bottom of the laptop started pitting because apparently the metal they use is so cheap that air eats away at it. My ThinkPad T420 was half the price, is easy to upgrade/repair, and runs Mac OS X perfectly.

wtf do u have to do 2 break a macbook?

I hardly ever use a trackpad because its always been so inaccurate over the years. A mouse is so much more accurate than a trackpad or touchscreen for that matter. If my quad core choked on OS X in a VM, then how does make your dual core any better?

Even better, I use 275GB SSD and 1TB HDD. Plus, I didn't have to use a caddy like the Macs.

>adding software to bump up the price

A laptop is a lot more than raw specs. This machine continues to be used by the elite, and you continue to reeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Apple is as evil as Satan.
Misguided people will defend this.

Inaccurate trackpad? Shoulda bought a MBP.
OS X runs better on Mac hardware because it's specially designed to run it. A VM just slows it down.

Use it normally every day.

>used by the elite
Coffee shop hipsters are not "elites".

ITT: shills failing to provide a better specd 13 inch laptop. Also, this laptop is not only about specs, but build quality, display quality, best trackpad available, best laptop speakers and great battery life on a thin and light form factor.
If it were only about specs, pic related wouldn't exist, since it's cheaper and has very similar specs.

So let me get this straight..

>accurate trackpad

Do you see the math here? You are overpaying for hardware AND software. The hardware alone is between $600-800 so really you are paying $1,000 just for OS X. Apple is ripping you off with lower specifications that meets today's standards.

>calls other people shills
>shills a macbook
Where is your self-awareness?

>Coffee shop hipsters

2006 wants its stereotypes back you uninformed shut-in.

This still kills me

your laptop display has literally a tenth of those pixels as well


I like the new keyboards. It was never enough for people to only SEE that I was a douche. Now, they can HEAR it with the new keyboard.

>accurate trackpad
>superior build quality
>better battery life
>great keyboard
>touch bar
>retina screen
Well worth the extra money. Try it and anything else will feel inferior.

What the fuck? I thought my latitude was getting outdated. Nope, still higher specs than that (minus the shit screen Dell puts in their business laptops).

Also, build quality lol. My family friends and I have all had macs that failed under the gentlest of circumstances, whilst business class PCs keep on keepin' on. Anecdotal, but over a period of decades.

Apple noticed that nobody looks up from their smartphones anymore so a glowing logo is useless. So they're resorting to aural advertising with the loud as fuck keyboard.
It's the little things that Apple gets when it comes to advertising.

> my huge ass Dell laptop has better specs than a thin 13 inch Mac
wow, amazing user! But can your shitty Dell even compete with pic related?
> inb4 I'm too poor to afford one of these

xps doesn't have an apple logo tho

>The hinge broke within a year and the bottom of the laptop started pitting because apparently the metal they use is so cheap that air eats away at it
Treat your shit better.
I've had mine for six years and it's fine.

goalposts, and such. later.

>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel admitted it's shit and went back to solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>shit tier 1mm travel chiclet kb
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats constantly from abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz due to chronic overheating problems
>retina meme for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating impossible to use with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade

>can't use any existing TB3 devices
>can't use USB and wifi at the same time
>ultra shit tier zero travel kb
>keyboard louder than WWII cricket
>memetouch emojibar
>no USB-A
>no escape
>soldered ram
>soldered SSD
>tamper tape on battery screws
>applel falls for their own thin meme and uses 54WH battery
>2 hour battery life
>it's 2017 and moving folders around in finder will STILL cause massive data loss

>macshit is good
Can we finally put an end to this meme?

how does this make macfags feel?

At least Macs still boots while that build doesn't even have graphics to power a monitor

I can't carry that with me.

Like they want a laptop retard.

yeah, but does it come with an apple sticker?
> Processor Graphics: IntelĀ® HD Graphics 610

Monitor status: [X] FUCKING POWERED

The G4650 has a faster iGPU than the one on the $1800 facebook machine.

2017 pc still uses Skylake.

Non-click ones with Force Touch represent innovation. It's meant to be an improvement.
The older ones they replaced were inferior, but still had far better tracking than almost all PC trackpads.
No real buttons? You don't need them.
Pressure sensitive means you don't have the old shitty mechanism that didn't work so well, but also don't have the even shittier tap-to-click trash PCs do.
If you don't like the Force Touch settings, change them.

OSX supposedly bad on battery life? It still outperforms Windows on the same machine. Other machines might have less power or bigger batteries but that doesn't make OSX a power hog.

Retina doesn't claim to be perfect color reproduction. You use a pro monitor in a controlled-lighting studio for that, not a laptop that's going to get all the glare anyway. For most tasks it looks gorgeous and way sharper than any PC.

MBA doesn't have a retina screen. Buy a lower tier model, get lower specs. It's a tradeoff.

Yea but thn u cant use sieraos

Should i put sieraos in my lenevoy50?

>mac cucks

Iris is faster than hd 610

>t. mactoddler

No, mactoddler.

>6000 series custom aluminium alloy
>"cheap metal"

Ok retard.

IIRC this is some Dutch musician, and that is a PowerBook G4, from roughly 2006.

>GIF related

Why do people still reply to this fully debunked autismpasta?

>recycled soda can trash that corrode on skin contact
Cheap metal.

Mine's way less bad than that, dude must have greasy calloused hand or something.
Doesn't this happen to every laptop? I've seen plenty of plastic windows laptops with wear spots in similar location.

No, just macshit.

>sweat and human skin oil
>corroding a custom aluminium alloy notebook housing
>iPhones however have no problem

You'll have to try much harder than that, how fucking dumb do you think I am, did you not finish grade school and do basic science?

Yes, I'm aware of this widely documented problem that made Apple stop using aluminium on all their devices effective since 2010.


Its always the anti-Apple spergs. There is no dumber group of posters on Sup Forums.

2 rupees have been deposited in your designated shitting street iPajeet.

My 2011 macbook has the same thing.

Hackingtosh works


300 bucks is only the SSD
200 is the screen
300 the rest
1k is the brand

this actually happens? I'm surprised because I've got constant sweaty hand syndrome, and my 2009 is basically mint. I do have a habit of wiping things down, though.

Excellent memes! Unfortunately grade school science disagrees with you. Then again, education isn't free in India is it?

>this actually happens?

No, retard. It would be a pretty well known issue don't you think? Apple's been using aluminium for over a decade.

Fuck off shill.


>pictures of computer abused by normies

I am SHOCKED, SHOCKED I tell you that the Macbook follows the laws of physics!

This looks like it had something spilled on it. Macbooks usually hold up way better than shitty Windows laptops with plastic palmrests that wear down.

Looks like physical damage from scraping or similar. Abuse any product and it will show signs of damage. Unlike many PCs I've seen though it's not shattered and nothing is hanging out.

wear spots yes, last keyboard had pits worn in some keys and paint completely stripped off areas my had was in constant contact, but not corrosion.

>skin contact is abuse

Mactoddlerism, not even once.

You think SWEAT did this? SWEAT? Holy shit you anti-Apple spergs are another level of fucking retarded. Hol up, let me give you some more (You)s for this so everyone can see how mentally disabled you are.

It's just from my hand touching it.
The left hand side if immaculate.