WTF is wrong with France? The government makes a minor change to labor laws and the unions shit bricks. Also...

WTF is wrong with France? The government makes a minor change to labor laws and the unions shit bricks. Also, why hasn't anyone shot the protesters blocking the oil supplies in the face?

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>Also, why hasn't anyone shot the protesters blocking the oil supplies in the face?

You're fucking retarded.

I know how my country works. I'm just surprised that someone hasn't taken things into their own hands yet.

>why hasn't anyone shot the protesters blocking the oil supplies in the face
We are currently using our strategic reserves, we have a hundred days left so we are not really worried

France is a borderline socialist country, any liberal reform makes unions crazy.

>I know how my country works.
no you don't

That's France for you. The people have the spirit of the revolution. Anything that upsets some group will trigger angry protests, except terrorism maybe.

French people are hotheads

The Euros starts in 2 weeks lads.
T-thanks France.

>I know how my country works

You evidently don't.

>Also, why hasn't anyone shot the protesters blocking the oil supplies in the face?
Talk about Stockholm's syndrome. You don't only accept police brutality, you've come to desire it.

The Eurocup, Nuit Debout, the Islamic State clearly singling out France... the nation will burn. I still dare to hope, for something must be destroyed before it can be rebuilt.

I like the fact that they protest to protect their rights

But the continuous destruction of private and public property is pretty gay.

>t. Americlap

Riots, strikes and protests are literally the most normal thing imaginable in France. I'd be much more worried if some day French people became complacent like Amerifats.

t. 18 year old on summer vacation

You mean like when their country was taken over by Nazis and then Africans?

>Riots, strikes and protests are literally the most normal thing imaginable in France.
>Coming from one of the few countries that actually has more strikes than France on average

>minor change


It's mostly Arabs that use the excuse of general protests to destroy the property though. See 1998, 2005 and 2012.

That's just their culture. Just let them be, they'll suffer the consequences of their actions and grow up eventually.

Because they realize that corporations don't look out for peoples interests, and the trickle down effect is a load of bull.

>Destroying private property is how you protest.

So many arabs and mexicans in here.

I lean left, but whenever I hear something about French unions I cringe. Like when their taxi drivers protested uber, they just look like luddites and drive people to vote for more right wing parties. Unions aren't there to provide an inferior product for a higher price, they're there to force compromise between the workers and the employers so that neither group completely dominates the other.

The trickle down effect isn't complete bullshit. People spending money is what creates demand which creates employment. The problem is when people are so rich that giving them more money doesn't cause an increase in spending.

you mean blacks?


Tbh Americans should learn something from France here. Americans are way too apathetic when it comes to politics. Being ready to lose your shit at the drop of a hat means that the government and corporations will be less willing to fuck with you. If Americans had the same attitude then they wouldn't be nearly as cucked by corporations and 1%ers as they are.

There needs to be a balance. France is a bit too far on the other end of the spectrum and now small groups of people can disrupt everyone else just trying to live their lives.

>This paper analyzes the extent of income inequality from a global perspective, its drivers, and what to do about it. The drivers of inequality vary widely amongst countries, with some common drivers being the skill premium associated with technical change and globalization, weakening protection for labor, and lack of financial inclusion in developing countries. We find that increasing the income share of the poor and the middle class actually increases growth while a rising income share of the top 20 percent results in lower growth—that is, when the rich get richer, benefits do not trickle down.
>while a rising income share of the top 20 percent results in lower growth—that is, when the rich get richer, benefits do not trickle down.
>when the rich get richer, benefits do not trickle down.

Even the IMF, the literal Legion of Doom of the world's richest assholes admits that the entire concept is bullshit.

Forgot the link.

Send in the elites. They'll get the job done.

>French people are hotheads
Unless Islamic Terrorism is involved and than they go all #notallMuslims.

>Americans are way too apathetic when it comes to politics
Have you been paying attention at all for the past year?

Canada strikes more than France?

That only works when not only companies are willing to trade with you rather than just buy you out and control all means of production. It's disturbing to see how Mcdonalds threatening to raise their food prices and replace people with machines instead of paying a livable wage to its employees could cause a significant portion of our population that is reliant on fastfood to turn against low income workers is immoral to say the least. Companies aren't looking out for you and they aren't going to let themselves go out of business, especially with all its lobbiest and Trump ain't going to do a damn thing about it.

Which I why I added that it doesn't work once you give people so much spending power that giving them more money doesn't change anything. If you give the middle class a small raise, it'll have a bigger impact on the economy.

Protesters deserve to get beaten up and tortured in prison, not shot.

Fuck off terrorist.

no, give ransom or we behead another leaf.

This. We just take whatever employers give. That's why we get shat all over.

We'll just wait for you to get tsunami'd again and not help this time fuckers.

>implying that the help actually reached the victims.
The relief goods you gave was sold in wholesale stores in manila and didn't even reach leyte island.

Dude... be nice to the most powerful race. He probably has a cousin in Canada working in a hospital. Your life could depend on a Filipino one day...

>Canada strikes more than France?
Yeah? How can you know so little about your own fucking country? It's almost like you spend your whole day on Sup Forums and get your education from memes or something.
>Last year [2009], Canada lost a total of 2.2 million working days through strikes. France, with nearly double the population, lost 1.4 million.

Why would I know statistics on how often people in my country strike? How is that relevant to my daily life?

Fuck this shit I'm not replying to posts anymore til I get paid more.

That's actually really surprising. Unions and the labour movement never seemed particularly strong here compared to Europe.

I'm a little happier now.