Post legitimately good reasons why you're not running the best Linux distribution?
Post legitimately good reasons why you're not running the best Linux distribution?
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doesnt sound as cool as arch
should be renamed to uboobtu
Thats not mangaka.
I use macOS, which is literally loonix++
Going to wait until 18.04 so I don't have to deal with Unity and Mir shit anymore.
Or just use ubuntu gnome
it's for niggers.
I have a feeling I'm gonna switch soon.
Probably to something like Arch or Void.
I'm getting my packages delivered sooner than you
your dumb
What a cuck.
sudo pacman -Rsn libdrm
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: libva: removing libdrm breaks dependency 'libdrm'
:: mesa: removing libdrm breaks dependency 'libdrm'
:: redshift: removing libdrm breaks dependency 'libdrm'
:: xorg-server: removing libdrm breaks dependency 'libdrm'
It doesn't respect my freedoms like GNU/GuixSD.
No HiDPI support
>Septerra Core
are you me?
>Arch or Void
Not as convenient as actually good distros like Debian/Ubuntu, not as cool or adept as Gentoo.
Literally no reason to use Arch or Void.
It is just a free game from, I have never played it. Once I tried to play weebshit(x-blades) but it sucked ass at every aspect so I don't even waste my time on it anymore.
>t. canonical
Is there any DE that handles HiDPI and isn't buggy shit like KDE or bloated trash like Unity? Nothing looks good on my XPS13
Wow, Gnome doesn't look too bad there. I've been meaning to try Fedora, so might as well use both at the same time.
no high dpi scaling
I'm already running Debian with MATE which is far superior.
>Darwin based kernel with a proprietary userland
Not even close.
but i am using the best linux distribution, OP
I thought xubuntu had it's own ASCII art on neofetch?
> Amazon botnet
> Aptitude
> shit defaults
> new major version comes out every couple of days
I just run 16.04 LTS, are there pressing reasons to switch to 17?
because i want my computer to work
Arch is actually way more convenient than Debian. Better documentation, and the AUR has more packages then the Debian repos.
depends on the distro.
Xubuntu: nah
MATE: yes, a lot of bug fixes and other improvements
Gnome: nah
t. bullshit
I run ubuntu but fedora is the superior distro
More like
t. user of both
because I want long-term support, not reinstalling every 2 weeks
t. archshill
As far as shilling, I am more likely to recommend NixOS, as it is very modern and unique. Arch is just actually the most convenient distro to use currently.
Thanks, I have xubuntu so I'll save myself the hassle
I am in agreement with With the caveat that you kind of know what you are doing and have a few hours for install (why not? you only need to do it once)
Arch has been the closest thing I can find to "it just works," for an OS. The old games I play even run better in wine than they did on Win10 (on this particular laptop)
The fact that I have to start from scratch means I know what applications are accomplishing any given task and can adjust accordingly. The only other option in this regard is Gentoo and maybe debian net-install. I like it.
You say "best Linux distribution" yet you post a picture of Ubuntu. So which is it?
Gnome got a lot of its shit together over the past while.
loonix++ > loonix == false
Fedora + rpmfusion just werks while getting a very stable yet bleeding edge system. Even fedora 26 branched gave me less trouble than most other distros.
>you only need to do it once
I format and reinstall all my OSs every 5 months
Void uses runit as default, that's a reason.
The AUR is great
pacman >> apt (I swear I've had to fix a corrupted apt three times on various computers/servers in the past couple weeks, but I cannot remember ever confusing pacman)
Rolling updates (because of this actually I've not reinstalled Arch for a couple of years at this point - whereas something usually went wrong in the Ubuntu dist-upgrades and I nuked things every few months it felt like)
By the time I stopped using Ubuntu I was installing with the mini.iso and i3 anyway (to eke performance out of an older laptop, Unity too fat and lxde was pretty good but I was tired of clicking things)
Gotta say Hardy Heron had a pretty dope wallpaper though!
My laptop is badly supported even after 5 years.
I can't be a manchild.
I can't control the clockspeed and the powermanagement in linux is garbage.
I can't undervolt my cpu.
I hate the mouse api in linux, it's garbage, it's not 1:1.
Replace "Linux" with "Fedora".
Ah fuck wrong copypasta.
doesn't recognize start menu key on keyboard in vms out of the box
Unity is better than GNOME. It was a retard move killing it.
I want to install packages easily from the AUR and not extract tarballs manually while adding repo's and dependecies
Has systemd, into the trash it goes.
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
Screen tearing distracts me.
fuck off neckbeard
but I am running the best Linux distribution
Because I want to use my PC instead of distro-hopping.
>Post legitimately good reasons why you're not running the best Linux distribution?
Because it has lags and I'm using Linux via USB.
shitty vsync (nvidia tho), buggy file manager and laggy performance in games. Other than that XFCE is my favorite, literally makes-sense DE™, but i use gnome 3 with 9px fonts, greybird theme and smaller title bars, because mutter has godlike vsync right now.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
>all this void shilling
so am I to assume most of Sup Forums is too retarded to remove sysd from Arch so they have to install a whole new distro?
>xfce 4.12
Pick one
I'm saying this while I'm using Debian Jessie + Xfce 4.10
Xfce 4.10 is superior in every way to the weird GT3 + GTK2 mix that Xfce 4.12 is
When Stretch is released I'm going to switch to Gnome 3, just like Ubuntu is going to do in the next LTS
Hopefully Xfce 4.14 will be good and the port to GTK3 will be successful so it can save from the Gnome hegemony
I'm a Debian guy but it's crazy how much polished Fedora 25 is.
Fedora is a generation ahead from every other GNU/Linux distro.
Wayland is really good and it's completely transparent to the user.
It just works without having to fiddle with compton and compositing managers.
The hardware support of Fedora 25 is great and if Fedora 26 is even better and more polished then I don't know how can other GNU/Linux distros compete.
If there was a quick guide with the equivalent apt/dpkg and dnf/rpm commands I would seriously consider switching to Fedora for day to day use.
It's that good.
>screenfetch thread
>uptime: 3m
sounds about right
Which nsa both had a hand in and backdoor the shit out of
Yeah, you also get the GNOME software centre, which is pretty comfy.
Can you define the best linux distribution?
xubuntu master race
I believe there is one in the arch wiki. I used it to do some work on my buddy's fedora machine when he borked it. It is possibly called the Rosetta Stone? I didn't even use it for pacman, I'm also a Debian user =D
I can get sex whenever I want, fucko. I've got my Linux system up and running just the way I like it, so I can serenade ladies with some smooth jazz played with my surround sound using MPD. I can learn to program and actually operate a computer, making me a valuable asset to society, one that will only become more valuable, opening me up to a variety of high-paying job opportunities, drawing ladies not only to my competence and security, but to my wealth.I can block adware, spyware, and other malware from my system with ease, so I never need to concern myself with troubleshooting an issue caused by some random sketchy executable, seeing as I can install whatever I need from the package managers. Since I like ad-free, I can make sensible life choices and not waste time on silly materialistic exploits, increasing my confidence, making me use my time better, and all around making me a better human being. You can sit there playing your gaymes on Windows as long as you want, if we stood side by side, a girl would choose me over your overweight, mountain dew-chugging, socially inept, brainwashed gaymer ass. Face it, buddy - Linux is better than Windows in every way, except the ways that don't matter to anyone with even a fraction of a brain.
I use netinstalls of deb and ubuntu, I do the same thing as arch hipsters but with a 5 minute installer.
So my point still stands that Debian/Ubuntu are more convenient.
Not an argument, show me proof of your claims.
Use gentoo if you don't want to use systemd, void is a meme.
>best os
>I'm a cucked guinea pig for you
Debian net-install user here
After installing both OS's (arch and deb net), you are dumped at a term ready to go unless you decide to have the deb net ins set up a DE for you or something along those lines. At that point, it really comes down to, "Do I like pacman or apt/dpkg?". I ended up liking apt/dpkg much better and had less issues on the machine mostly due to me, myself, and I. When you upgrade to sid, you usually want to have the least amount of packages installed anyway so that the dist-upgrade doesn't accidentally an hero on you.
I've also installed gentoo successfully and used it for a few days, however I am rather terrible at the whole USE flag practice.
As for the wiki's, I usually read the gentoo, arch, and Debian handbooks when I need help. Rarely ever will one differ much from another, but at times one is worded better than another if that makes sense. The Debian wiki is usually the last place out of the three, but it is in no way, shape, or form a reason to not use Debian.
but I am
HAHAHAHA loonix master race, am I right?
Antergos everyone?
If you turned off desktop composition and then used compton that would no longer be a problem for you.
reCaptcha: Fish Cancer
beacuse Windows 10 is better have more apps and is supported by my bank linux isn't
I couldnt even find a way to write scripts on that shii, couldnt figure out how to open notes, pages couldnt be saved with different extensions
sure macbook looks slick, but not enough ports, literally a 5/10, if it looked as shitty as most laptops, itd be like a 2
Too bloated for older hardware.
debian/i3wm, tried to CLI all my needs, but realized sometimes I like gui file managers and media players, still use ranger for some stuff
not sure if I should go full autist and remove systemd
How did you theme your FF mine looks like utter shit no matter what I try
Why aren't you building up from a netinstall then?
master race reporting
No one cares about Suse, Bryan.
Because my wendaws10 works on a laptop 7 hours but best Linux distribution - 4
oh, but i am :^)
I got a Chromebook Pixel installed with Galliumos which is based on Xubuntu. I don't like Ubuntu but whatever gets me nix like environment is good enough for me.