What's the point of a quad-core CPU in a laptop?
What's the point of a quad-core CPU in a laptop?
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Some people use laptops for more than just facebook.
Operating it as, essentially, a dual-core laptop with a second one running background tasks.
There is none. Other than to drain battery life even faster. Workstation laptops are a meme, and gayming doesn't need quad core.
I can't help but read all the posts in this thread as if they were being narrated by Zizek.
>Workstation laptops are a meme
>X is 'a meme'
This way of saying shit never had any sort of coherent meaning. What the fuck are you trying to communicate?
But isn't that, always, very real the only point of the image to appear? Or Manifest in you gestalt-eye for that matter?
handbrake for converting shizzle for ps3 readable formats?
Basically just build a fucking desktop if you're going to be doing any remotely intensive work.
$200 thinkpad, capable of flying over the world
a fucking desktop
>$200 chinkpad
Pick one and only one
Third position; refurbished, german keyboard
>gayming doesn't need quad core
Maybe if you are taking about 2006 games.
two core with hyperthreading is enough
It's not. A quadcore is the minimum these days. A i3 struggles to run GTA V, let's not mention The Witcher 3
Name one game that needs more than 4 threads.
oh wow, i cant even
>this whole thread
i7-3630qm @ 3.2ghz
All I want is to hear Slavoj Zizek reading this thread.
GTA V. Otherwise the maximum you will get is 40fps on normal/medium.
Shiieeet, now I have to check out what Zizz' says about current politics.
>gta v needs four threads for 40+ fps
Anyone if you don't want to bottleneck your card to 60%
to market it to dumb normies
>here is your i7 laptop
>but it's dual core tho
Citation needed
To be able to do work on it? I got m4600 with i7 and 32gb ram for less than 500$, it is always turned on and I can connect to it anytime via teamviewer and run calculations on it while I am at home, pretty comfy. Yet it is still movable.
Dumb normies don't understand hardware. That's how Intel was able to shill the wastefully underpowered Atom processors.
Fuck, normies will probably think it's normal that their CPU lags on fucking YouTube.
Show me any modern game running at 1080p, Ultra on a fucking i3 without bottlenecking the GPU. I dare you.
You can't max GTA V on a i3 without getting shit framerates.
you know some people don't have a desktop right? So their main computer is a laptop. In that case, a quad-core CPU would bring a lot of benefits.
>muh gaymes
I never said anything about i3s. Obviously they're garbage. Dual core i5s and i7s are a different story.
The pentium, which is 4 threads, can't even get 60fps with a 1080, bro. You're wrong, face it.
>inb4 pentium's thread is magically shit compared to i7
>Dual core i5s
I5's don't have HT, Sup Forums.
Also, that's the best dual core i7 in the market.
Give me dual core i5 and i7 benchmarks before talking shit
This isn't a gaming benchmark
So that's the power of Sup Forums
>70 fps avarage
>hurr durr literally unplayable
end yourslef
The kinds of people making
>quadcore laptops are a meme
threads in 2017 aren't gaming or doing other CPU intensive work on their laptop. They likely do browsing with very light webdev work (most of them likely just browse and post screencaps of their entry-level linux distro's desktop with an underage anime girl wallpaper).
For people who value having decent performance while multitasking and/or doing workstation tasks on the go, a quadcore laptop in 2017 is, dare i say, a necessity.
What the hell changes from a dual core i5 and a dual core Pentium? Have they even made dual core i5s and i7s in the past few years?
With a 1080 mate. Do you not understand how much the CPU is bottlenecking that 1080? You should when the i7 gets 55 more frames on average.
>barely getting 60fps @ 1080 with a 500 dollar card
Great value, yes?
>get a high end GPU
>can only use 60% of it because you bought a cheap processor
You dumb fuck. A dual core "i5 or i7" is the same as a dual core pentium. Hyperthreading is a fat fucking meme. The only difference is clock speed.
And here's what happens when you increase the resolution to 1440p. See how the Pentium's frames barely go down? That's because it's being bottlenecked to hell. Notice the 25 frame difference in the i7? CPU isn't bottlenecking it.
>Hyperthreading is a fat fucking meme.
Not i modern games, see the pics I've posted. 4t vs. 8th eliminates much of the CPU bottlenecks.
Fuck I keep forgetting to upload pics. Also, the pentium has HT. That's the only reason it isn't getting sub 30fps
>he really believes a dual core can perform the same as a quad core just because it's name
>Dual core i5s and i7s are a different story.
Those are shitty.
>Have they even made dual core i5s and i7s in the past few years?
Yes you dipshit. Have you been in a fucking cave for the past 5 years?
>A dual core "i5 or i7" is the same as a dual core pentium. Hyperthreading is a fat fucking meme. The only difference is clock speed.
Delete yourself.
i3 and 760 here, I can confirm you do not need a quad core for most games unless they are meme games like GTAV. And even in that case, you'll be fine
>Have you been in a fucking cave for the past 5 years?
Show me a Skylake or Kaby Lake with dual cores i7s.
Gen 7 dual core i7s perform quite well actually
A i3 is only doable if you are running everything on low/medium like you are doing.
Lol post a game that uses more than two cores. Battlefield or get the fuck out. Hyperthreading is the fattest meme ever. Literally the worst meme in gaming. It does nothing.
They perform basically the same as a gen 6 i3.
>an i3 struggles to run GTA V
Why does my i3 run gta on ultra without any problems?
Hyperthreading is a fat fucking meme. That's a fact.
so, does your tower have wheels?
how heavy is it?
isn't it a bother lugging it to and from the office?
oh wait you're a neet
>tfw quadcore W series thinkpad daily for work and fun
this thing handles my video editing, and the ability to function as a code work station.
dock at the office, dual batteries in the field.
some of us have a job where we can bring our own hardware, and have a multipurpose laptop is far better than having a dedicated desktop.
Face it, unless you're doing hardcore 4k video editing or gaming, desktops are dead.
Your i3 is very special, because regular ones often drop the fps to like 40 on some areas.
i5-5300u. If I play a video on youtube at 1080p 60fps all 4 threads are at 60%. At 1440p they're all at 80%, the CPU chokes and drops tons of frames. If I'm doing a lot of multitasking there's a lot of slowdown and the CPU struggles to keep up. I reckon with 4c/8t it would feel much speedier but I'm not sure they could do it with 15W TDP.
Of course I'm talking about desktop i3, smartass
the i3 and kinda old 760 runs everything at least on high at 60 fps. Even when I took off the fans and didn't apply thermal paste for a few days, it still ran my games just fine
With that being said
There isn't one unless for some reason you're skipping out on desktop workstation but even if you are rendering with a gpu is way faster anyway
>too poor to own a home where his rig is set up.
>doing intensive work on a laptop that'll undoubtedly cause major heat and throttling issues.
really fires those neurons
Why are you talking about desktop CPUs in a post about laptops?
>this thread
To show how cancerous dual core i7s are.
Clock speed and core count. Threads have nothing to do with it.
star wars sucks
>do intensive work at home
>need to bring said intensive work on the go to on-site meetings
>or have to continue said work on the go at different places
gee user, I wish I could just do all my CivilCAD work at home like I wish, but unlike you, I have to communicate with 3 different firms and the county before I can call my work finished.
t. unemployed user living in basement
You sure showed me. How will I ever recover.
Apple products. Kek
4K streaming
Philosophy ogre wouldn't dare use anything below an octo-core
>Philosophy ogre
still gets better pussy than you
I do a lot of numerical stuff. I've got a gaymen rig at home for the heavier stuff, but it's nice to be able to get things done within a reasonable time when im out too.
And in the process you've burned through 50% of your battery life in 10 minutes
Here's Doom using 32
Make -j8 -l8
For 160FPS at 1920x1080, yes.
>he doesn't have a compile server
There's outlets at my university, also under every seat on the train i take to get home.
Honestly, there's outlets fucking everywhere these days.
>having to carry a charger everywhere
Virtualization, mainly.
playing gaymesh
compiling programsh
Are you a cripple? Chargers really aren't that heavy.
The fact that I can carry a charger everywhere doesn't mean I want to or should have to.
No such thing
Calling something a meme means that you're saying it is done / bought / believed only because other people do it / buy it / believe it and it's essentially a meritless waste of time and or scam.
You're welcome for that quick rundown.
You sound like an autistic teenager telling their parents he shouldn't have to drive himself to work if dad can afford to get him an uber.
Not really. Why the fuck would I carry a charger when I can just have a laptop with decent battery life?
>not understanding why someone would want to avoid having to continuously charge a portable device in the current year
Whenever i bring my laptop i keep it in a bag, it's really not much of a bother to also put a charger in that bag.
My laptop lasts for 3-7 hours depending on what i do. The battery life is just fine when i'm not running calculations.
It is a bother to have to pull out the charger, plug it in to the laptop and outlet, and pack it back up every time you move somewhere else because your battery life is virtually nonexistent though. I mean it's not difficult, but it is tedious.