Should I get a PC with a I7 7700k and a 1060 or a I5 7600k with a 1070?

Should I get a PC with a I7 7700k and a 1060 or a I5 7600k with a 1070?

what do you want to do with it?

Mostly gaming, no video work though

Neither faggot.

Ryzen 1600 with RX 580. Your welcome.


i7 7700k and a 1070

get a 1080ti instead so it burns down your house with you in it

ryzen 5 and 1070

I can't do ryzen or the I7 and 1070. I'm buying through a payment plan at work(staples) and I can only get a system that we carry

Then get the I7 and 1060. The i5 is obsolete but the i7 still has some power to remain relevant.

>amd rebranded trash in charge of holding a candle to the 1060, let alone the 1070

Top fucking kek

>Mostly gaming
Definitely the GTX 1070.

I5 and 1070

The 480 already beat the 1060. Pretty sure the 580 will at least be on-par with the 1070.

Depends on your resolution. 1070 is 1440p/low-end 4k. It'd be a waste on 1080p

Do you have a 1080p 60Hz monitor? Go i7 + 1060.

i5 will not be able to push high framerates in the future so if you wanna upgrade monitor and GPU later on you will be bottlenecked.

If you just want maximum FPS now at the expense of being bottlenecked later on get the i5 + 1070.

If I was given the choice I'd pick the i7 + 1060.

Get the 1070 and i5.

fuck off Sup Forums

He said he was using it for gaming you retarded troglodyte.

yeah and im saying fuck off because you can game just great on the 1060 as long as you're on 1080p. fuck off Sup Forums

>doesn't know shit about gpus
>gives advice anyway
fuck off Sup Forums

I currently have a 1080p screen but I'm going to upgrade to a 4k screen

you should get a life, cunt

you're actually a mouth breathing idiot.

There are two possibilities here:

Option 1 is that OP sticks to 1080p, in which case game performance will be bottlenecked by the gpu, so having the 1070 would be more beneficial.

Option 2 is that OP has or will have a 1440p or 4k screen soon, in which case the cpu is USUALLY the bottleneck, but the 1060 will slow down performance much more than an i5 will. In this situation, having the 1070 would also be more favorable.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums or whatever other shithole you crawled out of.

what kind of experience are you looking for?

60fps 1080p for the foreseeable future?

high frame rate ultra settings?


>Option 1 is that OP sticks to 1080p, in which case game performance will be bottlenecked by the gpu, so having the 1070 would be more beneficial.
Wrong. A 1060 will not bottleneck in 1080p. It will easily play 60fps+.

>Option 2 is that OP has or will have a 1440p or 4k screen soon, in which case the cpu is USUALLY the bottleneck, but the 1060 will slow down performance much more than an i5 will. In this situation, having the 1070 would also be more favorable.
No shit. If he's 4k he should get a 1070, but it'd still be a lackluster performance. The 1060 could still handle 1440p on high. That CPU will need to be upgraded very soon and will mean upgrading the mobo, too.

You don't know what you're talking about so fuck off.

>in which case the cpu is USUALLY the bottleneck

Wait I just fucking reread this. WHAT? You are completely fucking off.

>increase resolution
>cpu is the bottleneck
Fuck off you idiot. Go back to Sup Forums, seriously. Resolution is GPU not CPU.

[citation needed]

>common knowledge
>citation needed
pic related doofus. stop posting.

this proves nothing about cpu/gpu performance on higher resolutions.

Could you be anymore btfo?

it has become quite apparent to me that you've never taken a single statistics course before, but I wouldn't expect that from a 14 year old r/the_Donald poster like you anyway.

This chart only compares gpus at different resolutions, but does not show the effect cpus have at varying resolutions. Come back with some more complete and accurate charts then I'll believe you.

>This chart only compares gpus at different resolutions, but does not show the effect cpus have at varying resolutions.
No chart will, because CPU doesn't effect resolution performance and every bench marking site understands that so they don't show useless information. The CPU and builds have stayed the same: They just swapped GPUs, doofus. If they swapped CPU's, they'd have shown that. In fact, when you want to test CPU bottlenecks, you reduce to resolution and other GPU-heavy processes get rid of the GPU bottleneck.

Is your face getting red now?

>posts cpu benchmarks all at the same resolution
wew lad

Yes, because resolution doesn't change CPU performance. That's why there's no graphs that exist to show these charts you demand of. I've noticed you haven't shown a single thing to counter-argue :^). You're asking for benchmarks that don't exist because they have no reason to.

>because resolution doesn't change CPU performance
and yet you are unable to provide any proof

>resolution and CPU stays the same
>add a better GPU
>FPS increases
>m-must be CPU related...

>increase the resolution
>same thing happens
>i-i swear it's cpu bottlenecked!

woops forgot pic

Please stop feeding this troll Sup Forums.

You guys are too easy.

>mfw obvious shitposting
>tfw you fell for the bait
thanks for the ride user


>Nvidia in charge of drivers

I-I was j-just pretending to be retarded

>he doesn't understand how baiting works
How cute.

>admitting to trolling
that's how I know you weren't trolling in the first place.

>480 beating 1060

Amd drones are hilarious.