/rg/ - Rice General:

ITT We discuss, post, and experiment with ricing GNU/Linux and other operating systems.

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What the fuck do I have to do to make XFCE look like that

is this the new desktop thread

install the stuff in the screenfetch, it literally only takes like 5 minutes

install gnome shell.

lol i was going to say you finally fixed your fonts but then i saw that top line

Plasma is so fetch

>install GNOME Shell
>suddenly no longer XFCE

Sounds like a bad time

Christ picked the wrong one jeesh

lol what did u expect

I really like your theme for macOS. Very pretty.

ty (。>﹏

post the discord

post ur desktop

>flat design is so shit
>u-unless it's applied in a mediocre fashion onto my de of choice
Still waiting for a DE and theme that isn't hideous as fuck. Shouldn't be too hard with the power of open source, r-right?

who are you quoting

Any suggestions to rice windows 10?

OP (。>﹏



Try messing around with blackbox4windows, rainmeter, and UXstyles, and use firefox with a nice CSS layout. Look on DeviantArt for some nice themes people have already made.

cute terminal

delet this

The overused Numix + Numix circle icons with Unity or Cinnamon can created a pretty decent looking DE. The flat Mint-Y themes that come with linux mint also look pretty good.

My problem with using Gnome is like seen in the OP , the title bars and window decorations are TOO big. Makes it extremely annoying to use if you use hidpi scaling like in pic related.


>trash icon
>IE icon


Windows 98, macOS, and Plan 9 are the greatest achievements in UI design by mankind


wtf thats my gf


i heard the creators update for win 10 made it a bit more riceble is this true?

My sides

source to your wallpaper?

You can find more like it by searching "polyscapes"


Anyone else /FiraCode/ here? Installed yesterday. I'm loving this font so much, the little hints of serif now and then like on the miniscule r make me smile every time.

Unfortunately I'm also trying out a pretty new terminal emulator for a daily driver that doesn't yet have fallthrough font ability (Alacritty - GPU accelerated terminal emulator written in Rust) so Unicode glyphs aren't working for me. Tbh (still trying to learn about how fonts work, pretty clueless still) I'm not even sure if alacritty does Unicode yet; echo $TERM gives rxvt-256color or something, whereas it gives rxvt-unicode-256color for urxvt. Not sure what this means or why it's this way, but it's oh my list of things to Google.

I'm thinking another thing to try might be to patch fira with some missing glyphs using nerdfonts or something.

Also what in the world is infinality and why are so many people sucking its dick on the AUR? Best have found so far is it's "a different (and possibly unmaintained) font rendering method". Still no idea what it does.

Sorry for no screen to contribute, but phoneposting from bed.

i didnt read any of this post

ahhhh yeah frienderoonie!

numix isn't the most creative, sharpest theme set out there, but damn is it fucking clean and consistent. makes any DE look really solid and coherent.

I've tried out Fira Code. I like some of the ligatures, but some of the others might take a little getting used to.

Audible kek

holy heck this is bad
not as bad as this post though

That's Windows Vista isn't it
Holy shit, this is thorough

I agree friend, we need LESS flat DE's, as some people would say

Just installed LXLE on my laptop and have no idea where to begin when it comes to customization. What do?

Stop being such a bitch. Your life will suck less that way, I promise.

stop making bad posts
this web sight will suck less that way, i promise

sup op how did you get the window buttons to look like traffic light instead of the default arc icons?

Learn English, people will take you more seriously, I promise.

This is some meta b8

looks like shit but whatever

best windows?

can i have your firefox css that's looks so comfy


thank u very much friend, stay comfy

Underappreciated post.

It's the fastest way to de-uglify any gtk based distros. If only plasma 5 developers would include/create a theme similar to numix or arc like the linux mint developers decided to do.

The flat themes that the plasma developers create just do not look good at all.

Now you're cookin with crisco!

le new desktop thread xD

anime website

I didn't say anything about anime, retard

anime website

Sry I'm a sane Gentoo user, what's this ?

Like what's the point to even click on a ricing thread if it's just people posting their desktops without a guide or a list of list of what they used?

Just for a man-child to stay in awe at another man-child desktop anime wallpaper?

TFW basically the same theme

this isn't reddit, spoonfeeding isn't mandatory here moron
if you want to know something just ask

The screenfetch has literally every bit of information to copy the theme exactly you fucking retard

>Naming a theme you didn't make but downloaded from someone is spoon-feeding.

Guess you have to feel good about your achievement even if it's irrelevant :^) - guess I will close this thread.

Calm your gynecomastia basement dweller.

>not making your own theme


i bet u cant tell what

what what

>using the smiley with a carat nose

That UI is swag as fuck my friend.

Went for a dark minimal theme on mine because I'm too lazy to pull off something like yours.



autosage lol


anime website

please point me to where it says that Sup Forums is an anime website, I must have missed it

anime website

Windows update cache.