Do you want to work for a start up?

>SJW employees
>Using the latest languages, frameworks, stacks as fashion statements
>elitist in who they hire
>think all of their employees are level 3 elite hipster programmers
>have cool looking websites
>cool office space
>generic but cool sounding job descriptions
>enjoy craft beers
>everyone is cooler than you
>boss is younger than you are

Do you want to work for a start up g?

please take your culture warrior threads elsewhere, OP; this is a technology board

Sup Forumstards are s autistic that they think the personal beliefs of programmers actually has a substantial effect on development.
Mods really should stop this shit

I do work for a startup.
We have almost none of those things.
It might be part of why we're making money?

>I live under a rock and think that beliefs have zero influence on products or actions, mods help!

Already did it was a great experience

Delet thread OP.

It kinda happened to me. I really needed money and moved out to a different country for a startup. You would be surprised how close to real world is this description. Been 2 years now, startup grew a lot but I still absolutely love working there.
Also yeah, I became team leader and further technical lead of backend as the youngest person in the backend team. Also I do hires and usually look for people between 30-45 to balance startup mentality a bit. It is fun but drinking at 12 noon every other day is counter productive lol

>he doesn't remember the libreboot drama

Sure I'd work for a startup. I'd mess around all the time and then enjoy the money once the company folds.

I worked at a failed startup for like a month last year.
A lot of those things apply except for the programming language stuff. They used python and HTML5
Oh, and I was the youngest person there because I was 20 at the time
But they were fucking insufferable. I'm not the type of person who wears their political or cultural views on their sleeve, but they pissed me off so much.
I fucking hate their quasi normalfag humor and their passive aggressiveness. I'm a major autist and I was the most assertive person there

Not all startups are like that.

I work at a startup. No SJWs, we're using C++ to implement a RESTful API, our website looks terrible, our office is pretty boring, the job is exactly what it said on the job site, the boss drinks tinnies not craft beer, and he's definitely older than me.

The only part you got right is the part where we're elitist in who we hire. We've fired more staff than we currently have on staff, because we only keep people who are fucking good at what they do.

Overall it's a goddamn fantastic place to work, and I only wish the pay were higher (still better than minimum wage by a long shot).

Worked for some turks a year ago. It was a pretty fun experience.

>We've fired more staff than we currently have on staff, because we only keep people who are fucking good at what they do.
Is that elitist now?
Nobody wants to pay people to sleep on the job, only if you are in a super bureaucratic company is that something you can hide.

My limited experiences in a "real" business showed me that absolutely nobody is ever fired for performance reasons. IDK if that's because legislature makes it hard to do so or if managers just don't want to fire anyone because it would expose their own incompetence/are too incompetent to recognise the incompetence of their underlings.

Either way I'm really happy that I'm working in a place where idiots don't get a second chance. Not having to have mind numbing conversations about non work topics is great.

I went into business studies instead of CS. I don't have to deal with any of that shit. Only people with a professional background are allowed to join.

i couldnt im some dumbass support

>unreasonable overtime
>trashcan salary
>Your position doesn't actually exist, you are the do all and be all jack of all trades.
>company goes bankrupt in six months
you forgot these perks of startups OP.

>absolutely nobody is ever fired for performance reasons
There is a reason for this. In a large company reorienting staff, and searching for new candidates is expensive. It is more economical to find out why the staff member is under-performing and either address the issue, give a warning, or let them go after repeated documented warnings. Simply firing someone because they under performed in one instance can open you up to the expensive rehiring process, and a possible litigation/PR nightmare. If the person was a minority, the performance demands were shown to exceed reasonable demands, or the under performance was caused by something reasonable (such as the death of an immediate family member) you can expect a company to get torn to shreds by lawyers or the media.

>we're using C++ to implement a RESTful API
Guess you'll be looking for a new job soon then

I own a startup and you nailed:

>Using the latest languages, frameworks, stacks as fashion statements
>elitist in who they hire
>have cool looking websites
>cool office space
>enjoy craft beers
>boss is younger than you are

I'm 20 and employ a team of 5 programmers, 2 pajeets and 3 chengs;
I had to weed out 50+ applications and most were SJW snowflakes.
If you bitch about your work, you are either not desperate for one, or you don't need a job.

Why would you want someone who is desperate for a job? All the best people can get a job quite easily, they certainly aren't desperate, perhaps with some rare exceptions.

Better solution: use C instead of C++ in your startup
You keep out the tards but avoid the cutthroat/unforgiving environment that stifles innovation

>Why would you want someone who is desperate for a job
Probably because only desperate people and immigrants will put up with being "managed" by a power tripping teenager.

I hate the startups that come to our university career fairs. They are competing against top companies and act smug in hiring requirements.

>Looking for senior engineers
>Pro in web development
>Pro in using sexy frameworks
>Not looking for junior engineers
>When a bootcamp grad can check more off their list than a CS graduate

I thought startups were suppose to be cool but when a bootcamp graduate is more qualified to work there than a person with a CS degree then it makes me no longer want to work there.

I want to work for whoever pays well. Anyone who gets caught up in this "trendy programmers Vs. real techies" bullshit is a faggot.

Our competitor products are PHP and Java. Some hip new language ain't worth shit here. We've got this shit covered :)

Conversely, we've gotta be able to hire. Our location doesn't yield a huge employment pool.

Knowledge in C, CSS, and HTML isn't good enough for a startup since they want meme stacks. So no.

>sjw's and hipsters
>everyone is cooler than you
Only if you're a morbidly obese turbo autist who never bathes.

>this is a technology board
And yet you shitpost anime girls trying to get reactions from people

True, objectively speaking SJWs are extremely uncool and I have big hopes that Gen Z will end this PC crapfest.

Maki is best girl.

It's a double-edges sword, both Tumblr and the growing centrist movement (what the media calls the "alt right") are full of the millenials, maybe there wound be more hope if we just show down the internet, I think it is harmful to society