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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (try to use a search engine that respects your benis such as searx, ixquick or startpage).

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection: &&

Other urls found in this thread:

when is AMD gonna get actual good drivers. My R7 370 is literally useless on Linux.

Second for MATE.

Does /fglt/ ever talk about OpenSUSE? It seems like a decent distro that doesn't get the exposure it deserves.


Would it be possible to learn enough about: iptables, heartbeat, zabbix, tcpdump, ansible and network stack in several days to prepare myself for linux sys admin job?

I think I'm pretty advanced linux user, just don't have any experience with sys admin related topics.

These are only requirements in job description. Should I try it?

Reading RMS essays / books always makes me want to contribute to the free software movement. Should I git gud at C again (which I haven't used for years) or is there anything useful I can do in Python?

or you can give them money.

you can always try. I had a job interview once for a similar job. They were looking for a novice and I just went out of school where didn't study linux stuff. They gave me a test on a linux machine where I had to do a bunch of stuff.
The test was basically "can you do some stuff with the CLI" and "can you google the problem to achieve the task we asked you".

I failed the test badly, but they told me it was a test targeted to people with more experience that did sys admin or web admin studies, so ofc I was gonna fail, but compared to most people they said I did smart stuff, managed to google most problem and did more than most people with the same experience and sometimes did better than people with better studies.

tl,dr: they gave me a test to found out if I'm retarded or not and they decided to hire me.

When talking about GNU/Linux in public, should I pronounce it as "Gnu slash Linux" or is the slash silent? What if I talk about it in German?

What's the best lightweight and user-friendly distro for daily use?

>When talking about GNU/Linux in public, should I pronounce it as "Gnu slash Linux"

PC won't boot GNUB with Ubuntu 17.04, it boots directly to Windows instead.

1. Not showing up in the boot screen where I can select which one goes first
2. Ran boot-repair twice, nothing changed.

Does this have to do with 17.04?

There are only a handful of distributions worth using and all of them get the same amount of "exposure".

>turn on computer
>POST screen
>for a split second between POST and GRUB, there's another screen with text
>not enough time to figure it out

Is there a way to get it that's not timing an awkward photo which is impossible with my camera?


Watchdog did not stop!
Watchdog did not stop!

You updated windows.
Windows update overwrites the bootloader (not always, depends on what update brings)

I am surprised however that boot-repair-disk didn't work.

Checked it twice and won't let me get rid of going straight to Windows after the Acer bios.

I just want to get rid of Windows, I don't even want to run both systems at the same time anymore because of the aggression of a Windows laptop.

The problem could also be that you put GRUB on a different disk than the one containing the Windows bootloader (or the same one, I don't remember which gave me issues). Try reinstalling Ubuntu and take note of which device you choose to put it on.

something about secureboot maybe?
I have very little experience with maintenance of post-2012 machines.

I put Ubuntu and Grub on the same one so that's probably what's the problem here, where should I put the boot, directly over the windows boot loader?

Also if you're going for a single OS system, just boot into a live distro, nuke the HDD using GPartEd (leaving it unpartitioned) and reinstall Ubuntu.

Can i use an old version of nautilius, the one from ubuntu in arch and can i integrate Terminator with it?

i'm running Arch(antergos) KDE and i use Terminator as my terminal emulator, unfortunatly it's not possible to integrate Terminator with Dolphin (open terminal here, open in terminal etc.). Nautilius looks similar and it seems to have all of the dolphin features i use (tabs, split).

Yes. You need to replace the Windows bootloader with grub.

Is it even possible to release software intended to run on Windows under a copyleft license or does the nature of the OS executing the program automatically make all applications running on it nonfree?

Will do, will report back.

>or does the nature of the OS executing the program automatically make all applications running on it nonfree?
and how exactly is that supposed to work?

What is the best loonix software for viewing pdfs?

check the OP and the sticky friend.

If you don't like GTK3, there's a GTK2 version of Evince called Atril

Atril seems good. Thanks.

I like evince

It is possible to make Dolphin use a different default terminal emulator and it took me 32 seconds to find out how.

it is but not dolphin, it lacks somethingorother

Red Hat™ Enterprise Linux™

>it is but not dolphin
it is but not with terminator

gnu plus Linux, gnu and Linux or pronounce the slash. If you just say "GNU Linux" you incorrectly imply that Linux, the kernel, is a GNU project.

>If you just say "GNU Linux" you incorrectly imply that Linux, the kernel, is a GNU project.
I thought as much, hence why I'm asking what to do with the slash.

I like saying GNU and Linux

You said you wanted your terminal emulator to open when you click "Open terminal here" or "Open in terminal". That can be done. Of course you can't integrate a different terminal emulator into the Dolphin widget itself.

"The full operating system comprised of the GNU system plus the Linux kernel"

What do you think Firefox/VLC/LibreOffice etc for Windows are?

>You said you wanted your terminal emulator to open when you click "Open terminal here" or "Open in terminal".
not any terminal emulator, Terminator.
>i use Terminator as my terminal emulator
>it's not possible to integrate Terminator with Dolphin (open terminal here, open in terminal etc.)

>integrate a different terminal emulator into the Dolphin
that is what i want to do, with dolphin or other similar file manager, i thought about old nautilius becouse i recently used it and liked it.

Then you should look up online or on your distribution's forum or Wiki, because it's all explained on there.

They are programs which do not require Windows to run; they can be run on the various distributions of the GNU/Linux operating system. I am asking specifically about programs that *require* Windows to be the operating system underneath.

Sharpened it up a bit.

Why does it have to be old nautilus?

So does any of you use lubuntu or xubuntu with disk encrpytion and has a "good" laptop?



I don't like the new one, and the new gpt apps design in general.
It doesn't have to be nautilius, it can be something else.

Okay I just tried it in 4 different file managers and they all let you 'open in terminal' you just need to change what 'terminal' is.

'terminal' in this case launches whatever is set to default. So just change it. You probably need to use exo-preferred-applications. Search your programs for preferred applications or exo-preferred-applications and change the default terminal to what you want. Launch it from a terminal if you have to. If you don't have it, install it.


How to install the Nvidia drivers on Fedora 25?

Same guy

Will this do the trick?

dnf install xorg-x11-drv-nvidia akmod-nvidia "kernel-devel-uname-r == $(uname -r)"
dnf update -y

Hey, guys. I want my i3blocks to show current playing mpd song. It's simple to do, but i want it to update only on song change.
There's such option in ncmpcpp but i don't want to depend on external client. Is it possible with mpd only?

Add the rpmfusion repo(s)



What the fuck with systemd?
Why it takes 1 min 30 s to shutdown the computer?

You mean, to check mpc output every N seconds? It's a bit of waste. It will be checking the same output for like 5 minutes. Its not optimal, don't you think?

I did that. I also used that exact site.

I rebooted and I loaded the 4.10 kernel and I got a black screen with white text. The last line of text reading something along the lines of "Starting GNOME Manager". "GNOME manager started". And nothing was happening.

So I booted into 4.8. How do I know if my graphic drivers have been installed?

It has to transfer your browser history to the FBI first.

I just timed mine.

Shutdown = 13.80 seconds
Boot = 20.33 seconds

ctt() {
b='( •_•)>⌐■-■'
printf '\e[?25l'
printf '\r%s ' "${a}"
sleep 0.5
printf '\r%s ' "${b}"
sleep 0.5
printf '\r%s ' "${c}"
sleep 0.5
printf '\r%s: Can’t touch this.\n' "${c}"
printf '\e[?25h'


redpill me on suckless tools

i dunno

Don't make me replace you with a very small shell script.

weird ideology stemming from the fallacious assumption that number of lines of code is the only measurement of software value.
They make good points, but their proposed alternative is rarely good enough to consider viable.

dmenu is probably the only good one.
Some people quote dwm as well.

Haven't used their distribution yet.

What do I need to do to execute this?

that's a simple shell function
copypaste into the terminal -> run cct
if you want to save it, copaste into your bashrc

Nevermind I understand that it's bash now

pretty accurate. Software should be as uncomplicated as possible, and lines of code is a good indicator of this. It isn't always possible to create simple solutions, so in a lot of situations complicated software is fine IMO.

dmenu is the bomb

deprecated by rofi

I'm still using the dmenu2 fork and I'm happy with it. Is there any reason to switch to rofi?

>Rofi is a window switcher, run dialog, ssh-launcher and dmenu replacement
this is going to be the next systemd

It's a pretty great distro, the main reason you don't hear about it here is because they don't do too much in terms of advertisements (like ubuntu).

The best thing about OpenSUSE is the team behind it, it is comprised of paid professionals from SUSE/Microfocus that work directly on OpenSUSE, as it shares the same base as SUSE Enterprise Linux. This makes it generally more appealing as most other distro's are run by mere hobbyist's.

is there something like mpd+ncmpcpp but for videos?

mpv, or as I've recently taken to calling it, m plus v.


New to GNU/Linux, have been dual booting.

Can I just skip the GRUB menu and go directly to my distro instead of choosing between Windows and GNU/Linux?

thanks lads

Uninstall Windows.


press and hold shift before grub loads (but after bios/uefi loads) to show menu when you need it

Change the timeout, also interesting:

can I dualboot arch and debian? I like them both

Thanks. Also, I have been looking to the Arch side. I feel Debian-based distros are boring - is the other side really better?

If you want more action on Debian, you can upgrade to Debian Sid, which is as up to date as Arch and may break too.

it is what you make of it
not necessarily better but also not necessarily worse

My only gripe with Debian in general is the lack of proper support for Apparmor, even installing it and activating it is a pain.

There is no better distro. A distro should match the base of your needs, if it does, it's the best distro for you.


Which is generally more stable - Arch or Sid?

Install Source Mage GNU/Linux.

How do I make a bootable windows USB from arch? I broke my shit so I just deleted my parititions and torrented windows from a archbang liveusb, but I cant for the life of me get it to work. I made the USB ntfs and bootable and copied all the files over, but my machine wont boot it



Depends on the user. Both woun't break if you follow announcements of possible breakage.