>Welcome home Sir, Now please turn on your laptop and smartphone and log in, you have been selected for a random check.
What do?
>Welcome home Sir, Now please turn on your laptop and smartphone and log in, you have been selected for a random check.
What do?
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Sorry mate I don't go to 3rd world shitholes
Lol, no tourist money for you fatties
share funny frog memes with customs officer.
stop resisting!
I'm not black
Would they really need your login unless the drives are encrypted?
>land of the free
Delicious delusion.
I guess thats why they make you login?
but what if you have encrypted folders, i'd assume whatever software they'd use to search your computer would find them pretty quickly.
they never do that
they just ask you to turn it on to show that it's not a prop hiding explosives
Shit mang imagine being a TSA agent and having to boot through all those terrible wallmart devices that take 5 minutes to start screen.
I think i'm going to switch from SuSE to FreeBSD. No idea what the benefits are, though.
Anyone want to enlighten me?
Because it's super hard to put a working tablet instead of the screen?
no thanks I'm an American citizen and I know my rights
get a warrant you fat fuck
Ways to counter sensitive file scraping:
> Cloud storing your sensitive data
> Encrypted, hidden containers (not fool proof upon seizure)
Ways to counter forced login or credentials:
> Two factor authentication (eg SMS) with one of the factors missing (leave SIM at home).
> Dummy accounts (plausible deniability)
Your rights are suspended at the border. (Seriously) The courts ruled that you have absolutely no right to privacy or protection from search and seizure at the border.
i would blow his cock off before he could even touch me let alone inspect me
but what if I don't want the fat ugly TSA agent looking at my dick pics?
>The new policy follows a proposal laid out back in June and applies only to those travelers who enter the US temporarily without a visa through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization, or ESTA, process.
who gives a fuck
>who gives a fuck
Tourists, probably.
"Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me"
reposting my post from the old thread
>when I do go abroad I put a fresh install of windows 7 on my laptop, flashed a fresh rom on my phone then once I arrive I download my laptops ISO and phones backup image off next cloud (via VPN on both sides, with SSL and the files are encrypted 3 times total (full disk encryption, user encryption and manual encryption)) then reinstall on the phone and laptop and I'm good to go, it's all sorted on the first day I arrive
>also I setup a tripwire to pull the cord on my servers if my door is opened so full disk encryption kicks in on all my devices if someone enters without my permission
Wrong. American citizens are protected from being asked to prove they are allowed to enter the country. Permanent residents can put the burden of proof on the government.
I'm a brit though
>self hosted cloud storage with 3 layers of encryption and SSL is somehow insecure
stop making implications you can't back up with your jew meme brackets
non citizens dont matter
If he is selfhosting its fine.
I doubt Mr. TSA even knows how to use Linux. You might have to co full autist if he thinks it's a """hacker tool."""
If given the chance to move to the U.S. where I'd be magically living the same life I have now (income, family, friends etc.), except under American laws and all the opportunities that come with them, I wouldn't do it. Because even though you guys are generally alright, there's literally five or more countries above you that are better places to live, including my current location. And I'm a middle-age white dude with a Christian background (in theory) and a mid-level white collar job.
Constitution is suspended at border entry.
this kind of check is fucking useless
You don't really have a choice under the law. You can unlock the device and let them go through it or decline.
>if you allow them
Assuming they find nothing of interest they let you in. If they find something of interest they may detain/question you, arrest you, or deny you entry.
>if you don't
If you're not a US Citizen then they can deny you entry to the US. If you're a US citizen, they can detain you and seize the device(s), but they ultimately have to let you in.
It's ultimately a Hobson's choice, if you really are worried about the rare possibility of a border electronics search then you should probably not travel or should travel with devices with nothing important on them and then restore your shit from secure online backup. UPS/Fedexing your drive won't necessarily save you as they can seize your shit there.
TSA mans the security checkpoints.
CBP (Customs & Border Protection) decides whether or not to let you in the country and whether or not they want to view your dic pics.
Two different organizations.
"Sir, you've clearly wiped your devices. Back on a plane you go."
Happened to the Canadian gay dude.
Fuck you, fucking public servant. Everyone who receives salary from the state is communist and has to go and live in Cuba.
>communism is anything the state does
I understand the need for personal privacy but.. Why? What could be so important to hide that you don't just bring a fresh windows install and keep your files at home?
This just seems like you're doing it to jerk your security skills as opposed to any utilitarian need.
I'm schizophrenic, I'm sure people out there have legitimate reasons for needing my level of security but I do it because it's the only way I can feel relatively safe
Oh shit, sorry to hear that user. Hopefully you find your peace sometime.
>Doesn't go into DE by auto
>He has no idea how to use a bash terminal
>Fuckin idiot
>Boot into fake secondary OS
>Looks through whole computer, finds a few cat pictures and a facebook profile and some work stuff.
Then tell him to not tread on me.
Sure, lets see the search warrant first.
Oh you dont have one? Go fuck yourself
>pull out my Lenovo Thinkpad T420 dinosaur edition
>bomb squad is called in, they give it the sign clear
>boot up my Thinkpad running GNU+Linux Gentoo
>"what is this? Are you hacking us right now? Why do you have drawings of little girls as wallpaper?"
>get taken away by FBI never to be seen again
and such was the life of the gentooman.
>"That's my dead cousins laptop I don't even have the password."
>I'd like to be present for the search.
The millions of people using that system for work related travel to the US you ignorant cunt.
first they came for the blacks, but I didn't speak out because I'm not black, then they came for the Jews but I didn't speak out because I'm not a Jew, and then they realized our problems had been solved so they stopped coming for people
only niggers, mudslimes, and spics will get asked
I see nothing wrong
Bring no electronics and buy new laptop and phone at destination.
singles of truth
>Happened to the Canadian gay dude.
Wasn't he caught on an earlier occasion, with plans to go to a pozzing event or something like that? Yeah if he then shows up with a fresh device it's suspicious.
Don't see it affecting normies though.
>no thanks I'm an American citizen and I know my rights
you don't know your rights very well..
I wouldn't want gays in my country either
> Cloud storing your sensitive data
good goy
You can be detained up to 72 hours at any port of entry and get all your electronic devices confiscated for an undetermined amount of time if the CBP agent considers that necessary. And trust me: if you don't cooperate they will consider it necessary. Yes, they can't deny an American Citizen entrance, but they can definitively make your life miserable.
Turn 360deg and walk away.
uhhhh stop being jealous of my freedom ok
>Implying Hernandez the Airport Cop has the slightest hint about computer forensics
He's going to search my browser history for porn related strings and that's about fucking it
Sure, it's a nexus 5x, you know how to work with one, right?
What's that? No, I only use the stock UI, none of that beaning I see on the internet.
Yes, I visit blacked.com, sorry.
What? Other OS on there? That's not possible, is it?
Laptop? I have my Win10 laptop right there, feel free! I'll turn it on for you, okay?
>not opening my Linux distro
>not opening my CopperheadOS
Sorry. I don't know what my password is without my database, and I'm not going to give you my master key.
They can simply confiscate your electronics.
And? They aren't going to break the encryption on the database.
I'm guessing his point is that they're going to take your laptop or whatever and you'll be out the money for the replacement cost.
Lol they can and do put us citizens on no fly lists - you can't get back in if they stop you boarding at the foreign airport
They can't hold it forever though. They have to return it when they drop the investigation.
Which could take ages.
That's up to local authorities. The choice of local authorities to prevent boarding of a citizen at US behest is different than getting through local authorities and then reaching a US point of entry. Even on the no fly list people have been detained and questioned and ultimately allowed onward to the US. The distinction becomes clearance to board the flight at the foreign port versus what they have to do once you're at the US Customs hall in whatever location.
>Cloud storing your sensitive data
>when you are reminded every day why Sup Forums is retarded
>Which could take ages
A month at most if it's a "random check" and all they have for "evidence" is a suspicion that some illegal material is hiding on my computer behind an encryption key I'm not willing to divulge. Likely a few days.
No he hands over to their pet geek who makes an image of the entire drive
Then the drive is sent to NSA etc or more likely Israel who copy all of it and then run scanners
Of course if the Israelis find stuff that's low level illegal or just personal issue (secret gay or affair) they now have a hook on you if they want to turn you into an informer blackmail etc
The more important you are the less likely the really dodgy stuff will be prosecuted but more likely it will be surfboard for blackmail - that's why so many politicians and CEOs are paedos they know as long as they don't mess with the zionists they'll never be touched
>hand over dumbphone
>hand over thinkpad that boots into 'clean' windows unless you go into bios
haha foiled again big brother
They might take years and no guarantee it will be in one piece or repairable - heh accidents happen
And they'll put a mark on your electronic id associated with your passport so every time you will now be put under triple s screening (minimum searches and long questions every time to the max they can hold you, manadatory cavity searches if you piss someone off or the agent had a bad day or was low on coffee)
>carrying any incriminating information on you while crossing borders
>while the internet exist and you can access your information from around the world
>Might take years
No it wont. For the same reason they can't hold you in jail for more than a few days if they don't have any concrete evidence.
Don't be delusional, even the pinkskins
>dressing up stalinism in Amerikwa aesthetics some how makes it less stalinist
I'm white as fuck and I've been 'screened' before. All they did was check to make sure my thinkpad and my phone weren't bombs.
On the way back oddly enough, they didn't even look inside my laptop bag, passed it right through without even xraying it. These people don't get paid enough to give a shit and only do the tiniest modicum of effort in regards to doing their job.
>fly with firearms
>do you want to make sure its unloaded?
>no you signed the paper, go about your business
>have 500 rounds of ammo in the suitcase with it
>he doesn't know what stalinism is
>he doesn't know his theory of socialism in one country or marxism-leninism
>he thinks taxation is socialism
taxation is social democracy, there is no socialism with it because there is still private ownership of property, read a book about austrian economics, marxist economics and actual train of thought instead of eating up everything you hear on Sup Forums
I have NEXUS and they searched my car for over an hour upon re-entry to the US. Crossing the land border into the US from Canada, not even once.
i wonder if they would refuse me entry because my facebook hasn't been updated in like 10 years and they think it's not my real one
Fuck off shitskin, don't come here if you don't want to be treated like the terrorist threat you are
>living in a cucked 5-eyes country
>talking about shitholes
Oh the irony..
what laptop and what smartphone shows new nokia 3310 not activated and without simcard